Senior School Report


Term 4 has started as a very busy term, with our Year 12 students celebrating some significant milestone events.

VCE VM Interviews

On Monday, 14 October, Tuesday 15 October and Wednesday 16 October 2024, the Year 12 VCE VM students had their portfolio interviews where they showcased their portfolios, including work completed in the VCE VM program, work placement and VET. The students spoke about the skills, knowledge and experiences gained through the program and their plans for 2025. The interviews were a wonderful celebration of their personal and academic growth and their contributions to the community.


Last Day of Classes & Year 12 Awards Evening

Year 12 students finished classes on Friday 18 October at 11:50am. Students were dismissed to prepare for their Year 12 Awards Evening, which was held at a new venue; The Atrium, Flemington Racecourse, 448 Epsom Road, Flemington.

Our 2024 Awards Evening was a joyous occasion, with a full house of students, families, friends and teachers, coming together in a celebration of the College’s culture of success and life-long learning. Our Guest Speaker was Salim Hijazeen – a former student who shared his personal and professional experiences and delivered key messages of perseverance, embracing uncertainty and learning from the experiences of those who inspire us. We thank Salim for taking the time to address our school community and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.

The school captains Sally Li and Kevin Nguyen shared memorable moments of their secondary school journey, and best wishes for the class of 2024. The student leadership team, Alana Tran-Hoang and Matt Mangali prepared an engaging presentation of the students’ secondary school journey, which was shared with the audience. International student, Duc Trung Phan, spoke from the heart about the strength, kinship and sense of belonging he found through the St Albans Secondary College community.

We were also treated to a breathtaking piano solo performed by the talented Ryan Nguyen, and uplifting musical performances from our Year 12 VET Music band led by Mr James Orchard.

Many students were recognised for their academic achievements, and/or contribution to the school and wider community.

The major award recipients were:

Kelly Lam – ADF Future Innovators Award – in recognition of Kelly’s passion for science and mathematics, and strong skills in STEM based subjects. Kelly will receive a certificate and a prize of $550 awarded through the ADF.
Sarah Mai – Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award – for her leadership and teamwork, as well as demonstrating strong values of respect and kindness that are integral to Australian society. Sarah will receive a certificate and a prize of $550 awarded through the ADF.
Jessica Thompson – Ampol All Rounder – for her exceptional contributions of leadership, service and community, arts and culture, positive attitude and exemplary personal conduct both in and out of the classroom. Jessica received an award pack with a medallion, a certificate, and a letter from Ampol’s Managing Director and CEO, Matt Halliday.
Johnny Tuimuk – VET Excellence Award – for his commitment, positive work ethic and practical skills in his VET course, Certificate II in Automotive.
Anthony Nguyen – VCE VM Excellence Award – prestigious award for his leadership and contributions to the VCE VM program.
Kelly Lam – VCE Excellence Award – prestigious award for exceptional and consistent results in all her subjects, strong work ethic and dedication to her studies.

The following students received subject awards:

One Award


Student Name Subject Award
April (Neveah) Aualii Purcell Personal Development Skills
Alex Cottell Numeracy
Debbie Dinh General Mathematics
Christine Duong General Mathematics
Sophie Duong Literacy
Lexy Mhaye Huang Health and Human Development
Joyce Huynh Personal Development Skills
Luka Kilpatrick Certificate III in Music
Daniel Koutras  Business Management
Andy Lai Mathematical Methods
My Hang Lam Accounting
Amy Le General Mathematics
Andrew Le Art Making and Exhibiting
Van Le English
Thao Thu (Tina) Le Food Studies
Uy Duc (Brian) Le English as an Additional Language
Minh Tien Le Vietnamese (1st Language)
Marko Majstorovic Work Related Skills
Tina Nguyen Visual Communication Design
Minh Hoang (Anthony) Nguyen Personal Development Skills
Ryan Nguyen Psychology
Kathy Nguyen Health and Human Development
Trong Phu Anh (Anh) Nguyen Biology
Jason Nguyen Numeracy
Jessica Thompson Business Management
Jimmy Tran General Mathematics
Jackson Tran Physical Education
Nicky Tran Literacy
Jackie Tran Certificate III in Fashion Design and Technology
Cindy Vu English
Shize (Jertry) Zhang Biology
Jialiang (ethan) Zhao Biology


Two Awards

Student Name Subject Award
Kelly Lam Chemistry

Mathematical Methods

Sarah Mai English 

Legal Studies

Thu Anh (Anh Thu) Nguyen English

Japanese Second Language

Kathy Nguyen Pham Literacy

Work Related Skills

Wilfrid Oo English

History (Revolutions)

Alexander Shemmeld Accounting

General Mathematics

Alana Tran-Hoang English


Maybel Verma English


Joshua (Josh) White Numeracy

Work Related Skills


Three Awards

Student Name Subject Award
Khanh Pham Chemistry

English as an Additional Language

General Mathematics

Elizabeth Tran General Mathematics

Legal Studies



Five Subjects

Student Name Subjects
Deniz Daymen Chemistry



Mathematical Methods

Specialist Mathematics


Congratulations to all our award winners! Thank you to all staff who assisted at the evening and for everyone who made our Awards Evening a success.

Whole School Assembly & Year 12 Celebration Day

Students dressed in fancy attire for their Celebration Day event on Monday 21 October 2024. Students paraded into the whole school assembly to the track “Work Hard, Play Hard”, and listened to speeches and many well wishes from the school community. After the assembly the students continued their celebrations in the Performing Arts Centre and on The Green and took photos in the photo booth. An enjoyable time was had by all!

Thank you

The Senior Sub School would also like to thank the School Captains for all their work and leadership during the year. They were exceptional in their role, and it has been a pleasure working with them. They have left big shoes to fill!

The Senior Sub School would like to thank the Year 12 students for their excellent behaviour during the end-of-year celebrations and wishes the class of 2024 all the best with their upcoming exams and all their future endeavours. 

WPC Group VCE VM Scholarships

Our partners WPC Group has over 30 years of experience collaborating with industry partners, schools, and Government Departments to facilitate their mentored apprentice and trainee programs. Together, they’ve successfully placed and mentored over 11,500 apprentices and trainees, achieving remarkable outcomes.

WPC Group was pleased to offer the following Yr 11 & 12 VCE VM students Scholarships for 2024

  • Minh Thu (Kathy)Nguyen Pham Yr12  – Certificate 111 Allied Health Assistance Partial Completion $400
  • Marko Majstorovic Yr12  – Certificate 111 Automotive Vocational Preparation $400
  • Vuk Vujatovic Yr11  – Certificate 111Automotive Vocational Preparation Year 1 $200

Thank you to WPC Group , Tania Bararia and Daniela Durik for their generosity.

Year 12 Formal

Students will have one last opportunity to celebrate the year with their cohort at the Year 12 Formal on 15 November 2024. The students will be treated to an evening of dancing and dinner at Luxor Reception Centre. It is a strictly non-alcohol and drug-free event. If students have not purchased their tickets yet, we encourage them to do so as soon as possible. We look forward to celebrating with the students and staff and to say our final goodbyes to the class of 2024.

Last Day of Year 11 classes & Exams

Year 11 exams will commence on Monday 4 November and conclude on Tuesday 12 November 2024. We wish the Year 11 students all the best with their exams.

Year 12 VCE Orientation will start on Wednesday 13 November and will run through to the Wednesday 27 November 2024. Last day for Year 11 VCE students is Wednesday 27 of November 2024.

Year 11 VCE VM Work Placement and Orientation Program

In Work Related Skills, Year 11 VCE VM students are currently completing mock interviews and practicing their communication skills in an interview setting.

Their work placement starts Wednesday 6 November to 15 November 2024, where students will be involved in an intense work experience program and taste of their future industry.

Year 12 VCE VM will have their orientation program on Monday 18, Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 of November 2024. Last day of the year for Year 11 VCE VM is Wednesday 20 November 2024.

Final Year 11 Assembly

The Year 11 students will have their final assembly, period 6 on Wednesday 20 November 2024.


We continue to wish all our senior students all the best with all the upcoming events!


Ms Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader

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