It is safe to say that despite another year of challenges our program managed to bloom, and now with the program’s foundations firmly rooted within the school’s curriculum, we are set to flourish in 2022.

There are a few things to catch you up on as it has been a busy couple of months up here in B-block.  Firstly, I’d like to shout out to all the alumni who contributed in various ways throughout the semester: Ana Boado ’09, Cassandra Danskin ’13, Linda Telai, Linda Nguyen ’17, Luan Nguyen ’09, Mariah Magri ’13, Danny Lysaght ’03, Rachel Pinto ’18, Hebah Shone ’01, Jenny Diep ’18, Stella Pulo ’73, Thomas Lam ’18 and Steve Obeid ’14 – this one goes out to you! This inspiring group gave us an informative Allied health talk, an incredible graduation speech, a heart-warming student shout-out, a meaningful World Teacher’s Day shout-out, and insight views on Respectful Relationships.  Without their contributions this program does not exist, so THANK YOU!

For the month of November, Ourschool ran a social media campaign to raise awareness of the incredible work that they do in public schools across Victoria.  SASC was fortunate enough to feature widely throughout the campaign.  Our community was represented by these wonderful humans:  Eangano Singehebhuye ’15, Anita C. Smith ’86, and Sharron Meissner ’73.