Congratulations on a successful term from the Junior Sub School team! With many events in the calendar this term, it was great to see students ready and engaged with all of the programs that were on offer!
While the Grade 6 students had their first visit to St Albans Secondary College, our Year 7 students were off to the Melbourne Zoo for their Science excursion. It was a great day observing the best that nature had to offer and learning all about the conservation status of animals and their adaptations to survive in different environments. The Year 8 students spent their excursion at IMAX and the Melbourne Museum on April 30. They were able to consolidate their learning in Humanities about landforms and landscapes, by viewing the museum galleries like ‘Dynamic Earth’ and ‘A Beautiful Planet’. It was fantastic to see the students out in the broader community and representing the school.
The Year 8 cohort were able to participate in the Proactive Program Day on May 7. This was an event where external presenters were brought into the school with the aim to enhance the wellbeing of our students and help them to realise their full potential. This event ran all day, and we hope that the students got a lot out of the activities and stories shared with their peers. We would also like to thank Man Cave and 1000 Generations for hosting and working closely with our Year 8s on the day.
On May 10, the students in Year 7 and 8 ventured out to Keilor Park Athletics track to participate in a range of events at the SASC Athletics Carnival. Among the track and field events, students were able to participate in novelty House events to try and maximise the amount of points for their House. The students were extremely engaged in the events on the day, and we can’t wait to see them represent the school at the next round of Athletics!
Our Strathbogie Camps are now in full swing, and the Year 7 students are having a blast exploring all that the Strathbogie Shire has to offer. We still have a number of Year 7 camps left before our Year 8s get to experience it, so keep an eye out on Compass for the consent forms and upcoming dates for each home group.
As we come into the colder Winter weather, the Year Level Coordinators will be remaining vigilant on school uniform, so please ensure you look over the Uniform Policy if you are unsure. Overall, the students look amazing in their school uniform! When there is a problem with an item of uniform, or if you have any concerns about obtaining the winter uniform, please contact the Junior Sub School or send a note with your child so we can assist you as soon as possible.
On a final note, the team would like to remind all parents and students about having a lock on your school locker. It is important that your belongings are kept safe, including your school equipment and phone, and in order to do that they need to be locked away.
We look forward to starting Term 3 with the same enthusiasm and determination as this term, and please be sure to check Compass for your child’s Semester Report at the end of the Term.
Ms Taylor Decker – Junior Sub School Coordinator