Aussie Bird Count

The ‘Aussie Bird Count’ is on again, from 17 to 23 October.  This citizen science event run by Birdlife Australia aims to get people interested in their local environment by counting and recording birds.  As well as fostering knowledge of our avian friends, this event also provides vital information for scientists as they seek to understand and protect local fauna.  Our local Brimbank Park is an excellent place to observe a wide variety of birds, such as the abundant Rainbow Lorikeet to the unusual Tawny Frogmouth and the beautiful Flame Robin.  The bird counts can be submitted through


Public Speaking and Drama Program


Footscray Lacrosse Club – Recruiting




St Albans Football Club – Recruiting

The St Albans Football Club is a proud community football club located in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne and based at Errington Reserve St Albans and Kings Park Reserve, Gillespie Road St Albans. 

In addition to its core football roots, St Albans Football Club presents an open accessible face, welcoming members and guests into its sporting and social programs from the broad spectrum of cultures within its melting pot suburb.

Our “Vision” is to be the sporting club of choice for our community, encouraging all to participate with no barriers to entry and success.








Albion Football Club – Recruiting














Swimland Swim Club