The Year 12 VCE results were released to students on Monday the 11 December. The Senior Sub School and College community could not be more proud of all our students and the efforts they have put into their studies, not only this year, but across the two years of their VCE/VCE VM. Their exceptional results are a testament to their dedication, hard work and persistence. Congratulations!

We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Year 12 teaching team for their expertise, commitment and support of the Year 12 students in preparing for their end of year exams.  See the Principal’s Report on page one for highlights of our 2023 VCE results.

Our students were also photographed by the media unit, so keep an eye out for them in the newspapers and online!

The careers team are continuing to work with the Year 12 students and providing them with individual support for the next stage of their tertiary, apprenticeship and work pathways.

The Senior Sub School held transition interviews for students moving from the Middle Sub School to the Senior Sub School.  All students in Year 11, 2023 attended the interviews this week. The meetings provided students with an opportunity to meet their Year Level Coordinator, receive important information and dates, confirm their subject selections and ask questions about their VCE/ VCE VM program.  

The Year 12, 2023 Parent Information evening will be held on Wednesday, 21 February starting at 6.00pm. Information about the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) requirements will be provided at this important evening. Permission forms for lunch passes will also be distributed at the event. 

The compulsory study camp at University College for Year 12 VCE and VCE VM, 2023 students will run on Monday 5 February to Tuesday 6 February. Students will participate in English and study skills/work-ready workshops, wellbeing activities, a tour of The University of Melbourne or RMIT and more. The camp will provide students with a strong foundation for the year ahead.

The Year 11, 2024 Parent Information evening will be held on Wednesday, 6 March 2024, starting at 6.30pm. Students will be provided with the Senior School handbook at the evening, which will contain information on our school’s Year 11 to Year 12 Promotion Policy and VCAA requirements.

For a positive start to the 2024 year, we would like to remind our Year 11 and Year 12 students to complete their holiday homework which they would have received during the Orientation Program.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for their continued support of the Senior Sub School, and working in partnership with us to ensure your child feels connected and supported every day to achieve their best. 

We wish all our students and their families a safe, joyous and restful holidays. We look forward to seeing you in the new year. 


Ms Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader