Welcome back to Term 4. We are really looking forward to seeing the Year 9 and 10 students back on site in just a few weeks’ time.  It is understandable that students will feel differently about returning to classrooms after spending the majority of this year engaged once more in remote learning, so we encourage you to reach out to your Year Level Coordinator if you are at all worried or uncertain about the remainder of the term.

Term 4 will be busy with all students in Years 9 and 10 preparing to sit semester tests and exams, celebrate their achievements over the course of the year, and begin looking to 2022 in their step up and Year 11 VCE classes.


Year 9 Important Dates

Return to onsite learning 2 days only – Tuesday 26 & Wednesday 27 October and Wednesday 3 November  

All year levels return to onsite learning full time – Monday 1 November

Semester Two Tests – Monday 15 November to Friday 19 November (core classes and LOTE)

Last Day for Year 9 – Friday 10 December


Year 10

Term 4 will pass very quickly for the Year 10 students and their time as students in the Middle Sub School will come to an end.  Teachers are preparing students for their end of semester exams, Year Level Coordinators are ensuring that all students have selected VCE subjects or VET courses for next year, and discussions about how best to safely celebrate the end of the year are underway.


Year 10 Important Dates

Return to onsite learning 2 days only – Thursday 28 October & Friday 29 October, Thursday 4 November

All year levels return to onsite learning full time – Friday 5 November

Semester Two Exams – Wednesday 17 November to Wednesday 24 November

VCE Orientation afternoon – Tuesday 23 November, Thursday 25 November to Thursday 2 December

Year 11 VCAL Orientation – Tuesday 23 November, Thursday 25 November and Friday 26 November

Last Day for Year 10 – Friday 3 December