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Alba Newsletter – March 2023

1st January 1970

Our latest Alba Newsletter is here!

Each newsletter contains information about upcoming events, celebration of student success and what has been going on at the college.

Upcoming Events

Year 11 “100 Days of Success” P5 & 6
Jun 23 – Jun 24 all-day
Year 7F Strathbogie Camp
Jun 23 @ 11:30 pm – Jun 28 @ 6:15 am

Corner of Watkins Road North and School Camp Road
Creek Junction (Strathbogie).

Click Here to read more.

Year 8 Boys & Girls Badminton Western Zone Finals
Jun 24 – Jun 25 all-day
End of Term 3 – Early Dismissal 2.20pm
Jun 24 @ 10:45 pm – Jun 25 @ 4:20 am

From the Principal Class Team

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Dear Parents and Families

From the school assembly, to the swimming carnival, to MAC auditions, the inter House chess competitions, our Valentines and Multicultural Day celebrations, camps to Melbourne University, Strathbogie and the Alpine School, student forums, Class Captain and SRC meetings, our Alumni morning tea and parent nights, and many more events in between, there is so much to acknowledge and be proud of this term.  And all of these things are in addition to the dedicated teaching and learning work being done by teachers and students in classrooms every lesson of every day, and to the work of our excellent Education Support staff teams across the school.

There has certainly been a range of challenges this term, but the collective efforts of everyone in our school community including our families have made it possible to address these productively together.



We are really pleased to welcome David Dang to the school as a member of the PE and Maths Departments.  Sara Ibrahim joins the Wellbeing Team as a social worker whilst Lalith Buddhadasa is on leave.  And, on that note, congratulations to Lalith and his partner on the arrival of their baby daughter, Lilac Rakarun Buddhadasa,

and to Linda Soulemain and her partner on the birth of thier son, Qasim.

We wish both families the very best of happiness and health.


Best wishes……………

To Craig Jennings, Emi Narasaki, Peta Burgess and Craig Moore who are taking leave for Term 2 for an enjoyable and restful time.



To Janet McKenzie who is replacing Craig Jennings as Assistant Principal for Term 2.

Janet is known to many of you as a teacher director of MAC, previous head of Middle Sub School, and leader in the school.  We are excited to welcome her to this role, and wish her well for the term.

Foodbank Milestone

Foodbank is a hugely valued partner of our school.  They also provide food for school breakfast programs for the Department of Education.  On Monday 6 March, Foodbank celebrated a fabulous milestone – 30 million breakfasts provided for Victorian school children.  And we were privileged to be asked to host the event.

Our student leaders greeted guests, including the Honourable Natalie Hutchins MP, Minister for Education and Women, David McNamara CEO of Foodbank Victoria, the Honourable Natalie Suleyman MP, Minister for Youth, Veterans and Small Business, along with Foodbank staff and Department of Education representatives.


It was a beautiful morning, and wonderful to see the work of Foodbank being recognised for the significant difference it makes every day to the lives and participation of so many young people and families.

Congratulations and thanks to Carmel Castorina for her leadership of the Breakfast Club, to John Coulson for his initiative and coordination with Foodbank, and to Hayley Acevski and the Wellbeing Team for supporting students and families in partnership with Foodbank.


Alumni Morning Tea

It was such a delight to host eighteen alumni for a tour of the school morning tea last week.

Past students across 3 decades from 1995 to 2020 Joined Alumni Program Coordinator, Nicole Gurd, student leaders, and staff to reminisce, marvel at the changes to their old school, and to catch up with teachers and staff, and to make new connections.  It was lovely to hear their memories and, importantly, about what their lives and pathways have been since leaving St Albans Secondary College.

The Alumni Program has really enriched and strengthened the fabric of our school, as well as had an impact on individual students; and we are so grateful to Nicole for her leadership and inspiration.

If you would like to know more about the program, please get in touch with Nicole through the school office.  We’d love to have you involved.


New School Council

Our new School Council commenced its term of office on 23 March.  We have a 15 member council: 7 parent representatives; 3 staff; 2 community members; 2 student representatives; and the principal as Executive Officer.

The members are:

 Dr Tracy Nero  Community  President
 Mr Quan Nguyen  Community  
 Mr Dat Do  Parent  
 Ms Diane Hanmer  Parent  
 Mr Haider Khan  Parent  
 Ms Marian Phan  Parent  
Mr Sanjesh Raidu Parent  
 Ms Parekohai (PK)   Whakamoe  Parent  
 Ms Piera Biondi  Staff  
 Mr John Coulson  Staff  Treasurer
 Mr Matthew Olthoff  Staff  
 Ms Crystal Nguyen  Student  
 Ms Haily Le  Student  


We are grateful for the advice and guidance provided by our School Council.

You can get in touch with your School Council by emailing the school: 


Facilities News

Our development of facilitied for students and staff continues this year.  We have a new outdoor chess set which is proving to be very popular.  And the Wood Technology room has had a refit to increase access to equipment for students.

We are now in the process of seeking permission from the Victorian School Building Authority to reblock the F Wing and to raise the corridor ceilings.

A feasibility study for a complete rebuild or renovation for the Performing Arts Centre has been completed, and we are seeking funding for this.



A reminder of how important it is that students are fully prepared for learning. Part of this is being punctual to all classes. Please support your child’s learning by ensuring that they arrive at school in plenty of time to get the correct books and be in class by 8.55am. We are continuing to run lateness blitzes, and will contact parents where there are issues with student punctuality.


Multicultural Day

Every year in March, we celebrate our school’s diverse multicultural communities. We are a school of over 70 countries and languages, a fact that makes us tremendously proud.

To celebrate Cultural Diversity Week and to Celebrate Harmony Day, our VCE-VM students, in partnership with our Wellbeing Team, held a lunchtime event to celebrate our diversity. The food and cultures of over 15 countries were represented and students also sang and performed creating a joyful atmosphere that celebrated who we are as a College. The theme of the event was “Everyone Belongs” and, thanks to the work of our students and staff, that message was clearly communicated.

Also, as part of this week, teachers shared the above theme with their classes and facilitated discussion with them on multiculturalism, belonging, differences and similarities. At our school, we believe we all have a role to play in creating a safe school environment where everyone belongs. As a member of our community, we also ask you to consider what role you can play to ensure everyone feels welcome and how we can celebrate different cultures and communities.  How do you call out discrimination if you see it and teach others to do the same? Together we aim to ensure that everyone at our school feels Connected, Protected and Respected. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent teacher interviews for all students will be held on Wednesday, 5 April 2023 between 1:00 pm & 7:00 pm.

We would like all parents and guardians to take this opportunity to meet teachers and to discuss their child’s progress with them. Students are expected to attend interviews with their parents so that they can take an active role in discussing their learning and setting goals for further improvement or challenge in each subject.

There will be no regular classes on this day.

The interviews will be conducted in two sessions: 

  • Session 1: 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm (last booking is 3:24 pm)
  • Session 2: 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm (last booking is 6:54 pm)

Further information can be found on your Compass feed and all Year 7 Parents should have received a hard copy of the letter that is attached to the Compass post. To book your child’s interviews, log into the Compass Portal and follow the instructions. Please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator if you are having any difficulties making bookings.


Swimming Carnival

All Year 7 to 9 and selected Year 10 students travelled to Oak Park Aquatic Centre on Tuesday 7 March for our annual Swimming Carnival.  The weather was mild and a little overcast, but this did not dampen the enthusiasm of competitors.  Many students made use of the giant waterslide and took part in volleyball and other activities run to win house points throughout the day.  You can read more about the Swimming Carnival later in this newsletter.

The final points for each house were:

Irwin                      667

Rosewall              527

Buttrose               341

Freeman              315

Well done to all participants, and to Irwin House for being named the overall winner. Thanks to Mr Lakovski, the Physical Education staff, House Leaders and all the staff who attended and helped plan this event.


Western Chances Scholarship Award Ceremony

Last week, a number of our scholarship recipients participated in the Western Chances Scholarship Award Ceremony and were presented with their scholarship certificates.  This was an event to celebrate and support this year’s recipients and alumni.  The guest alumnus was also a former student of St Albans Secondary College, Eangano Singehebhuye who spoke so positively about his experiences both with Western Chances and also while at our school.  Eagano is a truly remarkable young man who is giving back to his community in so many ways.

Please take a look at the photos and more detailed information later in this newsletter.

Annual Privacy Reminder for our School Community

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or, where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to read our school’s collection notice, found on our website [Collection Notice ]. We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information (click here to view a more detialed guidance on Google Workspace for Education).    If, after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education], please contact the school. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:


  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudenese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese


And finally……………

We wish students, staff and families a happy and relaxing break over the holidays and look forward to seeing you on 24 April for the start of Term 2.




From the General Office

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General Office Hours 

8:15am to 4:15pm   

Compass Communication

Any important information will be sent to parents and families via the Compass News Feed.  Parents are asked to ensure that they have access to Compass.



General Office Payments

Preferred method of payment for School Events and Curriculum Contributions is via the Compass school management system.  Parents will log in to this system using their allocated unique User ID and a temporary password.  Payments can be made through the Action Centre from the home screen.  Please contact the General Office on 9366 2555 should you need further information. 





ID Cards

Students are reminded that they require their ID cards with them when they present to the front office.

Student Lunches at the General Office

Families are advised that the General Office is unable to accept lunches for student collection.  Please discuss and prepare for a different course of action with your child, should they forget to bring their lunch to school.

College Expectations 

Attendance, Uniform, Punctuality  

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents to make sure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, is in full uniform, and is well prepared for all classes with books and equipment.


Students must have a minimum of 90% attendance in all classes at each year level.


Full uniform must be worn to and from school, at school and on all school excursions, including interschool sports.


Students are expected to be punctual at the start of each day and for all classes. Any student who is late more than 4 times will have a Friday detention from 3:20pm to 5:20pm. 

Sustainable School Shop

The Sustainable School Shop website is available to purchase and/or sell second-hand uniforms and used textbooks.

 Parents can log in or register at any time at

When selling items, click the Sell Uniforms button and follow the prompts. Assistance is given to construct your “For Sale” ads including a pricing guide.

To see the ads for items currently on sale or to obtain the seller details, you will need to log-in to the Sustainable School Shop website, click the blue Stocktake button and then click the item you need. Buyers contact the seller directly.

 Sellers are asked to delist For Sale Ads as items sell.

Student Absence 

Parents and guardians are now able to leave student absence messages directly with the relevant Sub School.

Follow the telephone prompts to be connected to the Sub School needed.

  • Wait for the beep before leaving a message
  • State who you are, eg:  I am the parent of ……..  and clearly state your child’s name and home group
  • Clearly state the reason for your child’s absence and how long they will be absent for

Please ensure that your message is audible (not on speaker phone) and there is no background noise.  

Camps, Sports, Events Fund (CSEF)

Parents with a valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the CSEF.  The CSEF is a yearly payment for each child in the family attending our College.  This payment is to assist with the cost of Camps, Sports and Excursions for your child to attend.  Applications for CSEF close on 23 June, 2023 and forms can be downloaded from our College website or obtained from reception.

State School Relief (SSR)

Should you have a valid Health Care Card and require assistance to purchase school uniform and/or school shoes; you may be eligible for SSR. Health Care Card holders with students enrolled in the VCAL program may also be eligible for assistance with the purchase of personal protective gear. Please enquire at the General Office.

Student Lunches

The office is unable to hold on to food for student collection.  If your child has forgotten their lunch at home, parents can leave money in an envelope for their student to collect at the office.  The canteen has an array of choices for your child to purchase their lunch.


Important Dates & Calendar

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Monday, 27 March 2023

All Day Yrs 7 & 9 NAPLAN

08:45AM – 08:55AM Yr 10 Smith Family SmArts Event Session 1

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

08:15AM – 04:45PM Yr 11 Geography Field Trip

08:30AM – 03:00PM Intermediate Boys & Girls Volleyball

08:45AM – 08:55AM Yr 10 Smith Family SmArts Event Session 2

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

08:30AM – 03:00PM Senior Boys Futsal

08:45AM – 08:55AM Yr 10 Smith Family SmArts Event Session 3

Thursday, 30 March 2023

08:00AM – 03:30PM WMR Swimming Championships 2023

08:45AM – 08:55AM Yr 10 Smith Family SmArts Event Session 4

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 7 Social Explorers ACMI

11:00AM – 11:50AM S.T.O.M.P

01:30PM – 02:20PM Yr 9 Student Forums

Friday, 31 March 2023

08:55AM – 03:30PM Yr 10, 11 & 12 National G

01:30PM – 02:20PM Yr 10 Student Forums

Monday, 3 April 2023

10:00AM – 03:00PM Yr 9 STEAM Careers Forum

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 & 12 Soccer Challenge

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

All Day Yr 7 Immunisation – 1st Dose

08:55AM – 02:20PM Brimbank Art Exhibition

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

01:00PM – 07:00PM Parent Teacher Interviews (Student Free Day)

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Last Day of Term 1 (2:30pm Finish)

11:00AM – 11:50AM S.T.O.M.P

Monday, 24 April 2023

Term 2 Begins

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

ANZAC Day Public Holiday (Student Free Day)

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

08:35AM – 03:30PM Yr 11 History – Sun Theatre Yarravile Event

09:00AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Morrisby Individual Counselling Sessions

11:00AM – 12:30PM ANZAC Service

Thursday, 27 April 2023

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 7 Brimbank Field Trip #1 (7B, 7D, 7G & 7H)

Friday, 28 April 2023

09:00AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Morrisby Individual Counselling Sessions

Monday, 1 May 2023

08:15AM – 03:10PM Yr 10 Geography Field Trip

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Morrisby Individual Counselling Sessions

08:55AM – 09:45AM Yr 7 Assembly

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 7 Brimbank Park Field Trip #2 (7I & 7J)

09:45AM – 10:35AM Yr 8 Assembly

11:00AM – 11:50AM Yr 9 Assembly

11:50AM – 12:40AM Yr 10 Assembly

01:30PM – 02:20PM Yr 11 Assembly

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

All Day Grade 6 Visits to SASC

08:45AM – 02:30PM Yr 7 Science – Zoo Event

09:00AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Morrisby Individual Counselling Sessions

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

07:00AM – 09:00AM Beacon Breakfast – VCE VM Caterers

08:00AM – 03:30PM Yr 10 History Jewish Holocaust Centre Event

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 7 Brimbank Field Trip #3 (7A, 7C, 7E & 7F)

09:00AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Morrisby Individual Counselling Sessions

Thursday, 4 May 2023

All Day Grade 6 Visits to SASC

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 10 Careers Workshops

08:55AM – 02:30PM Yr 9 Scienceworks Event

09:00AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Morrisby Individual Counselling Sessions

Friday, 5 May 2023

Curriculum Day (Student Free Day)

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

All Day Yr 12 VCE VM Brimbank Careers Expo (2 Periods TBC)

Thursday, 11 May 2023

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 10 Careers Workshop

Friday, 12 May 2023

All Day Yr 12 VCE VM Athletics Carinval (Student Helpers)



Junior School Report

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The Junior Sub-school continues to be a hive of activity.  The year 7 Expo was held on 28 February.  This event was an opportunity for the parents and carers of our Year 7 students to come into the school and gain some first hand experience of the learning activities that their students do.  The classes were welcomed into the school via Google Meet by our College Principal and Assistant Principal.  Then each of the classroom teachers and the coordinators had some time with the groups, explaining a little about their subject and moving through some activities.  Attendance at the event was very high, with 7C and 7E having a particularly strong turn out.  These two classes were rewarded with a ‘pizza lunch’ for their efforts.

The Year 7 camps program has been continuing.  All of the students returning have reported some great experiences.  Most recently, 7I returned from Strathbogie.  Elijah Pejcinovski claimed that one of the local wombats was stalking him.  According to Elijah “it ran out of the bush twice, with its glowing red eyes”.  We are not convinced that wombats have glowing red eyes, but we know that it is fantastic that the class got to see a wombat up close and this may inspire a further study of our local flora and fauna.  Please ensure when your child has an opportunity to go on camp and that the forms are returned in a prompt manner.  Camp offers an opportunity to strengthen bonds with classmates and to develop a rapport with staff outside of the regular classroom. 

As the term comes to a close please listen out for important announcements on Compass, including Parent Teacher Interviews and the early finish on 6 April.

The Junior Sub-School team ran a series of forums with students to unpack the results of a recent survey into youth resilience. 


Mr Craig Moore – Junior Sub School Assistant Leader

Middle School Report

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Moving towards the end of term, we have seen significant change in our middle school students. They have embraced our theme of organisation and are starting to take accountability of their own learning. Students have regularly started using their diaries, checking compass and ensuring they are in classes on time. We are thrilled to see this as our students will now start to apply for part time work and this level of organisation is critical for their success.

Many of our middle school students have indicated they have an interest in leadership and the number of applications we received for the Student Representative Council has been larger than in recent years. A big congratulations to all of those who were selected for these positions. I would also like to extend congratulations to the students who nominated, but were unsuccessful. To put your name forward for a position of leadership is a big step in a student’s development.

The Year 9’s have completed their Morrisby Careers Guidance Counselling assessments and will commence the individual interviews early next term. The cohort have also just completed their NAPLAN testing and we eagerly await their results. A students NAPLAN result is usually a great indicator for their academic success moving forward and helps us better understand their learning needs. Combined with the Morrisby Careers program we will hopefully get an insight in potential careers for our students and help us prepare them as best we can.

The annual swimming carnival was held this term and it was fantastic to see so many students participating in events both in and out of the pool. Many of our students then continued to the next round and represented the school at the regional swimming championships. We performed incredibly well on the day and won the whole tournament. A huge effort and we congratulate all those involved.


As always, we thank you for your support and wish all of our families a safe and enjoyable upcoming school holidays.


Mr Owen McIntyre – Middle Sub School Leader

Senior School Report

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Congratulations to all our Senior Sub School students on completing a successful Term 1.  We are proud of the dedication and hard work they have been putting into their studies, and the excellent start to the school year.

We have had quite a few exciting excursions related to specific subject areas this term.

Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science (SEAMS) Camp

Selected maths/science students participated in a Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science (SEAMS) Camp over the summer break. The program, run in partnership with The University of Melbourne, aimed to increase equitable participation and attainment in higher education science and maths. The camp was an exciting opportunity for students to connect, interact, be inspired and discover the possibilities maths and science have to offer. Our students reported having an enjoyable learning and social experience – see student accounts below.

I was a physics and maths methods student at SEAMS (chemistry and methods also available) and I had a lovely experience. In terms of the studying, in methods classes we learnt many types of graphs and relations, in physics we were able to use advanced scientific equipment including radioactive sources. Other than the knowledge we gained, the accommodation, food and comfort was honestly amazing. Each of us had our own bedroom, ensuite, desk, fan etc., and there were a huge number of options for food, catering to all dietary requirements (and the pancake machine was awesome). In free time we were able to connect with other enthusiastic students, unwind by playing table-tennis, watch movies, play instruments or relax on our own if we liked. Another very useful part of the experience was seeing the Melbourne university campus, as well as talking to our mentors about their degrees and receiving advice for our own futures. The highlight of the program for me, however, was being able to program robots and fly drones. All of this was for no cost as well. Highly recommend!  – Maybel Verma – 11F


In January, I participated in the year 11 SEAMS camp. I was in the Physics and methods course, and it was great fun despite having to study for four hours everyday. In methods, the students got a taste of what we would be learning through the year. In physics, we learnt about electricity and the transfer of electrons, and on the last day, we had a practical where we experimented with radiation. The teachers and tutors were really nice and taught us really well. Our tutors were students from Melbourne University and were all studying different majors – ranging from Computer Science to biomedicine. 

Overall, I really enjoyed the camp and recommend it to other students.  –  Caelan Nguyen – 11D


When we received an email saying that we were selected for the Strengthening Engaging and Achievement in Mathematics and Science Program (SEAMS), we were honored and excited to spend time at the Monash University campus during the summer break. The program allowed us to have a head start with unit 3 of methods and chemistry (plus our methods teacher did a cool lightsaber show). Though we spent time in class learning content, the program allowed us to have fun experiences such as the ‘Amazing Race’ competition which was our highlight of the camp. Throughout the program, we were able to experience the university lifestyle by exploring the facilities that Monash had to offer – including the advanced science labs and the numerous leisure areas.

SEAMS not only provided an extremely beneficial and exciting start to our final year of high school, but also provided a chance to engage in physical and wellness activities. Also, we were able to meet new people from all over the state, who were equally as passionate about STEM.

We really recommend those who are interested in science and mathematics to apply for the SEAMS camp – you won’t regret it (plus they have a Sharetea and Guzman y Gomez on campus).  – Victoria Au – 12A & Kelly Chen – 12A

Biology students attend GTAC

On March 1, 2023, Ms Hanley and the senior Biology students attended GTAC as part of their Unit 3 studies in applying biotechnologies to produce human insulin. The students conducted a series of experiments to insert a human insulin gene into a plasmid and transform bacteria. The results were used as part of an assessment task back at school.

Year 11 VET Music – Australian Music Vault at the Arts Centre

On March 21, the Year 11 VET music students attended the Australian Music Vault at the Arts Centre with Mr Orchard and Ms Tran, where they participated in an industry event, and gathered information in relation to planning a career in the creative arts industry.

Upcoming Events

  • A Year 11 Geography excursion with Ms Lee is also coming up, where students will be undertaking fieldwork in the Kinglake region in order to study the causes, nature and impacts of bushfires.
  • The senior boys baseball and senior boys and girls volleyball teams competed and were excellent representatives of our College. Congratulations to Enki Van (11F), Madison Pacheci-Sio (11E), Doan Nguyen (11D), Oliver Nesvadba (11D), Sarah Mai (11C) and Van Le (11C) on a successful day at the Keilor Division Swimming Championships. Good luck to the students who have progressed to the Western Metro Regional Competition in Geelong to be held on Thursday 30 March. 
  • Next Monday afternoon, the Year 11 and 12 students will compete in another event, our annual Soccer Challenge. The Soccer Challenge brings all the Senior Sub School student together in friendly competition and is the perfect way to bring the term to a close. A mixed team of Year 11 students will play off against the Year 12 students in a 40 minute match. May the best team win!
  • Next Term, on Friday 19 May 2023, all Year 11 students will be attending the Victorian Careers Show at the Melbourne Showgrounds. The Careers Show offers seminars on VCE subjects as well as information regarding careers, tertiary courses apprenticeships, traineeships and employment. It is essential that students attend in preparation for their future careers pathway. Parents/Guardians will need to access Compass to give consent and make payment. A reminder that parents/guardians with a Health Care Card may be eligible for a government subsidy through CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund). Please click on the following link or contact our College office for more information.

Year 12  VCE VM

Our Year 12 VCE VM students attended Sunshine Heights Primary School on Wednesday 22 March for a lunchtime event and Friday 24 March from 5:00pm to 8:00pm for a community event. The students ran activities including face-painting, colouring in, building a ‘hand wall’ and badge making around the theme of Harmony Day – “Everyone Belongs”. The VCE VM students also performed covers of Valerie, I Feel like Dancing and Stand by Me on the main stage. The students demonstrated our school values at all times, when working with the primary school, their students and families.

Year 11 Lady Northcote Team Building Event

On Friday 24 March 2023, our Year 11 student cohort attended the Lady Northcote Recreation Camp, where they participated in a variety of outdoor team building activities. These activities supported students to build their confidence and solve problems. Students worked together as a team, enhanced their leadership skills and built connections with their peers and teachers. Students participated in all the activities with enthusiasm and a competitive spirit. The winning team, led by Ms Gough, celebrated their achievements at the end of a fun day.

Year 11 & 12 Progress Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews

The Senior Sub School has received Year 11 and 12 progress reports and have interviewed students and in some cases have held parent meetings. The reports show students’ progress through formative tasks and SACs. These reports are continuously being used to monitor students at risk, and identify students who are ready for further extension in their studies. Parents/Guardians can access all reports through the Parent Portal in Compass. Individual Learning Tasks and the Students Weekly Planners are also accessible through the Parent Portal.

For an up-to-date report on their child’s progress, parents/guardians are encouraged to attend our Parent Teacher Interviews, which will be held this Wednesday 5 April 2023. Parents/Guardians will have the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers to find out how they are progressing in each subject. Parents/Guardians can make appointments by booking online through the Parent Portal.

Student Punctuality/Absence

Year Level Coordinators are continuing to conduct class visits to encourage punctuality to classes. It is essential for students to organise their time and be punctual to classes so that everyone can make the most of their class time and disruptions are minimised. Many thanks to the parents/guardians who contact us when their child is absent for any reason. This is of great assistance to the Year Level Coordinators and the Senior Sub School Assistant, as we will call home regularly if there are any unexplained absences.


Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our senior students and their families a happy and safe term break.
If you have any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 9366 25555.


Ms Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader


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It’s been a HUGE couple of weeks for the alumni program!

Wednesday, March 8, we invited alumna, Jacqui Musiov ’10, to speak at our International Women’s Day event. This lunchtime event saw the Performing Arts Centre packed with students swimming in popcorn!  Once the popcorn frenzy calmed down about 50 students joined us to watch the gender equality short film, Hurdles, narrated by Emma Watson and to listen to Jacqui speak about the difference that feminism makes to science, and how, in her time as a scientist, she has witnessed a small shift in the gender dynamics, suggesting that a gender equal future in the digital space is slowly but surely coming to fruition. Where once science looked like men in lab coats working on equations behind closed doors, women have now opened those doors and made science and technology more accessible to everyone. #PowerOn.

Thursday, March 9, Serena Pham ’10, returned to the school to mentor one of our students, Kathy Nguyen, Year 10, who is interested in design work.  Serena is a Product Designer and offered to knowledge share with Kathy about the industry.  Student mentoring is an avenue that the alumni program is keen to explore and encourage more of. It is a wonderful way for alumni to give back and to offer their acquired industry-based skills knowledge at an individual or small group level. Contact if you’re an alum willing to share your time and knowledge with a current student.


Wednesday, March 22, we opened our gates and our hearts to our wonderful alumni community, simply to show how proud we are of our school’s changes and achievements, and to celebrate them with our community – in other words, we wanted to show off just how incredible our school really is. We invited alumni to join us for a school tour and a morning tea in recognition of their willingness to connect and contribute, and to acknowledge the fact that our alumni program is built off the back of them and their involvement. We had an array of alumni from across a wide range of peer years but they all had their school years in common and there was much reminiscing despite age and experience. The library was abuzz with the social sounds of a group of old friends catching up on many years’ worth of tales. It was heart-warming to see the student/teacher reunions, and fascinating to hear about everyone’s journeys since leaving the school – everyone has a story!


Achol Arok (Class of 2018) – Kicks of Career at SBS


Ms Nicole Gurd – Alumni Coordinator



Performing and Visual Arts

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Neilma Sidney Preforming and Visual Arts Scholarships

In 2009 SASC was pleased to announce the first of our VCE Performing and Visual Arts Scholarships. The scholarship program continues to provide recipients with access to exhibitions and performance programs, materials and equipment.

The following scholarships are open to students enrolled in year 11 Arts Subjects

  • $1,000 VCE Making and Presenting Art 
  • $1,000 VET Fashion
  • $1,000 VET Music
  • $1,000 VCD

Recipients typically pursue further study in year 12 with a view to accessing tertiary training in their chosen field. Their classroom teachers and trainers nominate students who demonstrate determination and strive for excellence in their chosen field whilst personifying the values of our school community.

The selection process includes interviews of shortlisted candidates. When the decision is not clear, the scholarship is shared between two candidates who receive $500 each.

Scholarships are announced annually at the 100 days of VCE Awards ceremony.



Nicholas D’Aglas – Art Learning Area Leader



International Women’s Day

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The college celebrated International Women’s day on Wednesday  8 March with students participating in class activities relating to this year’s theme  “Cracking the code: Innovation for a gender equal future”.

In mathematics classes, students took a deeper look at international women’s day. 8E researched female mathematicians in groups and created a website to help us learn about the important contributions women have made to the field of mathematics. 

Check out their work here:


Ms Tessa Gould – Numeracy Coordinator


International Women’s Day Breakfast – Monash Univeristy

I was privileged enough to be invited as a guest of Monash University’s Business School, Monash Arts and Monash Law Faculties, to attend their International Women’s Day Breakfast. I was asked to select a student to accompany me and after consulting with VCE Business, Commerce and Legal teachers and Senior School Coordinators, Chanel Trpovski of Year 12 was invited and accepted the invitation.

The breakfast was held in the RACV Club in Bourke Street, Melbourne; it was a well-attended event and we were excited to hear from the esteemed guest speakers about their journeys as women in leadership positions; they were all Monash University Alumni and were inspiring to listen to. The theme for this year’s celebration was #EmbraceEquity.

The guest speakers included Gabrielle Williams, MP. Gabrielle is the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ambulance Services and Minister for Treaty and First People, so she has a large, varied and very busy portfolio to manage. The next speaker was Kylie Watson-Wheeler who is Senior Vice President and Managing Director for the Walt Disney Company Australia and NZ and the President/Chair, Western Bulldogs. Kylie was inspirational and she relayed the journey of the athletes involved in forming the AFLW and her involvement with them in the filming of the documentary ‘Fearless’; she discussed strategies used in overcoming bias and barriers that were constantly put in the way of forming the AFLW. The final guest speaker was Bedi Othow, Acting head of Corporate Services, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission and Co-Founder, DivTal (Diverse Talent) a job connection service for connecting Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC) job candidates to inclusive employers who want to diversify their talent pool. Betty is an immigrant from Africa and is also Monash Alumni; she sees opportunities are there to be seized, sets herself goals and helps others overcome barriers to success. These three women were so inspiring and it was an honour to listen to them present and describe their leadership strategies and how they operate when facing barriers in their careers and personal journeys.

We were one of only three schools invited to attend this event and were seated with the School Leaders and Careers Coordinator from Langwarrin Secondary College and Monash Student Liaison, Damian Stawiszynski, (who also happens to be an Alumni of SASC!). The food was very nice and Chanel and I enjoyed networking with those at our table and with Beddi Othow after the formalities.

A fabulous way to celebrate International Women’s Day and to acknowledge the opportunities women have in Australia (as opposed to other parts of the world) indeed.


Cathy Armstrong – Careers/Pathways/VET Coordinator

International Women’s Day Breakfast – Monash Univeristy

What an amazing day! This year, I had the incredible opportunity to attend a breakfast for International Women’s Day as a guest of the Monash Arts/Business and Law faculty held at the RACV club in Melbourne with Ms Catherine Armstrong.

International Women’s Day celebrates the achievements of women and the women’s rights movement, and recognises issues such as gender equality, violence and abuse against women and access to education. The theme this year was “Cracking the code: Innovation for a gender equal future.” I truly believe that this was not only explored but embraced this International Women’s Day.

Besides the immaculate layout of the RACV club itself, the upstairs function room was filled with people talking and laughing and some of the most inspiring women of modern day. We sat at a table with a SASC alumni who is currently a Monash Liaison, Damian Stawiszynski and a careers coordinator and two students from Langwarrin Secondary College. Even though barely anybody in the room knew each other, it did not take long to become acquainted, with smiling faces and friendly personalities in every direction.

There were a number of guest speakers each with their own unique story to tell. Bedi Othow was one of them. She is the acting head of Corporate Services, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission and Co-Founder of DivTal (HR Specialists). Through her vibrant personality, Bedi encourages us to not only break through the “glass ceiling” but to “create our own ceiling[s].” What an extraordinary statement! The silence that engulfed the room only confirmed it. She emphasised the need for all voices to be heard and if you notice that one is missing, stop and say “this decision is not being made until that voice is here,” shining a light on the need for women’s voices to be heard and raising awareness on intersectionality and the need to have everyone’s voices heard regardless of where we come from. Ms Armstrong and I had the pleasure of meeting Bedi after her speech where she shared some of her experiences and words of wisdom with me including urging me to pursue my dreams and “create my own ceiling.”

Another speaker was Kylie Watson-Wheeler who is the Senior Vice President and Managing Director of the Walt Disney Company in Australia and New Zealand and President of the Western Bulldogs Football club. Kylie spoke of the progression of women, particularly in sport, and the recent attempts of inclusion from various organisations such as the AFLW. Just sitting there, watching the video of the athletes preparing for a game and hearing about Kylie’s own rise made me appreciate the lengths to which women have gone to be recognised in society and achieve that to which they aspire. Society has become more inclusive but as Kylie said, “We still have a long way to go,” but that’s okay, we can do it together.

The last speaker that I will mention is Harriet Shing, the Minister of Parliament for water, regional development, the Commonwealth Games Legacy and Equality. She reminded us of the influence that both women in power have and that each of us have on each other’s lives. Being the Minister alone sends a strong message: women can go as far as anyone else and can be in positions of power and influence. Minister Shing stresses that we need to work together to close pay gaps and enter workforces where there may be an underrepresentation of women. Why not be that role model for someone else? I feel that there is no doubt that together we can make all of this possible.  

To bring this to a close, a few takeaways of the many from this morning: everyone has a prominent influence in society whether it be because you’re in a position of power or because you inspire your younger siblings to become their absolute best! 

I’d like to thank Ms Armstrong for asking me to accompany her to the event and thank Damien for having us. It truly was an honour to be present at such a momentous occasion in modern society. I believe that we are one step closer to a future recognising equality and equal opportunity.


Chanel Trpovski – Year 12 Student

Sports Faculty

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Intermediate & Senior Boys and Girls Tennis

On March 2, the Intermediate Boys and Girls Tennis team played their Western Region competition at Taylor’s Lakes. 


The Intermediate Boys had 6 schools split up into two divisions, playing off in a round robin based competition for the boys. The top school from each division go through to the finals. We didn’t start the day well, the boys lost all their matches against Spring Side West Secondary and Copperfield – Sydenham, however one player Sia Kallon who moved into the boys team won all of her matches. 


The Intermediate Girls played against Gilson, Kings Park, KDC and Springside West and gave it their best shot but finished short in 4th place. Let’s celebrate their efforts and hope they give it another shot next year. 


Well done to the Intermediate Boys and Girls Tennis team – Allan Duong, Richie Nguyen, Jackson Tang, Sia Kallon, Rahima Muradi, Shayna Prasetyo, Joan Nakato and Khaizy Solomon. 


On March 6, we are excited to share with you the latest results from St Albans Secondary College’s interschool tennis results.


The Senior Girls played against Gilson in a grand final show down and they started 3 close matches. We lost two close games and won one. Which gave us a chance to make it through by winning the doubles. We did our best but couldn’t win both our doubles. With limited training the girls did extremely well and we should congratulate their efforts.


The Senior Boys played out a round robin competition with 3 other schools. We played our first two matches against Spring Side West Secondary and then Keilor Downs College – both these teams were well prepared and we couldn’t break many wins against them. However, they finished the day with a win against Gilson College. We finished in 3rd place and the boys represented the school very well with their efforts. 


Well done to the Senior Boys and Girls Tennis team – Vinh Nguyen, Andy Doan, Beryl Irakoze, Simon Balcha, Brandon Giang, Tiffany Tran, Cindy Vuong, Jiselle Quiaot, Fikayomi Olatunbosan and Catherine Le. 



Mr Steven Vo & Ms Simone Papagianopoulos –  Tennis Coaches

Senior Boys Volleyball – Keilor Division / Gilson College

The Senior Boys coached by Mr Lynch and namely, new teacher Mr Dang, performed exceptionally well at Gilson College on the Wednesday 8 March.

In their pool they defeated Keilor Downs College 2 sets to one in a very exciting match. After losing the first set Mr Dang re-grouped the boys to follow up with a display of confidence and high level skill to take the next two set’s and win the match.

In the second group, St Albans faced Sunshine in another gripping game. It was a very entertaining and hard-fought win for Sunshine College, 2 sets to 1. The St Albans boys did not go down without a fight.

The boys qualified to the semi-final on point’s difference, as all teams in the group had a win and a loss. Facing a talented Springside West in a very entertaining match, the boys showed sportsmanship and great athleticism, but eventually lost in straight sets 2-0.

The big take-away is the boys had fun and experienced success and Mr Dang’s vast experience in volleyball was a great learning curve for the team.

Mr Simon Lynch –  Volleyball Coach

2023 Keilor Division Swimming Championships

A strong contingent of 35 students converged on Oak Park Aquatic Centre on Friday 17 March to battle it out with the likes of Keilor Downs Secondary College, Gilson College and others for the 2023 Keilor Division Swimming Championships.

Following on from a strong participation base in the School Swim Carnival, the coaching staff were confidant of a good result at the division championships. The team led by some fantastic individual and team results ended up dominating the ladder from start to finish to claim our 5th title in 10 years. 

The following students have now qualified to represent the school at the Western Regional Championships in Geelong at the end of term:

  • Phuoc Le 7C
  • Vincent Nguyen 8C
  • Ezekiel Ong 
  • Dylan Pham 8M
  • Madison Pachecho – Sio 11
  • Mary Doan 11
  • Enki Van 11
  • Sarah Mai 11
  • Alex Nguyen 8E
  • Dylan Nguyen 8C
  • Callum Mai
  • Victor Le 12
  • Zoe Edwardes 8M

Mr Rob Lakovski – Swimming Coach


Staff vs Students Netball Match

At lunch time on Friday 24 March, the year 7 to 9 students competed against a selection of staff in a competitive Netball match.

Yet again, the teachers won with a score of 7-1. The House team would like thank all the staff and students who participated in the game and have been awarded points to their house for their sportsmanship.

A special thank you to Becky Annetts for umpiring, and to Dane Stammers, Hebah Shone, Own McIntryre, Taylor Decker, Kristy Le, Ron Brown, Marty Conboy, Julian Swan, Lauren Morrison, Louis Turner and Ali Yamin for playing. We would also like to thank the PE department, who without their continued support, these events would not be able to run.

I believe the year 10-12 team are planning on slaying the teachers team soon in our final match! Only time can tell. Stay updated for the results of the match in our ALBA Newsletter.


Ms Emily Obeid – Junior School Coordinator and House Leader

Western Chances Award Ceremony

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Congratulations to the St Albans Secondary College 2022 Western Chances Recipients, who recently received their Certificates at The Edge, Federation Square. Western Chances scholarships are awarded to talented and motivated young people in Melbourne’s west for a variety of achievements, such as Academic Excellence, Music, and Leadership. The founding Chair, Terry Bracks and CEO, Zac Lewis honoured the accomplishments of our current scholarship recipients and celebrated the successes of the Alumni. The 2015 St Albans Secondary College School Captain, Eangano Singehebhuye, who was first nominated for a Western Chances Scholarship in 2012 was the Guest Speaker at the Ceremony. One of eight children, Eangano described his family’s journey, who were forced to leave their home country, Burundi, and then the Congo due to Civil War, before arriving in Tanzania as refugees. The resilience, determination and kindness of his parents were highlighted and in 2005, with the help of the UNHCR his family came to Australia seeking a better future. Eangano has recently completed his Tertiary Studies majoring in Biomedicine and Exercise Science at Victoria University. He is also the founder of the Non-for-a profit community organisation ‘Acts Of Random Kindness Victoria Inc.’ and the Youth and Community Engagement and Liaison Officer at the non-for profit organisation ‘Football Empowerment’. To quote, Eangano, “I have a real passion for helping people”. Another former St Albans Secondary College student, Song Tinh Le was also recognised for the completion of his Physiotherapy Degree. It was a sensational evening for the students and parents from St Albans Secondary College who attended the event. Sincere thanks to Ms Lynne Borle and our Assistant Principal, Ms Tracey D’Elton for their support on the night, and deep appreciation to all the teachers who have nominated our students over many years. Finally, thank you to Western Chances and their major sponsor, Transurban for investing in young people. “At Western Chances, young people are at the centre of our world. Their hopes for a better future fuel everything we do.” And behind everything we all do at St Albans Secondary College.

2022 Western Chances Recipients

Award Ceremony Attendees

2022 Western Chances Recipients


Talia BUI (10D)

Vienna CHAU (8D)


Rahima MURADI (10C)

Alana NGUYEN-DO (8D)

Tamara PENAIA TE’O (9I)

Dylan PHAM (8M)

Megan TRUONG (10B)

Jessica TUIMUK (8D)

Deniz DAYMEN (11A)

Johnson HUYNH (8H)

Kelly LAM (11C)

Kelly NGHIEM (10B)

Kenny NGUYEN (10D)

Thi Thao Nhi PHAN (12E)

Jannah SABBOUH (12E)


TOUE Gurlee (10F)



Ms Mortimer Mortimer – Scholarships Coordinator

Reflections from Western Chances Award Recipients


Some people might think that the ceremony would be boring as it’s just people talking. Though I did think that at first, it was fantastic. First of all, the location was incredibly elegant and modern. There was plenty of food, drinks, and assistance available. Once the ceremony got underway, our wonderful interviewer spoke with three Alumni. I cherished their advice. One of them was “Failing is acceptable.” This truly affected me, because I worry a lot about failing. One scholarship recipient who had a beautiful voice, sang the 1955 classic song “Cry me a River”, which was simply stunning. – Jessica Tuimuk (8D)


Being able to be a part of Western Chances Scholarship program is a great honour. The Awards ceremony was a memorable night, where we were presented with framed certificates on a big stage. For me, this was an award for my hard work and it is nice being appreciated for what you work so hard to achieve. Also, the fact that the scholarship can be extended after secondary school is pretty amazing. I wish to thank my nominators for recognising my work and providing the opportunity to be a part of the Western Chances Scholarship program. – Rahima Muradi (10C)


Going to the Western Chances Award Ceremony has given me a chance to see in person, how receiving a Scholarship had changed other young people’s lives. We heard from Eangano, a WC Alumni and former St Albans SC student and it was very inspiring hearing his hardships and how Western Chances changed his life. – Talia Bui (10D)