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Alba Newsletter – May 2024

1st January 1970

Our latest Alba Newsletter is here!

Each newsletter contains information about upcoming events, celebration of student success and what has been going on at the college.

Upcoming Events

Parent Teacher Interviews
Sep 3 @ 3:00 am – 9:00 am

Parent Teacher Interviews.

Year 10 Romeo & Juliet Incursion
Sep 17 @ 3:30 am – 5:15 am
Year 9 GOALS Program
Oct 14 @ 10:45 pm – Oct 15 @ 3:15 am

Session 6 in the City.

Parent Information Evening
Mar 18 @ 7:30 am – 9:30 am

Attendance at St Albans Secondary College’s Information Evening is highly recommended for parents of prospective year 7 students. The evening provide families with the opportunity to:

  • Meet the College Principal and Leadership Team
  • Enjoy student and School Captain presentations
  • Discover the comprehensive Year 7 Transition Program
  • Learn about curriculum, our SEAL and Scholarship Programs
  • Discuss your child’s educational needs
  • Participate in a guided tour of the College
  • Explore exhibitions of the students’ work
  • Appreciate our students’ musical and artistic talents


SASC Musical: The Magic Lamp
Jul 22 @ 7:30 pm – Jul 24 @ 7:30 pm
SASC Musical: The Magic Lamp @ St Albans Secondary Performing Arts Centre | St Albans | Victoria | Australia

St Albans Secondary presents The Magic Lamp

Ticket Prices:

  • Adults – $12
  • Concession/Students – $10
  • Family – $40

Tickets available at the General Office. Please call 9366 2555 for any enquiries.

Click here to view large poster.

From the Principal Class Team

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We would like to welcome some new staff to the College this term.


  • Ranjili Mudaliar  – English / Humanities
  • Andy Nguyen – Science
  • Lela Seely –  English VM Literacy
  • Damien McDonald – English

Education Support:

  • Thuy Nguyen – Individual Needs – Integration Aide
  • Yumiko Kawada – Japanese Language Assistant
  • Mary Nguyen – General Office Reception

Mr Mathew Wenham and Mr Ali Yamin are new to the Middle Sub School Coordination Team.  The sub school will email parent where there has been a change of coordinator.

We would like to welcome all the new staff to the college, and wish the staff taking up new roles all the best.


Congratulations to Ms Kristy Le and her partner on the birth of their daughter, Aurelia Son.  Aurelia was born on 30 April, 2024 weighing 3.48 kg.  Best wishes to the gowing family.

Anzac Day Service

The College commemorated ANZAC Day this year on 24 April 2024.  Students, staff and special guests gathered to remember and pay their respects to those who have served in the armed services.  We hold this service annually in honour of the anniversary of when Australian and New Zealand soldiers landed on the beach at Gallipoli in Turkey on 25 April 1915. Thank you to our VCE-VM students and staff who organised this event and a big thank you to special guest alumni  Corporal Laurence Gatt and Corporal Amar Hujdurovic who joined us for this very important day in our College calendar.

We are Better Together Week

Year 7-11 students at College participated in a series of facilitated Workshops where they explored and unpacked prevalent issues within their school and community. After hearing project ideas from their peers aimed at addressing different community issues, students voted to focus their funded project on building community connectedness in the community.

The young people in the project wanted to create something that could bring members of the school community together, to build connection and pride in contrast to some of the negative news that been in the community lately. They also wanted to see St Albans as a community showcased in a positive way. Finally, this project also aimed to help develop the capacity of staff at the College to address the challenges students face and help them feel safe at school and empowered to make a positive contribution to our school community. This training, led by an external facilitator, working Sub School and Wellbeing staff, has commenced and will continue over the course of the term.

The student project work culminated last week in  “We are better together week”. Through this event students had the opportunity to engage in pro-social, artistic, sporting and cultural experiences and workshops.  The week celebrated the diversity of the school by partnering with our VCE-VM students who ran a multicultural day. The talents of students were also showcased through performances across the week.  The final component of this project, the development of documentary and a student art and film competition, will be finalised in the coming weeks to help us remember every day “we are better together!”

Prepared for Learning Goals

All year 7, 8  & 9 students should now have a PFL goal recorded on COMPASS under the Insights tab for parents to view. The students have created these goals (learning and wellbeing) by reflecting on their Term 1 progress reports, work habits and general preparedness for learning. If you have a look and the goal is not there, please remind your child to speak to their Learning Manager if they need help to do it. We ask parents to discuss ways you can support your child to achieve their goals. It might include supporting them with routines at home, checking in with them each day to see how they are going, encouraging a growth mindset when things don’t go as planned or promoting healthy habits. Students in Years 10-12 will be given an opportunity to set a PFL goal for Semester 2.

Year 8 Proactive Programs – Man Cave and 1000 Generations

We had two proactive programs that ran this week on Tuesday for Year 8 students to assist them to navigate the transition to adulthood designed specifically for each gender as a way to share stories and grow as individuals.

The Man Cave and 1000 Generations programs are designed to provide a safe space for students to develop the social and emotional tools they need to connect deeper with themselves and with their friends.  It was run by a facilitator with support from school staff.

The program provided a timely forum for student connections providing a guide to have open discussions to work through current issues in a supportive environment. There will be a more detailed article in next months’ newsletter.

Grade 6 Taster Days

We have had two Taster Days for grade 6 students in local primary schools.  The students were presented with a taste of what a day in secondary school involves and had classes across a range of subjects throughout the day. There was a sausage sizzle at lunchtime and a concert at the end of the day and it was a great opportunity for us to meet some of our potential students for Year 7 in 2025.  Well done to the Transition team ably lead by Mr Ron Brown and Ms Lauren Honeycombe. The days were each well received with plenty of happy faces at the end of the day.  We’d like to thank all the staff who took the grade 6 lessons or assisted on the day.

Year 7 and 8 Excursions

We’d like to thank the Humanities and Science teams for their organisation of the excursions for Year 7 and Year 8 during the third week of term.  On Tuesday 30 April Year 8 went to Melbourne Museum and IMAX to complement their studies of landforms and landscapes in Geography and geology in Science. They rotated through a number of galleries at the museum, including Dynamic Earth and A Bug’s Life, and viewed the three dimensional presentation,  A Beautiful Planet at IMAX. 



On Thursday 2 April Year 7 students went to the Zoo to investigate the adaptations animals have that allow them to survive in various habitats.  During the day they also explored the classification of animals and investigated their conservation status.

Both of these excursions were well attended and provided a rich experience beyond the classroom where students could make valuable connections to their learning. Well done to Ms Angela Hanley and Ms Katie O’Connell who put a great deal of time and thought in to organising these events and thank you to all those staff who participated on the days.






From the General Office

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General Office Hours 

8:15am to 4:15pm   

Compass Communication

Any important information will be sent to parents and families via the Compass News Feed.  Parents are asked to ensure that they have access to Compass.



General Office Payments

Preferred method of payment for School Events and Curriculum Contributions is via the Compass school management system.  Parents will log in to this system using their allocated unique User ID and a temporary password.  Payments can be made through the Action Centre from the home screen.  Please contact the General Office on 9366 2555 should you need further information. 





ID Cards

Students are reminded that they require their ID cards with them when they present to the front office.

Lost or Damaged Id Cards

All students at the school will be provided with a student id card following school photo day,  However, if your child has lost or damaged their student id card, you are able to order and pay for a replacement card by logging into your Compass portal. 

To order a replacement CompassIdentity card (for students during the school year), log on to your Compass Account and:

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’.
  • in the ‘Orders’ section, click ‘Individual Orders’.
  • complete the details to order the card

A payment will be required when placing your order.

When the card arrives, it will need to be activated.  Follow the steps below to activiate the card.

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’
  • click on ‘Individual Activation’
  • complete the information on the screen to activate the card.

The office will no longer be taking payment for replacement cards.  Please contact the office on 9366 2555 if you have any queries.

Student Lunches at the General Office

Families are advised that the General Office is unable to accept lunches for student collection.  Please discuss and prepare for a different course of action with your child, should they forget to bring their lunch to school.

If your child has forgotten their lunch at home, parents can leave money in an envelope for their student to collect at the office.  The canteen has an array of choices for your child to purchase their lunch.

College Expectations 

Attendance, Uniform, Punctuality  

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents to make sure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, is in full uniform, and is well prepared for all classes with books and equipment.


Students must have a minimum of 90% attendance in all classes at each year level.


Full uniform must be worn to and from school, at school and on all school excursions, including interschool sports.


Students are expected to be punctual at the start of each day and for all classes. Any student who is late more than 4 times will have a Friday detention from 3:20pm to 5:20pm. 

Sustainable School Shop

The Sustainable School Shop website is available to purchase and/or sell second-hand uniforms and used textbooks.

 Parents can log in or register at any time at

When selling items, click the Sell Uniforms button and follow the prompts. Assistance is given to construct your “For Sale” ads including a pricing guide.

To see the ads for items currently on sale or to obtain the seller details, you will need to log-in to the Sustainable School Shop website, click the blue Stocktake button and then click the item you need. Buyers contact the seller directly.

 Sellers are asked to delist For Sale Ads as items sell.

Student Absence 

Parents and guardians are now able to leave student absence messages directly with the relevant Sub School.

Follow the telephone prompts to be connected to the Sub School needed.

  • Wait for the beep before leaving a message
  • State who you are, eg:  I am the parent of ……..  and clearly state your child’s name and home group
  • Clearly state the reason for your child’s absence and how long they will be absent for

Please ensure that your message is audible (not on speaker phone) and there is no background noise.  

Camps, Sports, Events Fund (CSEF)

Parents with a valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the CSEF.  The CSEF is a yearly payment for each child in the family attending our College.  This payment is to assist with the cost of Camps, Sports and Excursions for your child to attend.  Applications for 2024 are now open.  Click here to access the 2024 CSEF application from.  The form will need to be printed, completed, and returned to the school.

State School Relief (SSR)

Should you have a valid Health Care Card and require assistance to purchase school uniform and/or school shoes; you may be eligible for SSR. Health Care Card holders with students enrolled in the VCAL program may also be eligible for assistance with the purchase of personal protective gear. Please enquire at the General Office.


Important Dates & Calendar

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Monday, 6 May 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 11 VCE VM – Keep the Change 3A (Timetabled Classes)

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

08:45AM – 03:10PM Yr 8 Proacvtive Program Day

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 11 VCE VM – Keep the Change 3A (Timetabled Classes)

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 VCE VM Chase Workshop 3 (Timetabled Classes)

03:30PM – 05:40PM Yr 12 Specialist Maths SAC1 Part B

Thursday, 9 May 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 10 Careers Session 1 – Group 2

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 10 Drama Performance Assessment Task

Friday, 10 May 2024

All Day Yrs 7 – 9 Athletics Carnival

All Day Yr 12 VCE VM Athletics Carinval Student Helpers

Monday, 13 May 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 11 VCE VM – Keep the Change 4A (Timetabled Classes)

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 11 VCE VM – Keep the Change 4A (Timetabled Classes)

12:40PM – 01:30PM VCE VM Lunchtime Activities – IDAHOBIT

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 VCE VM Chase Workshop 4 (Timetabled Classes)

Monday, 20 May 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 11 VCE VM – Keep the Change 5A (Timetabled Classes)

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

09:15AM – 10:15AM Yr 10  Applied English Students – Trade Taster Event

10:35AM – 12:30PM Yr 10 ABCN Goals Prog Session 1

03:30PM – 04:30PM Yr 7-8 SEAL Parent Session

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 11 VCE VM – Keep the Change 5B (Timetabled Classes)

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 VCE VM Chase Workshop 5 (Timetabled Classes)

Friday, 24 May 2024

All Day Yr 7 – 12 Term 2 Progress Reports available on COMPASS

Monday, 27 May 2024

03:10PM – 04:30PM Debating (St Bernards College)

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 VCE VM Chase Workshop 6 (Timetabled Classes)

Thursday, 30 May 2024

All Day Yr 10 & 11 Exams Start

11:30AM – 12:30PM Yr 10 ABCN Goals Program Session 2

Monday, 3 June 2024

All Day Yr 9 Semester 1 Exams (Core Subjects Only)

All Day Yr 12 Semester 2 Begins

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

All Day Yr 9 Semester 1 Exams (Core Subjects Only)

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

All Day Yr 9 Semester 1 Exams (Core Subjects Only)

Thursday, 6  June 2024

03:30PM – 04:30PM Yr 11 Maths Methods

Friday, 7 June 2024

All Day Yr 10 & 11 Exams Finish

11:00AM – 12:30PM Yr 10 ABCN Goals Program Session 3

Monday, 10 June 2024

All Day King’s Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

All Day Yr 11 Semesters 2 Begins

All Day Yr 10 Proactive Program

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

All Day Yr 10 Proactive Program

Thursday, 13 June 2024

All Day Yr 10 Proactive Program

Friday, 14 June 2024

All Day Report Writing Day (Student Free)

Monday, 17 June 2024

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 10 Work Experience Program Begins

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

All Day Yr 10 Work Experience Program


Wednesday, 19 June 2024

All Day Yr 10 Work Experience Program

Thursday, 20 June 2024

All Day Yr 10 Work Experience Program

All Day Yr 12 Term 2 Progresss Reports Available on COMPASS

Friday, 21 June 2024

All Day Yr 10 Work Experience Program

10:30AM – 12:30PM Yr 10 ABCN Goa;s Program – Session 4

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College
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Andy Nguyen

Hi, my name is Andy, and I am thrilled to join the faculty at St Albans Secondary College. Having completed my Bachelor of Science at Melbourne University, I am eager to bring my passion for science and mathematics into the classroom.

It’s a special moment for me to return to St Albans Secondary College as a former student. My time here left a lasting impression on me, and I am excited to contribute to the school community that shaped me.

Outside of teaching, I enjoy immersing myself in music, whether it’s listening to various genres or strumming my guitar. Additionally, I love to be active through exercise in my off time.

I am looking forward to meeting and working with you all!




Yumiko Kawada

Hi my name is Yumi.  I feel very lucky to be working at St Albans SC as a Japanese Language Assistant on Tuesday and Thursday.  I have worked as an education support for 10 years and had tutored Japanese to business clients previously. 

I enjoy spending time with friends and family.  I like walking with my two big dogs.

I am looking forward to meeting and working with you all.





                              Ranjili Mudaliar

My name is Ranjili Mudaliar, and I am thrilled to join St Albans Secondary school as a Humanities teacher. Having taught in New Zealand for a number of years, I am now excited to share my passion for teaching at St Albans.

Outside of school, I enjoy traveling, cooking, reading and spending quality time with my family.

I am looking forward meeting to working with you all.






Lela Seely

Talofa Lava, Kia Ora, and Hello! My name is Lela and I am very excited to be part of the new English teaching staff at St. Albans Secondary College. I am proud to be of mixed Canadian European and Samoan heritage and have spent the last 4 years of my career teaching abroad. I have grown up in both Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand where I completed my Bachelor of Education at the University of Alberta, then taught for the past 3.5 years in Ōtara, Auckland. The opportunity to teach here in Australia came up and I thought, why not? Let’s give it a go!

My aim in schools is to support students to the best of my ability with a special emphasis on Pasifika/Māori enrichment. I believe that the values of culture, respect, and service plays an important role in who I am as a teacher and how this is reflected in my classes. 

My not-so-secret talents include being a professional dancer; specializing in hip hop, heels, and commercial styles. I’m a lover of old and new school hip hop/rnb, wearing big earrings, and am obsessed with my giant rottweiler named Rocky. 

O le tele o sulu e maua ai figota, e mama se avega pe a ta amo fa’atasi

“My strength does not come from me alone, but from many”


Damien McDonald

Hi my name is Damien and I’ve enjoyed working at St Albans Secondary College since the start of term 2. The students here are so respectful and the staff are extremely helpful.

In my spare time I enjoy reading about psychology, philosophy and literature and going for hikes.

I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone.







Thuy Nguyen

Hello, my name is Thuy T Nguyen.  I have just finished my certification in Eucation Support.  During my ES placement at SASC, i have been working with the staff and students here.  Iam grrateful to work in a permanent position at SASC, and be part of a student’s teaching tam.  I would like to thank all the ES teams for always being supportive and welcoming me.








Mary Nguyen

                         Hello All,

My name is Mary Nguyen. I am very delighted to become a new staff member of St Albans Secondary College. I have previously worked in the banking sector for the past 17 years and am excited for the new change.

During my spare time I enjoy tennis and bike rides with my husband and two children.

I look forward to working with you all.



Junior School Report

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Welcome back from the team in the Junior Sub School.  It has been a very busy start to the term, and it is pleasing to see the students ready for the challenges ahead.

We held year level assemblies on 29 April.  For the first time we had students running the whole assembly.  Erica Shaw spoke eloquently during the Year 8 assembly whilst Yuka Hong and Nathan Tran were the joint Masters of Ceremony for the Year 7 assembly.  Stepping up in front of over 250 of your peers is a difficult task and these students performed admirably.  This experience will build confidence and self esteem.  It is a great example of student voice and agency in our school.  We will look to have other students speak at all our assemblies in the future. 

Year level coordinators have been especially vigilant on school uniforms of late.  As a whole our students look fantastic in full school uniform.  This has been particularly noticeable on recent excursions when our students have been representing the school.  Where there is a problem with an item of uniform, as does happen from time to time, please send a note along to your child’s coordinator to explain the issue and we will endeavour to assist.

Our Year 8 students will be participating in a proactive program day on Tuesday 7 May.  This day will involve external facilitators that come into the school to run whole day workshops with the students.  The focus of the day is Respectful Relations and builds on the work of our Wellbeing team and the Connect, Protect, Respect framework.  Note that full school uniform is required and the bell times are as per normal.

The Grade 6 Taster Days were run during week 3.  The young students were very, very excited to see the big school that awaits them.  They were on their best behaviour and enjoyed an introduction to some of the subjects and teachers that they will have in 2025.  They were also provided with a welcome BBQ at lunchtime.  Some of our junior school student leaders did a fantastic job in assisting with the BBQ.  2025 promises to be an exciting year.


Mr Craig Moore – Junior Sub School Leader

Middle School Report

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Students in the Middle School have had a busy start to Term 2, with several excursions and opportunities for year 9 and 10 students to participate in.

As part of the Humanities unit, year 9 students visited the Shrine of Remembrance and Eureka Skydeck in week two. Students were taken on a guided tour of the Shrine, where they extended their classroom knowledge of World War 1 and learned about the sacrifices that were made.  The day also gave students an understanding of what is expected of them when they attend City Experience in term 3. 

All year 9 students have also been attending their one-on-one Morrisby Career Counselling interviews, where they explored the results from their online survey. Students were guided through the results and were provided with the necessary tools required to start thinking about their career pathway.

As part of the Year 10 Geography Environmental Change studies, students visited Torquay where they undertook field work to study the impacts of climate change and coastal management. They utilised skills learned in the classroom to complete the work, including data collection and analysis.

Year 10 History students visited the Melbourne Holocaust Museum to complement their studies of World War 2. They engaged in discussion with a Holocaust survivor and were taken on a tour of the museum to view and engage with artifacts and exhibits.

We hope all of our Middle School students and families have had a safe and warm start to term two and we look forward to the upcoming exam and semester test periods where students can put all of their hard work and effort on show.


Mr Andrei Alexandrescu – Middle Sub School Assistant Leader

Senior School Report

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Our seniors have demonstrated a strong commitment to our ‘We are Better Together’ CPR theme this term. They have worked consistently and cooperatively to produce excellent work in the classroom, in the yard and on excursions. Our Year 11s and 12s have upheld our school values and contributed to the positive and inclusive environment that makes our school such a great place to learn and work.

The students have been involved in many exciting events this past month, so I hope you enjoy reading about them below:

RSPCA Excursion

The Year 12 VCE VM students attended the RSPCA in Burwood on Wednesday 17 April, as part of their studies in Personal Development Skills. The College was successful in obtaining a fully subsidised program and therefore, the students were able to travel by coach and attend the Education program, all free-of-charge.

The visit enabled students to understand the role of the RSPCA in our community, take a behind the scenes look at an animal welfare facility, hear about the roles and responsibilities of volunteers and RSPCA officers, and engage with the animal residents and farm. The students thoroughly enjoyed the excursion and were able to engage in thoughtful discussions on consumer awareness, community engagement and animal welfare back in the classroom.  


Our Year 12 VCE VM students held a ceremony to commemorate ANZAC Day on Wednesday 24 April 2024. The students led the ANZAC Day service, and the School Captains laid a wreath to acknowledge the contribution and sacrifice of all those who have served our country. A special thank you to David Wilson for playing the Rouse and Last Post, to Corporal Laurence Gatt from the RSL for his heartfelt commemorative address to our school community, and to our special guests Corporal Amar Hujdurovic, Charlotte Nunns and Ranveet Mundi – Representing Natalie Sulyman, Minister for Veterans, Small Business and Youth. Thank you also to all staff and students who attended the ceremony. Lest we Forget.

Year 11 & Year 12 Assemblies

The Year 11& Year 12 assemblies were held on Monday 29 May 2024. The focus of the assemblies was to introduce the “Better Together Week” and to share feedback from our student forums with actions for improvement. Exam expectations and procedures were also communicated at the assembly.

These assemblies were our first senior student-led assemblies. Thank you to our presenters Haily Le and Patrick Vo (Year 11) and Sarah Mai and Kelly Lam (Year 12) for running the assemblies. They did a fabulous job.

We would like to encourage our senior students to build their leadership, confidence and public speaking skills by volunteering for future assemblies. If you are interested in presenting, please see us in the Senior Sub School.

Multicultural Day

On Wednesday 1 May 2024, the VCE VM students celebrated the diverse cultures within our school community by running stalls and selling a variety of homemade food from all over the world at lunchtime. The SRC organised a parade of cultural dress, music and dance performances. It was heartwarming to see the school community come together to celebrate cultural inclusivity, with such pride and enjoyment.

Study Skills Week

This week is “Study Skills Week” in the Senior Sub School! The Senior Sub School have been focussing on building effective study skills and habits by running workshops with the Year 11s and 12s. At the workshops, students are equipped with research-based practical techniques, such as developing a study schedule, the Pomodoro technique to reduce procrastination, using mnemonics and visual organisers as tools for note making. The goal is for students to feel more confident with knowing how to study in order to achieve their full potential.

Table Tennis Teams

We would like to congratulate the boys and girls senior tennis teams for achieving second place in the finals. Well done to all who participated! 

Victorian Careers Show

The Year 11 students will attend the Victorian Careers Show at the Melbourne Showgrounds on Friday 17 May 2024. Students will have access to a range of university, TAFE and training providers, and will be able to obtain useful information and resources to inform their future pathway.

VCE VM Brimbank Careers Expo

In addition to the Victorian Careers Show, the VCE VM students attended the Brimbank Careers Expo on Wednesday the 8 May 2024 to gain further knowledge of the careers and pathways available to them. This excursion is linked to the Work Related Skills outcomes.

CHASE Program

The Year 11 VCE VM students have started the CHASE program. CHASE is a community initiative working to improve health through education. Their goal is to see young people empowered to take control of their own health, to then engage with their local communities to improve health awareness and outcomes. The program is being run by students from the universities across Melbourne. The VCE VM students will continue to work with their mentors throughout Term 2, to implement their projects and achieve their health-related goals.

Zoos Victoria Youth Leadership Program – A Report from Luke Downing Yr 11

On Friday the 3 May, I attended Melbourne Zoo after being invited to mentor the new enrolees of the Zoos Victoria Youth Leadership Program, following my participation in last year’s program. The Zoos Victoria Youth Leadership Program is a leadership program run by Zoos Victoria annually, aiming to teach year 9 and 10 students about leadership, and about sustainability, both in what Zoos Victoria do within and outside of their direct communities, and teaching us about how we can be leaders in our communities, working towards achieving a sustainable future.

Each year students are selected from across the state, with a maximum of 2 students per school. On Friday I attended with a few peers from last year’s program to speak with the new participants about our experiences with the program and to offer our advice. Given how rewarding this program turned out to be, I accepted the invitation to speak with the new group of students. I got to speak to small groups of young leaders about why they joined and had the pleasure of listening to their incredible stories and reasons for motivation.

We engaged with them throughout the day as they completed team building exercises and got to learn about behind the scenes events that happen daily at the zoo, which many people do not even realise happens.

The skills and knowledge we gained, and connections we made from this program will have a lasting effect on not just me, but anyone who has the pleasure to attend this program, or learn from someone who did. Each year the program is refined, but no matter when you do it, you will always get to encounter substantial and view changing experiences, such as Going to Philip Island to view the Australian Fur Seals in their natural environment, going to Healesville Sanctuary to learn about indigenous plants and animals, and how first nations people looked after them, and even possibly an overnight stay to witness the stunning environment that we are aiming to protect.

Each year the experiences will be unique but will always have a flare to them. I cannot stress enough how impactful this program has been, teaching me valuable skills and knowledge, as well as creating lifelong connections and friendships with like-minded young leaders. This program, both last years, and last week’s opportunity to mentor the new leaders was truly special and if you are offered an experience like this, I strongly encourage you to take it.

Progress Reports

Year 11 Progress Reports are due next week. Year Level Coordinators will be interviewing students and speaking to parents/guardians, as needed. Progress reports will be available for students and parents/guardians to view from Friday 24 May 2024.


Year 11 end-of-unit exams will commence from Thursday 30 May to Friday 7 June 2024. The students will be preparing for their exams in classes. The Year 12 practice exams will be held during the holidays from Thursday 4 July to Tuesday 9 July 2024, except the English Exam which will be held on Report Writing Day on 14 June from 11:00am. We encourage all Year 12 students to use the study schedules, which they will develop during their study skills session, and to ensure they have allocated adequate time for both revision and study. A quiet and well-organised study space at home is essential for effective study.


The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) General Achievement Test (GAT) for all students completing a Unit 3/4 subject will be held across the State on Tuesday 18 June 2024. To help students prepare for the GAT, the Senior Sub School has organised a compulsory information session on Tuesday 11 June 2024 from 3:15am to 4:30pm, which will be run by GAT assessor and English teacher, Ms. Michelle Vieth. Students who work a part-time job should ensure they keep this date free. 


A reminder that as the weather is cooling down, students can purchase the school scarf and jacket from the uniform shop on Mondays and Thursdays at lunchtime. The school scarf is the only scarf to be worn at school.

We request that parents/guardians contact the school if their child is absent and that a medical certificate is obtained, where possible. Students are required to meet our Attendance Policy for a satisfactory result in their end-of-semester reports.

We would like to thank parents for their continued support of the Senior Sub School, and invite them to contact us on 9366 2555 if they have any queries or concerns about their child. 


Ms Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader

Yr 10 Geography Field Trip to the Great Ocean Road

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On Tuesday 17 April, Ms Amy Lee, Mr Ben Cooper, and the Year 10 Geography class headed down to Torquay on the Great Ocean Road for our fieldwork excursion. We aimed to investigate the impacts of climate change, and explore how Torquay manages its coastline in the face of increasing erosion and rising sea levels. This complemented our in-class learning about Environmental Change.

We started by visiting Torquay Front Beach and Cosy Corner. Students carried out activities like beach quality assessments, field sketches, and environmental bipolar analyses to help them explore the issues that this coastline faces. We also took lots of photographs and talked about the management strategies we could see.

After walking along this beach area, we ascended to the dramatically-named ‘Point Danger’, where we were able to see erosion along the extended coastline, and discussed the impacts of the visible waves.

After plenty of time in the beautiful outdoors, we headed to the centre of Torquay to conduct further fieldwork, such as surveying locals, vehicle and traffic sampling, and facility transects. Students then had their lunch break, with the opportunity to try some local cafes and explore the main streets.

Finally, we headed to Bells Beach, our last stop of the day. Unfortunately, the rain arrived, and after a brief look at the rugged cliffs, we got back into the warmth of the bus and returned to SASC. Many thanks to everyone who made this day possible, especially Mr Cooper for his excellent bus driving!


Ms Amy Lee – Learning Specialist – Formative Assessment and Feedback | English & Humanities Teacher


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The Humanities department has had a busy start to the term, with the Year 8s, 9s and many 10s having the opportunity to complement their in-class studies with experiences outside of the classroom.

A highlight of our Humanities program is our biannual Year 10 History excursion to the Melbourne Holocaust Museum. Students studying World War 2 had the privilege of browsing the exhibits of the newly reopened museum, and to meet and ask questions of Holocaust survivors Dr Henry Ekert AM and Peter Gaspar OAM, both of whom immigrated to Australia in the years after the war and have made significant contributions to Australian society. We encourage our students to be mindful that they are the last generation to meet with Holocaust survivors, and it was wonderful to see how they engaged with this unique experience. 

In Week 2 Ms Lee’s Year 10 Geography class also set off on a fieldwork expedition to the Great Ocean Road; you can read more about this excursion elsewhere in this newsletter.

The Year 9s attended the Shrine of Remembrance during Anzac week, on an excursion timed to coincide with the beginning of their studies of World War 1. They met with veterans, explored artefacts including clothing of the era, and explored the historic building. They also ascended Melbourne’s tallest building, the Eureka Tower, to take in the view of the city on what was a stunning autumn day. The day acted as a ‘trial run’ for the four-day City Experience program that will take place late in Term 3.

And, finally, in Week 3 our Year 8s visited the Melbourne Museum, where they explored exhibits related to their studies of Geography and Science and experienced A Beautiful Planet in 3D at IMAX – a film set on the International Space Station that inspired many students – and staff! – to consider astronomy as a future career!

Thank you to all staff involved in these Humanities excursions and to students for their enthusiasm and engagement in these valuable learning experiences.


Ms Katie O’Connell – Humanities Learning Area Leader


Performing and Visual Arts

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The Neima Sidney Scholarship for the Arts

In 2016 the art department procured funding to establish an annual Arts scholarship program. In consultation with key sponsors, the Neilma Sidney Award for Visual and Performing Arts was established.

The scholarship program aims to support talented students in pursuit of further studies or careers in the Arts Industry. The scholarships are open to students enrolled in Unit 1 and 2 VCE arts subjects and VET Fashion and Music.

In Term 2, teachers shortlist and recommend students for the scholarship program. Scholarship winners typically demonstrate a keen interest and talent in their chosen area of study. They also embody the values of the school showing leadership, excellence, integrity and respect.

Each recipient of the award receives a $1,000 scholarship. Scholarships are acquitted through the school in consultation with recipient and their classroom teachers. Recipients of the awards are announced at the annual 1,000 days of VCE celebration.

The award was named in honour of an Australian author who used the pen name of Neilma Sydney. She grew up in an era when women were not expected to aspire to roles beyond domesticity. She was determined to be a ‘writer’ and was able to gain entry to prestigious universities in America. Published whilst studying literature in America, she returned to Australia a published author. Her humility, talent, determination and resilience are qualities we wish upon all recipients of this scholarship program.


Mr Nick D’Aglas – Arts Learning Area Leader

Sports Faculty

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Keilor Division Interschool Badminton Tournament


Celebrating Triumph on the Court

We are pleased to extend our warmest congratulations to all the participants and winners of the recent Keilor Division Interschools Badminton Tournament that took place on Monday 22 April, 2024!  It’s with immense pride and excitement that we reflect on the fierce competition, friendship, and outstanding sportsmanship displayed throughout the day.

A Showcase of Talent and Determination

We witnessed some exhilarating matches as teams battled it out with skill, strategy, and sheer determination. Every smash, drop shot, and rally showcased the immense talent and dedication of each player. From the thrilling singles matches to the intense doubles showdowns, every game was a testament to the passion for badminton shared by all.

Celebrating Teamwork and Sportsmanship

Beyond the scores and victories, what truly shone was the spirit of sportsmanship and friendship that was abundant throughout the tournament. Players cheered each other on, displaying respect, fairness, and integrity both on and off the court. In victory and defeat alike, they exemplified the true essence of sportsmanship, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

A Salute to the Champions

To the victorious teams, we extend our heartfelt congratulations! Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have culminated in this well-deserved triumph. Your commitment to excellence and teamwork has not gone unnoticed, and we applaud your outstanding achievement in representing your schools with pride and honor.

Three of our four teams, Intermediate Boys and Girls and Senior Girls Teams convincingly defeated the 6 other schools in the division (Sunshine, Kings Park, Victoria University Secondary College, Gilson, Keilor Downs College, and Springside West Secondary College) to come first in the tournament.

Our Senior Boys Team managed to make it to the Final round. They competed fiercely with all their skills and determination and managed to win two out of the 6 matches. They came second in the tournament. Unfortunately for them, they did not manage to move on to the next tournament in the Western Metropolitan Region.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate the achievements of this tournament, let us also look ahead with optimism and determination. May this victory serve as inspiration to continue striving for excellence, both on and off the court. Let us remain committed to the values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and perseverance as we embark on future endeavors and challenges.

We are looking forward to having our teams competing in the Western Metropolitan Region tournaments which will be on Tuesday 30 July, 2024 for the Senior Girls Team, and Wednesday 31 July, 2024 for our Intermediate Boys and Girls Teams.

Once again, congratulations to all the participants and winners of the Interschools Badminton Tournament! Your passion, talent, and sportsmanship have made this event truly memorable, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for each and every one of you.


Mr Pat Lac  –  EAL & WELS Transition Coordinator | Lunchtime Activities Coordinator

Baseball, Softball & Tennis News


Senior and Intermediate Boys Baseball and Senior and Intermediate Girls Softball – March 4 2024

Congratulations to the Intermediate and Senior Boys Baseball teams on their impressive victories, advancing to the next round with determination and skill! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off, and we are proud of your achievements on the field. Commendations also go out to the Intermediate Girls Softball team for their efforts, despite the outcome. Your commitment to training and the guidance of Ms. Di Phyland have been instrumental in your progress and performance. Keep up the great work and continue representing our school with pride and sportsmanship. Well done to all the baseball and softball teams for your outstanding efforts!


Senior Boys Tennis – March 6 2024

On March 6, 2024, the Senior Boys Tennis team exhibited exceptional skill and sportsmanship throughout their matches, showcasing their talent on the court. Despite their best efforts, they narrowly missed victory in the final against Copperfield. Nevertheless, their impressive performance and dedication are commendable. Congratulations to the Senior Boys Tennis team for their outstanding effort and competitive spirit in representing our school with pride. I extend our heartfelt thanks to coach Mr. Steven Vo for his guidance and support, which have played a crucial role in the team’s development and achievements. We look forward to seeing more great achievements from this talented group in future competitions.



Mr David Dang  – Sports Program Leader | PE Teacher

House Program

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House Staff Vs Student Volleyball Competition

At the end of term 1, the COLA was full of excitement for the House Staff vs Student Volleyball Match. The game was close from the start, with the first set ending in a tie. Both teams battled hard with each of them claiming two sets, but in the end it was the students who came out with the win, with a final score of 45-42.

A big thank you to all the students who played and cheered on their peers and staff members, our staff team for their effort and to the PE staff for keeping everything running smoothly.

We look forward to many more House events this year.


Ms Jennifer Papagianopoulos – Maths Teacher | House Leader

UNITED IN ACTION: The ‘HOUSE – We are Better Together’ Obstacle Course Challenge

What a fantastic two days it has been at our “HOUSE – We are Better Together” obstacle course! We saw approximately 65 of our students come together to form 19 competitive teams, all geared up to conquer the challenging course.

On Monday 29 April, and Tuesday 30 April, the COLA was transformed into a 6 part obstacle course. Teams dashed through a series of timed trials, navigating various obstacles that put their agility and teamwork to the test.

The energy was palpable as teams raced against the clock, aiming to secure the coveted title of the fastest team in each sub school. And the competition was fierce! Many teams couldn’t resist the thrill and ran the course multiple times, each attempt fueled by the desire to outdo their previous best.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated, bringing their enthusiasm and sportsmanship to the event. Your passion and dedication truly made the “HOUSE – We are Better Together” obstacle course a resounding success.

Our team winners are:

  • Senior – Duyen LE – 12C, Florence SUA – 11F, Agalua AUMUA – 12A, Kim NGUYEN – 12D
  • Middle – Yusuf EGEH – 10D, Jonathan TEAUPA – 10F, Cyrus (Pj) PELENATINO-CHEUNG PUN – 10D, Abraham  KUR – 10B
  • Junior – James HUYNH – 07J, Thien TRAN – 07J, Laurence PHAM – 07J, Andy DANG – 07J

And to  all our participants, you’ve earned your House 5 points each for your spirited participation. Congratulations on a job well done!

Here’s to many more memorable events that bring us closer as a House and remind us that indeed, we are better together.



Ms Julie Panayiotou – Design Technology Learning Area Leader | House Program Coordinator

House Round Robin Chess Tournament

The House Program ran the Chess Championship during Term 1 and Termm2.  The event saw approximately 27 students from Years 7 to 12 competing against one another during the Tournament to win points for their House.

The competitive energy crackled in the air as students tested their tactics and wits on the chessboard. It was a week filled with camaraderie, laughter, and intense matches, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. The finals were postponed to the start of Term 2 due to various events at the College, yet there was definitely a noticeable sense of competitiveness in the air. We are pleased to announce that Rosewall was the overall winner with two place getters this year. The following winners for the 2024 Chess Tournament are:

  • 1st Place – Nhan Nguyen 11D (Rosewall -100 points)
  • 2nd Place – Duc Tran Phan 12E (Rosewall – 50 points)
  • 3rd Place – Justin Phan 11E (Freeman – 25 points)



The SASC House Program Leaders extends heartfelt congratulations to all the participating students for showcasing the College’s exceptional talent in chess. Well done to everyone involved!

Finishing results included House points allocated to the first 3 place getters plus 5 points to everyone who participated. 

A few Chess enthusiasts are hoping to run a Chess Club so anyone interested watch out for upcoming details on Compass.


50 170 30 40



Ms Alex Chan, Ms Julie Panayiotou and Ms Taylor Decker – House Leaders

SEAL Program

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Year 9 SEAL Class goes to GTAC

Students participated in two online courses prior to going on this GTAC excursion: Exploring the structure of DNA and  Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for copying and amplification of DNA. During the excursion, students were divided into small teams and worked with a PhD candidate from Melbourne University to prepare a sample from a species of cow tick for DNA sequencing and analysis.

Thank you Ms Mortimer and Mr Garaj for their work in organizing this wonderful excursion.


Mr Thach Ly – Science Teacher | SEAL Program Coordinator


CPR Ambassador Project 2024 – Wellbeing Team

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Hello SASC community, wellbeing wanted to provide you with some exciting information update about our new leadership role, Connect Protect Respect Ambassadors. The CPR ambassador project has started being implemented into the school, we have had students nominated and appointed to the leadership position in Term 1 and classes have started being held for our junior and senior CPR representatives this term. The classes are being developed and facilitated by Dotti mental health practitioner and senior school nurse Bron.  The classes provide CPR ambassadors with information on mental health, and the opportunity to undertake teen mental health first aid training with formal qualifications. CPR classes also provide support and guidance on how ambassadors can grow and develop to be role models in our school community that champion mental health support.

CPR ambassadors will wear leadership badges that make them identifiable to their peers as safe leaders they can talk to about getting mental health support. The main goals of the CPR ambassador project is to foster a positive school culture that supports mental health, promotes safer spaces that break down mental health stigma using peer consultation and support. The creation of our CPR Ambassadors will support fulfilling this goal.

Our CPR Ambassadors will be a part of organizing mental health week and RUOK day activities to increase visibility and reduce stigma about mental health in our school community and will provide information to fellow students at assemblies to increase safety. CPR ambassadors will bring feedback on issues they and their peers notice that are challenging or making it difficult to support mental health support and have the opportunity to discuss this with the leadership team to find solutions. We are very excited about the beginning of this important project and will provide further updates as the project develops and grows within our school community. If anyone is interested in more information or you are a student wanting to participate as a CPR ambassador please come and see us in wellbeing.

Ms Dorothy Schillinger – Mental Health Practioner

Extra Curricular Activities

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Term 2 Extra Curricular Activities

Staff at St Albans Secondary College are committed to support students with their education and their development.

A number of our staff have volunteered their time to organise many different extracurricular activities for our students. These are great opportunities for our students to make connections with others at the college beyond their classes and year levels. These sessions are also wonderful opportunities for our students to learn other skills other than their academic ones. In these sessions, students will get to learn to look after their wellbeing, develop their artistic potentials and improve their physical health. For some students, these sessions will be good opportunities to work collaboratively with others and improve their teamwork.

For students that are new to St Albans Secondary College, the Extracurricular activities at our college will provide them with valuable chance to meet with others to connect and to form positive relationships to help them settle in at school.

The table below will outline some of the programs that teachers and staff at St Albans have devoted their time to organise for our students for term 2.


Mr Lac – EAL & WELS Transition Coordinator | Lunchtime Activities Coordinator


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ANZAC Day Service

Wednesday April 24, the VCE-VM students organised and hosted our annual ANZAC Day Service, a meaningful tradition steeped in reverence and remembrance. It was a privilege to welcome two esteemed alumni, both actively serving in the Army Reserves.

Cpl. Laurence Gatt ’05 delivered an eloquent and poignant commemorative address, resonating deeply with the assembled community as he highlighted the importance of honouring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Meanwhile, the presence of Cpl. Ammar Hujdurovic ’17 lent an air of solemnity and respect to the proceedings. Standing resolutely and embodying the essence of duty and allegiance.

Their presence added a sense of humility to our ceremony, and we are sincerely grateful for their participation.




To join our alumni community please send us an email at and let us know:

  • What year you graduated (or would have, if you didn’t finish Year 12)
  • What did you do after school (study, travel, working, etc)
  • What do you do now?

You can also stay in touch with us through our college’s official Alumni Facebook page and Alumni LinkedIn


Ms Nicole Gurd – Alumni Coordinator



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School Canteen

Here at St Albans Secondary College we recognise the positive impact that a healthy diet has on our student’s wellbeing. We play an important role in encouraging our students to make healthy choices and provide them with an array of affordable, nutritional foods. The college canteen offers an assortment of hot and cold foods, snacks and drinks for our students.

Online ordering is available to families through the QKR app.  The QKR app can be downloaded through the App Store or Google Play Store.

Click here to view the school menu.