Year 9 Events

The final Year 9 assembly of the year also took place on Thursday 9th December.  It was great to see so many students recognised for their positive contributions to the school, their academic achievements and efforts, and their attendance and punctuality.  At lunch time there was a BBQ for the students to celebrate the end of the year.

Congratulations to Maybel Verma who was awarded the ‘Student of the Year’ award having achieved 14 A+ grades and 2 A grades in her subjects over the course of the year, and achievement awards in three of her subjects.  A fantastic accomplishment, and very well deserved.

Thank you to all those who performed musical and dance items as well. It was a wonderful way to end the year.

Year 10 Events

Year 10 students have also been very busy over the last few weeks, with the orientation to VCE and VCAL and courses taking place following the end of semester exams.

The VCAL orientation program ran in school from Thursday 25th to Friday 26th November with students being introduced to the Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Related Learning subject areas. The classes were very well attended and students were enthusiastic and engaged throughout. Any students that have not yet registered their USI number for their VET course in 2022, must do this as soon as possible.

From Thursday 25th November, Year 10 students who will study VCE in 2022 took part in a week’s worth of VCE orientation classes. Students were provided with an outline of the curriculum and VCAA assessments as well as introductory learning activities and tasks for independent study over the summer holidays. 

The final day for Year 10 students was filled with celebrations and excitement.  Music performances, speeches and a high number of awards were the focus of the final assembly, and a BBQ lunch was provided afterwards.  Students received awards for their academic achievements and efforts, as well as for their leadership roles, attendance and punctuality.

Congratulations to Meera Mansukhani who was awarded a Kwong Le Dow scholarship from Melbourne University.  This scholarship will support her to continue his studies at Melbourne University when she completes Year 12.  Meera also received the Long Tan Award for Leadership in recognition of her contribution to the school community as a Peer Mentor, member of the Interact club and former member of the school’s debate team. Her leadership and dedication to working with the Middle Sub School team over the last two years was outstanding and we thank her for her compassion and support of her peers.

Tania Santhos received the ADF Young Innovators Award in recognition of her excellence in the STEM subjects. Brendan Vuong was awarded the Roger Martin Science Award in recognition of his achievements in both his Year 10 and accelerated VCE Science subjects. Congratulations to them both.

The Year 10 ‘Student of the Year’ award went to Jennifer To.  Jennifer achieved 10 A+ grades and 2 A grades in her subjects over the course of the year including her accelerated VCE Business Management. Her reports throughout the year were impressive, reflecting her commitment and enthusiasm for her studies.

To the Year 10 students of 2021, we wish you all the best for Year 11 next year. In spite of the challenges brought by additional periods of online learning, you continued to adapt to the changes in how you learnt this year. We will miss working with you all and thank you for two wonderful years working with you in the Middle Sub School. 

On behalf of the Middle School team: Ms Emily Dickinson, Mr Brendan McFarland, Ms Ashwini Mana Mohan, Mr Sean Ryan, Mr Dane Stammers and Ms Lynda Vo, I would like to wish all students and their families a happy, safe and relaxing summer holiday.  For those students leaving St Albans Secondary College at the end of the year, we wish you all the very best for the future.


Merry Christmas!

Becky Annetts

Middle Sub School Leader