Year 10 Geography: Port Melbourne and Melbourne CBD Field Trip


Led by Ms Amy Lee and Ms Jill Donaldson, on Monday 1 May the Year 10 Geography class visited Port Melbourne and the Melbourne CBD to investigate the use and management of these regions. Students investigated how and why people use these places and considered how their management could be improved.

At Port Melbourne, students conducted a beach quality assessment. They also completed a field sketch of the study area, and made observations and notes on coastal management strategies used here. They conducted surveys to better understand how people use this region.

In the Melbourne CBD, students explored Southbank. They investigated the different land uses in this area of the city and completed land use activity tallies. They took photos of the area as part of their evidence. They also surveyed passersby to collect information on why people were in Southbank and how this area could be improved.

Plenty of useful data was collected throughout the day and students will now analyse this in class as part of their Field Report assessment task.








Ms Amy Lee – Learning Specialist – Formative Assessment and Feedback / English and Humanities Teacher