In recognition of the distinct stages students pass through in their development, the College is structured into Junior, Middle and Senior Sub Schools.
Junior Sub School (Years 7 & 8)
The Junior School program has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy. This provides students with a solid educational foundation. Students are assessed on their literacy and numeracy so that appropriate learning programs, including additional support and capability extension, can be provided to them. An Accelerated Learning Program is available from Year 7 for high achieving students.
The College offers a range of Academic, Sporting, Leadership, Citizenship and Visual & Performing Arts scholarship opportunities for students entering Year 7.
The broader Junior School curriculum provides an excellent range of interesting and challenging subjects. These include the choice of two languages other than English (LOTE), and a range of technology and arts units. English as an Additional Language (EAL) is available to students whose first language is not English and who have resided in Australia for less than 7 years.
Middle Sub School (Years 9 & 10)
In years 9 and 10 the curriculum choices expand to meet the broadening interests and capabilities of the students. Increased self-reliance is fostered as students become more mature and independent.
The College-wide focus on academic excellence continues through the Middle School as students’ progress is continuously monitored by their individual Year Level Coordinator. High achieving students are offered a range of enrichment electives or advanced study options in Mathematics (for SEAL students), a VCE Humanities subject, Art and Science. This includes the opportunity for Year 10 students to study one Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject.
It is during the middle school years that the College begins to focus on and explore the students’ post-college future. Guided by the Managed Individual Pathways Program (MIPs), students experience careers interest testing, course counselling and subject selection advice tailored to their individual preferences and abilities.
In year 10, the MIPs Program provides students with further guidance and advice on pathway choices. Students participate in speed careering, mock interviews and work experience. This is a critical stage in secondary education and the College focuses on supporting students to choose appropriate pathways through VCE, VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) and into further study or employment.
Senior Sub School (Years 11 & 12)
In the Senior Sub School, we are committed to fostering the development of our students as responsible learners and active citizens. We have a strong focus on academic excellence and empowering students to take a dedicated approach to their studies.
We emphasise personal growth and community engagement to ensure students not only achieve academic success but also develop into well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to society.
We believe that fostering collaborative partnerships and maintaining open communication among staff, students, and their families are crucial for student success.
Our senior students are well supported by a team of experienced Year Level Coordinators who communicate regularly with students, staff, and their families to nurture students’ academic, emotional, and social growth, enabling them to reach their full potential and achieve positive outcomes.
Our curriculum offerings encompass a diverse range of options including the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), VCE VM (Vocational Major) and VPC (Victorian Pathways Certificate). Each program is tailored to recognise the interests, strengths and career goals of each student.