St Albans Secondary College provides a range of supports to students. These include:
Counselling and individual support
Referral to external agencies including:
- Mental health services;
- Counselling services; and
- Family service organisations.
Health promotion programs such as:
- Sexual health information classes;
- Drug and alcohol information classes;
- Puberty information classes;
- Party Safe Sessions for VCAL students;
- Body Image guest speakers; and
- Anti-Smoking guest speakers.
Programs and group activities including:
- Breakfast Club every Friday;
- GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Group;
- Pridentity in Action, including class sessions for year 9;
- Headsmart Sessions for year 10;
- African Girls Group;
- ‘R U OK’ Day activities;
- IDAHO Day activities;
- ‘Wear it Purple’ Day activities; and
- Relaxation sessions.
Other supports include:
- Text book borrowing system;
- Support to apply for funding for text books and uniforms; and
- Referral to alternative settings
Please find below a list of useful contacts for support during this period of online learning.
If you have an immediate concern about student wellbeing, contact:
School Contacts
Follow us on Instagram @sasc_student_wellbeing for regular tips and positive content