St Albans Secondary College provides a range of supports to students. These include:
Counselling & Individual Support
Referral to external agencies including:
- Mental health services
- Counselling services
- Family service organisations
Health promotion programs such as:
- Sexual health information classes
- Drug and alcohol information classes
- Party Safe Sessions for senior students
Other supports include:
- Doctors in Schools
- Psychology in Schools
- Secondary School Nurse
- State Schools Relief
- Referral to alternative settings
Programs and group activities including:
- Breakfast Club Monday – Friday
- Pride group
- Koorie Group
- African cultural connection groups
- Pasifika Cultural Group
- Celebrated days including ‘R U OK’ Day, IDAHOBIT, International Women’s Day, Wear it Purple, National Day of Action Against Bullying etc
- Mindfullness and Relaxation sessions
Important Contacts
Please find below a list of useful contacts for support during this period of online learning.
If you have an immediate concern about student wellbeing, contact:
- Emergency Services: 000
- Lifeline: 13 11 44
- Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800 or Web Chat
- E –Headspace online counselling
- Reach out: A safe place to chat confidentially
- 1800 RESPECT (National Sexual Assault Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service) 1800 737 732, 7 days, 24 hours
- QLife 1800 184 527, 7 days, 3 pm
- Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14 – Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.
- Parentline Victoria 13 22 89
School Contacts:
- ICT support:
- Junior School inquiries:
- Middle School inquiries:
- Senior School inquiries:
- All other inquiries:
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Stay connected and join the conversation on our social media platforms:
Follow us on Instagram @sasc_student_wellbeing for regular tips and positive content