From the Principal Class Team
End of Term 2
As the end of Term 2 approaches, we would like to thank everyone for their efforts in once again achieving great things together. It has been a very busy term, with Athletics, Exams, Camps, Excursions, Lunchtime events and many other activities. It is great to see the rich and varied program that our students can access. We wish all of our students and staff a relaxing break, and look forward to hitting the ground running in Term 3.
Thank You
At the end of term, we will farewell some staff who have taken classes for staff on leave. These include Mr Ben Chen, Ms Simone Papagianopoulos, Mr Sang Dinh, Mr Tim Garde, Mr Loue Triannou, and Mr Ian Crocker.
We would like to thank each of these staff members for their hard work, dedication, and support of our students. While some will remain at the school in various roles, others will be moving on. We wish these staff members all the best with their future endeavours.
We would also like to thank staff who stepped into leadership roles while staff were on leave. These include Mr Ali Yammin in the Middle Sub School, Mr Jacob Marinelli who led the Health and PE Faculty, and Mr David Dang who led the Sport program. Thank you all for your efforts and commitment.
National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week
National Sorry Day (26 May) marks the start of National Reconciliation Week. National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. We cannot begin to fix the problems of the present without accepting the truth of our history. Sorry Day asks us to acknowledge the Stolen Generations, and in doing so, reminds us that historical injustice is still an ongoing source of intergenerational trauma for Aboriginal and Torres Islander families, communities, and peoples National Reconciliation Week runs from 27 – May 3 June 2024 and is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
To mark this important occasion in our calendar, the College started the week with a whole school announcement and a moment of reflection for the Stolen Generations. Teachers of classes explored this important topic and shared videos on lessons to help students understand the importance of National Reconciliation Week. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024 was: Now More Than Ever. It is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue. More information is available here – –
Semester Reports
Semester One reports for students in Years 7 to 11 will be released on Thursday, June 27. For those in Years 7 to 9, these reports will include a “Prepared for Learning” goal that students set at the beginning of the term. As you review your child’s progress, take some time to reflect on their achievements and challenges. After reading the report together, have a conversation about their progress and areas for development. At the start of next term, they will set a new goal so reflection now on strengths and improvement areas will be very helpful.
Proactive Programs
Year 10 students recently participated in a transformative three-day Proactive Programs event. They engaged in essential workshops on topics like party safety and respectful relationships, while also choosing from a variety of sessions focused on self-improvement and personal development.
The program kicked off with an inspiring speech by Eangano Singehebhuye, a 2015 graduate of SASC. During his time at SASC, Eangano was known for his perseverance, empathy, and enthusiasm. He is now the founder and chairman of Acts of Random Kindness Victoria Inc., a program he initiated at just 15 years old by sharing his sports talents with young people at Errington Reserve. Eangano’s message to the Year 10 students was powerful: seize opportunities, engage with others, and take control of your life with discipline and perseverance. He emphasized the importance of being responsible, reliable, and punctual, encapsulating his advice with the phrase, “greatness isn’t lateness.” We hope our students will embrace this mantra.
The week also featured a Speed Careering event organized by Mr. Dane Stammers, where students explored various career paths through interactions with a range of experts, many of whom are college alumni.
This week was a wonderful success, thanks to the dedication of sub-school leaders Mr. Owen McIntyre and Mr. Andrei Alexandrescu. We extend our gratitude to them and to everyone who contributed to the planning and execution of these engaging workshops.
Athletics Carnival
All year 7 to 9 students and many year 10 students attended our annual Athletics Carnival at the Keilor Athletics Track on Friday 10 May. Although it was muddy at the track after our first major downpour the evening before, this didn’t dampen the enthusiasm and many students participated in the events including House events held throughout the day.
We can announce Buttrose House as the 2024 Athletics Carnival champions.
Thank you to all who contributed and participated, making it a fantastic and enjoyable day.
Final scores were:
Congratulations to Buttrose House.
Congratulations and thanks to David Dang and the Health and Physical Education department for organising and running this event, and to all those staff who attended and supported on the day.
Work Experience
Year 10 undertook Work Experience from 17 – 21 June. Students secured employment in a wide range of businesses, some local and others further afield. We know that this experience greatly assists students to develop essential skills linked to time management and independence. This year we again ran a program at school for those unable to secure a work placement. This involved investigating a range of careers, Q and A sessions with alumni and other activities related to work places and securing employment. Congratulations to the careers team for the running of the onsite program and also for the wonderful job they did in supporting the students to find employment and complete their OHS tasks to enable them to participate in a work placement.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank; all our employers for their support for our students, the students for their efforts to gain a work placement and the staff for supporting the program and visiting students or supporting the running of the work experience sessions at school. We also thank Nicole Gurd for organising the alumni presentations, and the alumni who gave up their time to present to students and answer their questions. It was a very worthwhile program for all of Year 10 who took part either in a placement at a workplace, or onsite to complete the school based program. This association with businesses helps us to build and maintain these valuable connections and contributes to the building of the broader school community.
End of Term 2 Arrangements
Friday 28 June is the last day of Term 2, the school day will finish at 2.30pm for students on this day.
Start of Term 3
Term 3 begins on Monday 15 July.