A GROUP of talented teenagers from St Albans Secondary College stepped into the spotlight for a big theatrical show last week.

Chris as the caterpillar and Czarina as the Cheshire Cat performed in Alice@Wonderland last week.

Students from the school’s Musical Appreciation Club, known as MAC, staged Alice@Wonderland for three nights last week (July 21-23).

The script is a modern take on Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, Alice in Wonderland.

In addition to acting, students from year 7 to 12 helped behind the scenes with lighting, set construction and performing in the band.

Year 11 student Janet played the role of Alice in the production.

The young actor and dancer said she had fun performing in front of an audience.

The 17-year-old originally auditioned for the role of the March Hare but impressed the teachers so much that they cast her in the title role.

A modest Janet said she would like to become a professional performer when she finished studying.

“But I don’t think I’ll be very good compared to other actors,” she said.

Janet said she enjoyed collaborating in a creative capacity with her fellow students.

“I have really wanted to be a professional performer from a very young age and I hope we will be able to work together,” she said.

See stalbanssc.vic.edu.au

Brimbank Leader – Tuesday 28 July. http://leader.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx