Hello SASC community, wellbeing wanted to provide you with some exciting information update about our new leadership role, Connect Protect Respect Ambassadors. The CPR ambassador project has started being implemented into the school, we have had students nominated and appointed to the leadership position in Term 1 and classes have started being held for our junior and senior CPR representatives this term. The classes are being developed and facilitated by Dotti mental health practitioner and senior school nurse Bron.  The classes provide CPR ambassadors with information on mental health, and the opportunity to undertake teen mental health first aid training with formal qualifications. CPR classes also provide support and guidance on how ambassadors can grow and develop to be role models in our school community that champion mental health support.

CPR ambassadors will wear leadership badges that make them identifiable to their peers as safe leaders they can talk to about getting mental health support. The main goals of the CPR ambassador project is to foster a positive school culture that supports mental health, promotes safer spaces that break down mental health stigma using peer consultation and support. The creation of our CPR Ambassadors will support fulfilling this goal.

Our CPR Ambassadors will be a part of organizing mental health week and RUOK day activities to increase visibility and reduce stigma about mental health in our school community and will provide information to fellow students at assemblies to increase safety. CPR ambassadors will bring feedback on issues they and their peers notice that are challenging or making it difficult to support mental health support and have the opportunity to discuss this with the leadership team to find solutions. We are very excited about the beginning of this important project and will provide further updates as the project develops and grows within our school community. If anyone is interested in more information or you are a student wanting to participate as a CPR ambassador please come and see us in wellbeing.

Ms Dorothy Schillinger – Mental Health Practioner