
St Albans Secondary College offers a broad and engaging Year 7-12 curriculum.

Our Year 7-10 program is designed to provide a range of pathways into each students’ selected course or destination with an increasing element of choice as they progress through the year levels. 

Junior Sub School students (Years 7 and 8) experience the full range of subjects including both core subjects and those that become electives as they move into the more senior years.  This enables students to make informed selections when they have the choice of a range of electives in the Middle Sub School (Years 9 and 10) and into the Senior Sub School (Years 11 and 12) where they have a comprehensive range of selections in VCE, VET and VM.  As accomplished young adults, senior students leave St Albans Secondary College with skills, knowledge and capabilities that will establish them for the whole of life.

Details of the core and electives program can be found on the relevant Year Level pages on this website and in the related Year Level course selection handbooks.

More detailed information about our Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Vocational Major (VM) programs can be found on the Senior Sub School Curriculum, VET or VM pages where you will see the full range of subjects and courses on offer.

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