We have reached our conclusion to the 2024 school year and there is much to celebrate. It’s been a year of successes for both our Year 9 and 10 students and it was on full display at our end of year assemblies. A huge number of students were rewarded with subject awards and recognition for their hard work outside the classroom. We also had an incredibly successful Year 10 formal with over 200 students in attendance. To my knowledge, one of the largest in history.
Year 9
The final Year 9 assembly of the year took place on Friday the 13 December. There were awards given for academic achievement, progress and consistent effort. In addition to these, students successes in the Australian Maths Competition and Big Science Competition was also acknowledged. We look forward to all these students continuing their hard work into Year 10.
The last of the Year 9 excursions to the Marine Discovery Centre were run late this term. This is always an enjoyable day for the students and this year was again no exception.
The annual highlight however was the Year 9 City Experience. Even this late in the year students still have fond memories of the week and from a sub school point of view the students conducted themselves to the high standard that we have come to expect.
At the end of Year 9 assembly we recognised Ezekiel ONG as our Year 9 student of the year. Eze has not only performed well academically, but has also been a tremendous support for others in the cohort and lead by example.
Year 10
Our Year 10 students have recently undertaken orientation to VCE and VCE VM following the end of semester exams. They have also been busy attending interviews with their respective senior school coordinators. The feedback from the senior school team has been positive and they are looking forward to working with our graduating Year 10’s next year.
Off the back of the successful end of year assembly we held one of the biggest Year 10 formals in recent history. With over 200 students in attendance the night was a huge success. We thank the efforts of both Ms Lynda Vo and Ms Antoinette Napoli for the organisation of this event. Without their efforts the event would simply not run. A big thank you to the formal committee who were also critical in the preparations of the event. A fantastic night and one they will hopefully remember for years to come.
The Year 10 Student of the Year award was presented to Amy GAO for her extraordinary academic achievements this year. She was new to our school at the beginning of this year so to still achieve so well in an unfamiliar environment is a real credit to her.
Recently one of our Year 9 students Brandon CVETANOSKI competed at the National Athletics meet held in Brisbane. He competed in the triple jump and won a gold medal at the meet. This means he is the current Australian Under 16 National Champion. He jumped a personal best of 13.87m and as a school community we are incredibly proud of his effort and look forward to following Brandon’s progress in the coming years.
The Sub School team thanks Mr Sean Ryan and Ms Stav Bekiaris for their time in the Middle Sub School. Their guidance this year has provided significant support to the team and we wish them the very best for the future.
To our Year 10 students of 2024, we wish you the very best on your journey through secondary school and look forward to seeing all you will achieve in the future.
On behalf of the Middle School team: Mr Andrei Alexandrescu, Ms Antoinette Napoli, Ms Lynda Vo, Ms Phuong Le, Mr Robert Winduss, Mr Sean Ryan, Ms Stav Bekiaris and I, we would like to wish all students and their families a happy, safe and relaxing summer holiday. For those students leaving St Albans Secondary College at the end of the year, we wish you all the very best for the future.
Mr Owen McIntyre – Middle Sub School Leader