Junior School Report


This term the Junior School students were treated to an incursion from Brainstorm Productions.  They performed a two person show called Sticks and Stones.  This production explored themes of bullying, harassment and aggression.  The energetic team examined the influence of peers, family, social media and gaming to provide an engaging and thought provoking show.  Further, the show provided modelling of a range of strategies to deal with some of these problems, such as emotional regulation, assertiveness, resilience and seeking help.


The show worked in tandem with a recent presentation from Digital Thumbprint, that dealt with safe online behaviour. 

The issues raised by both Brainstorm Productions and Digital Thumbprint are a daily reality for some of our students.  We acknowledge that this can be a difficult period in the lives of young people and are committed to providing assistance and helping with strategies.  We request the assistance of parents, guardians and carers in dealing with these issues as well.  We acknowledge that governments may also have a role to play and follow recent discussions regarding banning young people from social media with interest.

On another note the Year 8 students have been attending the Strathbogie Camp through Term 3.  This will continue into Term 4.  Please ensure that consent forms, payment and medical forms are completed and returned either via Compass or in hard copy in a timely manner to assist with camp planning.  The camps are a vital part of the curriculum.



Mr Craig Moore – Junior Sub School Leader

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