Middle School Report

As we descend into winter our middle school students have been involved in plenty of exciting events here at school. In this edition of the newsletter, we will highlight some of these, including the Year 10 Proactive Programs, the School Athletics Carnival, the Year 9 Morrisby Counselling Sessions and the all-important End of Semester Exams. For the Year 10’s we also look ahead to the Work Experience Program.

In Week 9 of this eleven week term the Year 10’s were involved in the Proactive Programs Week. The students self-selected sessions of interest with the goal to make the week about their own personal self improvement. There were a wide variety of sessions that included Self Defence, CV/Resume Writing, Sport, Meditation/Yoga, Games/Puzzles, Poetry/Song Writing and Cartooning/Drawing. Included in the week was also a guest speaker, Eangano SINGEHEBHUYE who was a graduate from SASC back in 2015. The students were fantastic during these three days and hopefully took a lot from the experience.

In May the school Athletics Carnival was held for Year 7 – 10 students. The participation from the middle school students far outweighed what we expected with our students amassing a huge 3562 house points. They should be congratulated on their participation and have really set a standard for the younger year levels coming through.

The end of semester now also marks the successful completion of the official exam period. This can be very stressful, but the students should be proud of how they performed and should look to how they can do even better in the Semester 2 exams. For the Year 9’s it was their first official set of exams so they should be kind to themselves if they do not receive the marks they were aspiring for. They will have further opportunity in Semester 2 and then again as they progress through Year 10. We thank the parents and guardians for their tireless efforts at home to help ready their children for these exams.

Finally, in the first few weeks of Term 2 our Year 9 students were interviewed as a part of the Morrisby Career Program. Each student has now completed the program and has been provided a list of careers that would best suit them and their interests. With the support of our Careers Team, we will continue to work with the students on their long-term career goals as they change and refine over time.

We are thrilled to see the continued success of our students and the positive impact they are having on the broader school community. We are grateful for the ongoing support of our parents and guardians, and we look forward to future opportunities working together to support our students. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us in the middle sub-school.


Mr Owen McIntyre – Middle Sub School Leader

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