‘Follow your dreams’, that was the message from Vincent Ton ’14 at our Year 12 Motivational Lunch. Vincent walked us through his many and varied post-school careers, including his stint as a real estate agent, his many retail experiences, and a good old-fashioned stretch in fast food, before landing in his dream space as a content creator and e-sports player. More importantly, Vincent told us of his struggle to find his identity during Year 12, as he tried to quietly live up to family and peer expectations. He also spoke of the isolation he experienced in not wanting to pursue the pathway that others assumed for him and in not knowing how to speak up about it.  At the time, he let the anxiety of his situation consume him.

Now with fresh eyes and years of life experience under his belt, he can see the importance of aiming high and living life to your own expectations. Vincent told the Year 12s how important it is to work hard and to strive to reach for your dreams. Another element to his message was to just keep pushing and trying – dare to be different.

I never lose. I either win or learnNelson Mandela





Ms Nicole Gurd – Alumni Coordinator