Due to the lockdowns, we are currently experiencing, the Alumni Sessions had to cancel or postponed. We are hopeful we’ll run these sessions later in the term, and alumni order will be restored.

Our Year 7s and 8s can look forward to a coding demonstration and a talk about women in STEM by the wonderful Jacqui Musiov ’10. Alumni are also in the process of lining up guests to speak with our MYLNS students about the importance of literacy and numeracy skills in the workplace.  We ran one of these sessions in Term 1, which proved popular with the students. 

Members from our alumni community were invited to participate in the Year 10 Speed Careering Day that was to be held on the 17, hopefully this is another popular event that we can run later in the term, which is now fast approaching. The alumni involved expressed how much they had enjoyed the day when they were students, and they were keen to offer our current students a similar experience.

I’d like to share with you a picture that I made for the Alumni Program social pages this week.  It is designed to reflect how the Alumni Program can bring together former and current students, and for all of you to understand the exchange that takes place.  Of course, the ‘You’ isn’t you if you are a student, you are most definitely the student – for the time being!