With Term 3 now coming to an end, the Middle Sub School Team would like to congratulate the students on their engagement in their learning and their participation in a number of events over the last ten weeks.

In Week 8, Year 9 students attended the City Experience which was run for the first time since 2019. Students were very well behaved and engaged in a number of activities over the course of the week. The surveys and investigations carried out as part of their Humanities learning activities saw students gathering information from members of the public when in the city, as well as taking photos and videos of key tourist attractions and historical sites.

A committee of Year 10 students has been formed to begin planning for the Year 10 formal which will be held on Friday 2 December at Ultima Convention Centre in Keilor. Fundraising activities will be organised and take place from the start of Term 4. Thank you to all those who volunteered to be a part of the committee and for your ideas and suggestions so far.

On Tuesday 13 September, a lunch was held for all the students who have joined the College since the start of Term 2. Students were given the chance to reflect on their transition to the school, share their experiences and offer suggestions for how Peer Mentors and the Sub School team can continue to help new students as they enrol. Thank you to Mr Dane Stammers, Ms Ana Miskovic and the Year 9 Peer Mentors for organising the lunch, arranging discussion questions and for supporting the new students over the last two terms.

The Middle School team would like to wish all the students and their families a restful break over the two-week holidays. 


Ms Becky Annetts – Middle Sub School Leader