The academic program at St Albans Secondary College leads to the two year Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), which students undertake in Years 11 and 12.

Assessments of a student’s performance in their VCE subjects is used by universities for selection into their courses. St Albans Secondary College students have a proud history of outstanding achievements in VCE; almost all of our Year 12 students are offered tertiary places.

For international students, St Albans Secondary College offers a smooth passage through each stage of education. Graduating students can choose from one of Victoria’s award winning universities or further their studies with vocational education. There is sure to be a pathway for all graduating students.

Easy access to expert advice

Students can speak with the specialist careers practitioners in the college for practical and strategic guidance about their career and curriculum choices. Our curriculum will encourage and support you to work towards a future that provides a pathway to a career area you’re passionate about.

Curriculum & School Programs

The college boasts a robust curriculum that includes, in the senior years, the VCE programs.

Students can complete vocational education and training (VET) courses as part of their VCE and VCE VM program.

They can choose from more than 4 VET subjects, including Information Technology, Hospitality, Applied Fashion Design, Music Performance. These courses are taken through Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Institutes and Registered Training Organisations (RTO). These subjects can contribute to obtaining an industry recognised qualification, or as course credits for further education and training once students have completed your VCE.

Delivery of VET subjects may be through a third party provider, subject to approval by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (

Student Course Handbooks for Years 9 – 12, can be downloaded below and are also available under the Careers Pathways & VET section of this website.

St Albans Secondary College is accredited under the Department of Education’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For more information, see: