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Alba Newsletter – October 2021

1st January 1970

Our latest Alba Newsletter is here!

Each newsletter contains information about upcoming events, celebration of student success and what has been going on at the college.


Upcoming Events

Year 11 into Year 12 – Course Counselling Day
Aug 5 – Aug 6 all-day
Year 10 into Year 11 Course Counselling Day
Aug 7 – Aug 8 all-day
Year 9 Science Week – Drama Performance – WipeOut
Aug 9 @ 3:30 am – 5:00 am

WIPEOUT! Takes students on an hilarious, interactive journey full of scientific facts, emphasizing the importance of access to clean energy technology and new forms of electricity while exploring the diverse range of Australian ecosystems under threat.

National Science Week Theme – “A Century of Australian Science”
Aug 11 @ 11:00 pm – Aug 16 @ 5:00 am

2013 National Science Week Schools Theme – A Century of Australian Science.

Year 9 Course Counselling Day
Aug 13 – Aug 14 all-day

From the Principal Class Team

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Dear Parents and Guardians

With the news that all students will be returning to onsite learning from Friday 22 October after almost 70 days of learning online, we hope that this is our very last lockdown newsletter! It is really exciting to be looking forward to welcoming back our Years 7 to 11 students, and all of our teaching and Education Support staff.

As we make the transition from home to school, it is understandable that students, parents and teachers will be experiencing a range of feelings and emotions, from jubilation to anticipation to concern and nervousness. This is completely normal, and to be expected after so long away from friends, crowds, noise and a very different routine. Even being so far from the fridge and pantry is a challenge to overcome.  The good news on this front is that the canteen will re-open!

Over the next few weeks, Sub Schools, Wellbeing, Individual Needs and teachers will have a particular focus on activities and conversations that will support your child to reconnect with school, their classes, and their peers. Please see the article below which outlines our strategy for this in more detail. As always, if you have concerns about your child during this time, please be sure to contact their Coordinator.

Welcome …


A special welcome to new member of staff, Rahme Hasan, who has joined the Wellbeing Team as a social worker this term and will work with the Middle Sub School students. It is a pleasure to welcome Rahme to the school, and we wish her all the very best for her time at St Albans Secondary College.



Mental Health Practitioner

The school is pleased to announce we have appointed a Mental Health Practitioner commencing full time this term. Funded by the Department of Education the Mental Health Practitioner provides an additional resource to the school’s existing Wellbeing Team and includes:

  • contributing to whole-school approaches to mental health prevention and promotion
  • provision of direct counselling support to students and other early intervention services
  • coordination of supports for students with more complex needs

Congratulations to Natasha Sougias from our Wellbeing Team who was successful in being appointed to this role.


Reconnect – Supporting our students.

Supporting students return to onsite learning and reconnect effectively with their peers and teachers will be a focus of our work this term and will continue through the coming weeks.  The College has developed a detailed plan to support students and staff which includes a range of strategies. These include:

  • Creating a calm, welcoming and safe classroom environment. Growing student voice and agency by discussing with students the classroom protocols (including COVID safety) that are needed to make sure everyone feels safe, supported and can learn/teach.
  • Fostering strong relationships with classes and re-establishing routines.
  • Taking it slow and spending time in the first weeks checking in one on one with each student.
  • Focusing on teaching the ‘whole child’ with an emphasis on academic, wellbeing and social outcomes.
  • Supporting student learning by working with students to develop a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic (rewarding and resourced) and Time-bound) learning goals relating to their work.
  • Reminding students that mixed feelings are normal and reassuring them of their value and available supports.
  • Supporting students with reintegration anxiety by creating a classroom environment that privileges wellbeing where we all feel Connected Protected and Respected.
  • Developing a range of wellbeing and teamwork activities for students to help them feel connected and supported at school.
  • Proactively checking in with students who need targeted support to ensure their wellbeing is supported.
  • Providing additional student activities in Term 4 to build student resilience and help our students flourish.


Year 12 Class of 2022 Graduation

Our annual year 12 Graduation Ceremony was held online last Friday afternoon. It was wonderful to be able to share this occasion with the school community via live streaming.

Each student was presented with their graduation certificate and parting gift. There were also subject awards for each class. See the Senior Sub School page for a list of all the subject award winners.

We were also treated to musical numbers by the Year 12 VET Music students.

There were 4 major awards presented. The awards and the winners were:








  1. ADF Future Innovators award – Cindy LE

ADF Future Innovators Award is presented to a student who has been recognised for their innovative talents and nominated by their Year 12 Maths and Science teachers.

Cindy demonstrated a high level of motivation in the learning area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

As a year 12 student, she completed Specialist Mathematics and Mathematical Methods where she consistently displays an exemplary level of commitment and enthusiasm towards their studies.

As a Year 11 student she completed Further Mathematics and Biology as accelerated subjects and achieved an excellent study score in Biology and a perfect study score Further Mathematics


  1. Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award – Jamal BABA

This award is presented to a Year 12 student who is involved in the community, demonstrates outstanding leadership, teamwork and communication skills.

In 2021, the school is proud to present this award to Jamal who:

  • treats everyone with respect and consideration
  • is a role model to peers, teachers and the school community
  • is good humoured, mature, polite, supportive and courteous
  • always displays a positive attitude, and shows persistence when confronted with setbacks or challenges
  • is a highly driven and motivated learner
  • has been acknowledged for their talent and motivation and has been supported financially on their educational journey through a Western Chances scholarship.
  • has volunteered at our school’s Breakfast Club. Helped prepare and serve breakfast to students.
  • on realising that the Breakfast Club needed some financial support, implemented a café in our Trade Training Hospitality Centre, selling hot drinks to teachers at recess and lunch times, in order to raise funds for the Breakfast club.
  • in Year 11 was elected as a member of the SRC and in Year 12, was elected as one of the School Captains where he has advocated for the whole school student body.


  1. VCAL Excellence Award – Jasmine Mondia

Jasmine has been a strong ambassador of school’s VCAL program.

During her VCAL course she has grown in confidence and maturity, taking on tasks and responsibilities with enthusiasm and commitment. She is eager to learn and work hard to build on her industry knowledge and skills, with the ambition of one day working in the area of health care. She is professional at all times, consistently motivated and strives for high standards. She is always willing to assist others and works to achieve their full potential. She has planned and organised school-based activities for Valentine’s Day, Coffee Club and the Breakfast Club, and consistently advocated for all VCAL students

She has been a House captain and Class captain in junior years and in Year 11 was elected as member of the SRC. In Year 12 she was elected as one of the School Captains where she also has advocated for the whole school student body.


Academic Excellence Award (DUX) – Cindy LE

This is awarded to the Year 12 student who has achieved outstanding academic results throughout their VCE and time at St Albans SC.

Cindy is remarkably hard working and incredibly articulate. She has shown a continual commitment to their studies and extended her already excellent understanding of key knowledge in the subjects she studied this year. Her ability to communicate complex ideas has set her apart from their peers.

Cindy has been very generous with her time and has consistently worked with other students, encouraging them to maximise their potential.

She has also been acknowledged for her talent and motivation through a Western Chances scholarship.

Cindy received a 2020 Premier’s VCE Award. This is a significant recognition for a students’ outstanding performance in a VCE subject. She was one of the top group of students in Victoria to receive a Study Score of 50 for Further Mathematics.

Congratulations to all of the graduating class of 2021, and we wish those of them doing exams the best of luck. To the entire class we hope the future is bright, and that the pathways you enter bring you success and satisfaction. Remember that we are always here to assist you.

A special thanks to the Senior Sub School, led by Ms Stav Bekiaris and Ms Anna Woods, for their organisation of this successful afternoon.


Pop-up Vaccination Hub

Last weekend, our school partnered with the Department of Health to host a pop-up vaccination hub from Friday evening through to Sunday evening. It was a privilege to be able to offer the venue for this service, and to see so many people here over the three days. Thanks to the great team at Health, to our staff who supported this, and to our community who did their bit for vaccine numbers!


Semester Tests and Exam Dates

Given the staggered return to school by the different year levels, we have made some changes to semester test and exam dates.

Year 9 – Semester Tests for core subjects will be help in the week commencing Monday 15 November.

Year 10 – Semester 2 exams will commence on Wednesday 17 November.

Year 11 – Unit 2 exams will commence on Friday 5 November.


Please contact your child’s Year Level coordinator if you have any questions.


And finally …..

We have officially farewelled our Year 12 Class of 2021 with the end of their formal classes this week.  Our very best wishes to each of them with their future pathways. To those who will sit their exams over the next few weeks, we wish you every success. You have certainly earned it over the last two years. The tenacity and resilience you have developed will stand you in good stead for many years.

Junior School Report

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A huge Welcome back to our students in Junior School for Term 4. It is absolutely fabulous to have you back in the classroom again this Term. We are looking forward to this in October and November.

The start of Term 4 for our Junior School students will be a renewed experience in the classroom and having to wear masks. We hope that the students are ready to take on new challenges. 

Students will be supported upon their return. Our students will participate in Reconnect Programs in classes and complete a reflection on what the Remote Learning experience was like and the impact Covid-19 and the Lockdown had on them. This reflection will go in their time capsule and be opened once they reach Year 12.

Students also will participate in getting to know each other activities being organised by the Well Being Team. Here they will learn how to support each other and reconnect.

Teachers and coordinators are working to support students every day in their return to onsite learning and we are all working together as one to support each other.

Some classes will attend camp at Strathbogie and that will be a lovely way to reconnect with classmates.

Remember to always communicate with your teachers if you are having and issues or difficulties with class work. Please contact your coordinator if you have any concerns with Well Being or your learning.

Many students enjoyed the lessons being delivered online and participation was terrific. The feedback from students on how they managed their learning was nice to hear.

 A Reflection by Sarah 8H

“During this sixth lockdown, has anybody thought like, “when will this crazy of a nightmare called lockdown end?” or felt like we have put so much effort into everything we do, where we’re at the point where we need a break? Well, I would say most people would say that me being close to number 1.

But anyway, what I did to make lockdown better though was to keep motivated and positive and by motivated and positive I mean trying a whole lot of things. Like attempting to learn a new language, attempting to cook (Which didn’t turn out well), and even attempting to learn Korean Pop Dances.

But now that we’re, hopefully, almost out of lockdown, I’m definitely grateful for and looking forward to going back to school. I’m glad to be able to go back and learn without having to worry about missing something important while being able to interact with friends and teachers without losing connection. And especially happy that I’m finally able to stop using a screen as much as I do in lockdown.

Hopefully, this will be one of, or the last time we have to go into lockdown for such a long period. “

We really look forward to seeing all of our students back in the classroom and wish our students success back in the face- to- face learning environment. It will be a positive and nice way to complete the year.

Middle School Report

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Welcome back to Term 4. We are really looking forward to seeing the Year 9 and 10 students back on site in just a few weeks’ time.  It is understandable that students will feel differently about returning to classrooms after spending the majority of this year engaged once more in remote learning, so we encourage you to reach out to your Year Level Coordinator if you are at all worried or uncertain about the remainder of the term.

Term 4 will be busy with all students in Years 9 and 10 preparing to sit semester tests and exams, celebrate their achievements over the course of the year, and begin looking to 2022 in their step up and Year 11 VCE classes.


Year 9 Important Dates

Return to onsite learning 2 days only – Tuesday 26 & Wednesday 27 October and Wednesday 3 November  

All year levels return to onsite learning full time – Monday 1 November

Semester Two Tests – Monday 15 November to Friday 19 November (core classes and LOTE)

Last Day for Year 9 – Friday 10 December


Year 10

Term 4 will pass very quickly for the Year 10 students and their time as students in the Middle Sub School will come to an end.  Teachers are preparing students for their end of semester exams, Year Level Coordinators are ensuring that all students have selected VCE subjects or VET courses for next year, and discussions about how best to safely celebrate the end of the year are underway.


Year 10 Important Dates

Return to onsite learning 2 days only – Thursday 28 October & Friday 29 October, Thursday 4 November

All year levels return to onsite learning full time – Friday 5 November

Semester Two Exams – Wednesday 17 November to Wednesday 24 November

VCE Orientation afternoon – Tuesday 23 November, Thursday 25 November to Thursday 2 December

Year 11 VCAL Orientation – Tuesday 23 November, Thursday 25 November and Friday 26 November

Last Day for Year 10 – Friday 3 December

Senior School Report

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At this time in the school year, we are leading up to final examinations for our Year 11 and Year 12 students. We have our Year 12 students back at school and we are working with our Year 11 students remotely.

Year 12 External exams will commence on Wednesday 27 October with English and EAL and be completed by Wednesday 17 November. Some Language exams and VET Music exams have already been done as has the GAT.

Year 12 VCE students sat through a series of online revision lectures during the holidays. Some of these were run by EQUAL Ed and some by Year 12 teachers.  Practice exams were pushed back and were done in classes when students returned to onsite learning after the GAT in Term 4.

Students got a ‘taste’ of where they are at with their studying and what sort of preparation is ahead of them leading up to their final exams.

On Monday 11 October and Wednesday 13 October, the Year 12 VCAL students had their interviews where they show cased their folios for the time they were in the VCAL program. They discussed with the panel members the skills, knowledge and experience they gained in the program, especially working during the pandemic, and what they plan to do in 2022.

This year we again hosted our Annual Year 12 Awards Evening in a completely different way. It was the ‘Graduation/Awards Afternoon’.

The event took place in the school’s Performing Arts Centre (PAC).  Students were in classrooms and then made their way to the PAC received their graduation certificates and subject awards wearing their graduation gowns. They then made their way back into their allocated classroom.

The event was live streamed for students, family members and friends to see.

The guest speaker for the afternoon was Steve OBEID.

Steve completed his VCAL certificate at St Albans SC and he shared his career journey with our school community during the afternoon.

We also had Year 12 students in the VET Music class perform for their peers.

It was a prestigious and inspiring event which showed just how talented so many of our students are and how hard they had worked during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a graduation of a different kind, but our students did us proud.  Congratulations to all.

Below is the list of all students who received an award.

MAJOR AWARD winners  
Cindy LE DUX – VCE Excellence Award  
Jasmine Mondia VCAL Excellence Award 
Jamal BABA Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award   
Cindy LE ADF Future Innovator Award   


One Subject Award winners  
Jenna LE Biology
Jimmy CHAU Biology
Jason LY Business Management
Allen LU Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology
Anh NGUYEN English as an Additional Language
Syed ABIDI Further Mathematics
Anna DUONG Further Mathematics
Imbree KENT MAESTRE Further Mathematics
Nina LE Further Mathematics
Jessica PHAM Further Mathematics
Le Khanh PHAN Geography
Iris WEN Health and Human Development
Lily TRAN Japanese (2nd language)
Codey BRIEN Literacy
Jasmine MONDIA Literacy
Lisa DIEP Literacy
Holland PHUNG Numeracy
Jordan PISCOPO Numeracy
Tina SALIMA Numeracy
Cam Tu (Tina) NGUYEN Personal Development Skills
Fuamai (Mai) SAOLEITITI Personal Development Skills
Maria VILLAREAL Personal Development Skills
Rhiannon STILLEY Physical Education
Vi LE Psychology
Christine VONG Visual Communication Design
Dawn JEANES Work Related Skills
Sione AHO Work Related Skills
Thanawat NGUYEN Work Related Skills


Two Subject Award winners  
Maddy CHAPMAN Food Studies
Jenny CHEN English
  Legal Studies
Sam LA Legal Studies
Vi PHAM Certificate III in Applied Fashion Design and Technology
  Vietnamese (1st Language)
Nemanja POPOVIC Biology
  Further Mathematics
Jack SCHOEN Certificate III in Music
Jessica TAING Chemistry
Stephanie TRAN Chemistry
Jennifer WHITFIELD English
  History (Revolutions)
Three Subject Award winners  
Christina LE Chemistry
  Health & Human Development
  Mathematical Methods(CAS)
Ngoc TRUONG Business Management
  Studio Arts
Four Subject Award winners  
Jamal BABA English
  Mathematical Methods(CAS)
Cindy LE Mathematical Methods(CAS)
  Specialist Mathematics

The Year 11 VCE exams will now commence on Friday 5 November and be completed by Monday 16 November. The Year 11 VCAL classes be running up to and including Friday 12 November.

The Orientation Program for Year 11 into Year 12 VCE for 2022 will commence on Tuesday 16 November and finish on Friday 3 December. It is compulsory for students to attend classes these two during this time.  They will have their first assessment task as Year 12 VCE students.

The Year 11 into 12 VCAL Orientation is from Monday 16 November until Wednesday 18 November, again attendance is compulsory as students will start work towards a Senior VCAL.

Many thanks to the parents who contact us when their child is absent for any reason. This is of great assistance to the Year Level Coordinators, as we will call home regularly if there are any unexplained absences for your child.

 The Case Management process continues to monitor closely the attendance, achievement and individual needs of all our students. Please contact us on 9366 2555 if you have any queries or concerns about the progress of your child.


Wellbeing – Meet Our Team

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Ride 2 Work Day

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We are soon back at work and school, so it is time to get back into active transport. Did you know that the standard human powered bicycle is about the most energy efficient mode of transport? Only an electric bicycle has any claim to being more efficient. So whilst you shed some unwanted Covid kilos by riding your bike, enjoy the knowledge that you are travelling on a cutting edge piece of technology. But more than anything, riding your bike is just FUN.


Student Kyaraben Competition

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During the most recent holidays, the Japanese teachers organised a kyaraben competition for students studying Japanese. Kyaraben is a portmanteau that combines the words ‘character’ and ‘bento’ (packed lunch). It is a style of bento box where foods are made to look like animals, anime characters, and other cute objects. It was originally created to entice children to eat a broad variety of foods and to develop healthy eating habits, but it has now become its own art form. Students were invited to be creative by using what was already available to them at home when creating their own kyaraben.

We had several incredible entries across all year levels and would like to announce Kayslin Lui Lam of 10C as the winner. Kayslin’s bento included a variety of different foods, bright colours and many kawaii characters. Omedetou gozaimasu, Kayslin!

Arigatou gozaimashita to everyone who participated and we hope you enjoyed creating and eating your delicious looking bento.










Winner – Kayslin Lui Lam 10C

Year 9 Advance – Ducks

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The Year 9 Advance class participated in the Young Environmental Leaders Program, an 8 – week program run by Brimbank City Council. The program explored a variety of themes such as our environmental impact and working together on what we care about. During the program, we became aware of issues that occur when feeding birds bread at our local waterways.

Well-intentioned people feed bread to ducks/birds, thinking they are helping them eat but in reality it causes them harm. Bread is a food that “fills up” a bird however it does not provide the proper nutrients. Not only are birds being harmed, this can cause an inconvenience to the community, as left over bread can attract mice/rats which increases their population in the area. In water, an increase in duck faeces and uneaten bread can also create a build up of algal-blooms (a plant that grows in water). Just a few of these blooms can kill fish, mammals and may even cause harm to humans with the toxins they create.

There are many reasons why bread should not be fed to ducks/ birds, so please help us spread the word to protect our wildlife!

created by: Thien, Angela, Amy & Genevieve



Steve Obeid

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What a fabulous start to the term for our Alumni Program with the (virtual) return of Steve Obeid ’14 to send off our Year 12 graduates with an inspiring and motivating farewell speech.

Steve has faced many challenges in his life including a life-changing medical diagnosis as a teenager.  With optimism and determination, and most importantly support, he has gone on to accomplish so much already, and strives for more every day. 

This short clip captures Steve’s main message for our departing students which is something that can resonate with us all.  To hear a bit about his journey so far and the rest of his wise words, watch his entire graduation speech.