Business & Community Partnerships

At St Albans Secondary College works closely with a number of businesses to provide opportunities for students to develop their social skills, communication skills and leadership skills and to allow students to explore different career pathways.

The Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) is one organisation that works with St Albans Secondary College. This network supports the College by providing to our students programs such as Future Thinkers, GOALS, Focus 1 and 2, and My Career Rules.

Future Thinkers is a three-hour program targeting Year 9 students that aims to build creative and innovative problem-solving skills through design thinking.

GOALS is a four-session program where students learn the importance of setting goals, completing Year 12, and engaging in further study after school. They work on activities that include communication, values, and personal strengths.

Focus 1 and 2 provide young women from high-needs schools with the essential leadership skills they need to engage in a successful, meaningful career.

My Career Rules involves students learning about different careers and industries. This program can be tailored to specific subject areas or post-school career interests.

The Smith Family also provides us with a valuable partnership. They provide programs such as mentoring for VCAL students, Financial Literacy for Year 10 students, and partner with the school to provide volunteers to tutor students at St Albans East Primary School as part of the Learning Club program.

Speed Careering is an event organised by the school. It provides an opportunity for Year 10 students to have discussions with guest presenters from different business organisations and learn about the skills and knowledge required to enter their chosen career path. The event is organised by the Year 10 peer mentors.

The Interact Club works closely with the Rotary Club to support the local and international community, particularly those in need. The students complete volunteer work on important local charity projects and raise funds for worthy international causes.

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