With Term One coming to an end, the Middle School team would like to congratulate all the Year 9 and 10 students on a very good start to the year. It has been so exciting to see students attending a number of excursions and activities over the last few weeks, and participating in a range of extra-curricular activities again.

On Thursday 31st March, a lunch was held for all the students who have joined us this year.  A big thanks to Mr Dane Stammers, Ms Ana Miskovic and the Peer Mentors for their work in organising the lunch and leading discussions to collect feedback on how the students have been supported since arriving.

Year 9

In February, Yr 9s were visited by a representative from the Pat Cronin Foundation who spoke to them about the work of the foundation in raising awareness, providing education to young people, and researching the impact of acts of violence in the community. Students were taught about Pat Cronin who was a victim of a coward punch attack which sadly took his life. Thank you to Mr Brendan McFarland for his work in arranging this, and to the students for their engagement with the key messages shared.

Year 9 Marine Discovery Centre Excursion (Ms Angela Hanley)

Over the past few weeks all of our Year 9 Sciences classes have attended the Marine Discovery Centre in Queenscliff and conducted field work at Point Lonsdale. Students were able to interact with a variety of marine creatures, such as abalone, crabs and sea urchins in the touch tank. One class was lucky enough to witness the birth of a squid! On the beach, each class sampled a range of quadrats to determine the effect of distance from the high tide mark on the abundance and diversity of various species. This data was collated back at school and will be used to write up a practical report.









Year 10

The Peer Mentors have begun working with Mr Adrian McCall to prepare for our first community partnerships event this year, the ‘Community and Business Partners’ Breakfast’. This will take place on Wednesday 4th May and is attended each year by members of the local business community as a way to discuss how the school can build partnerships with local businesses and support students to develop skills required in the work force. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will take place Wednesday 6th April, and is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet with children and discuss learning progress. Appointments can be booked though Compass. Please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator if you are having difficulties with the booking.

The Middle School team wish you all the best for a restful Easter holiday break.


Becky Annetts – Middle Sub School Leader