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Alba Newsletter – July 2023

1st January 1970

Our latest Alba Newsletter is here!

Each newsletter contains information about upcoming events, celebration of student success and what has been going on at the college.

Upcoming Events

Year 11 & 12 Changing World with Sonja Carras
Aug 21 @ 1:00 am – 2:45 am
Parent Teacher Interviews
Sep 3 @ 3:00 am – 9:00 am

Parent Teacher Interviews.

Year 10 Romeo & Juliet Incursion
Sep 17 @ 3:30 am – 5:15 am
Year 9 GOALS Program
Oct 14 @ 10:45 pm – Oct 15 @ 3:15 am

Session 6 in the City.

Parent Information Evening
Mar 18 @ 7:30 am – 9:30 am

Attendance at St Albans Secondary College’s Information Evening is highly recommended for parents of prospective year 7 students. The evening provide families with the opportunity to:

  • Meet the College Principal and Leadership Team
  • Enjoy student and School Captain presentations
  • Discover the comprehensive Year 7 Transition Program
  • Learn about curriculum, our SEAL and Scholarship Programs
  • Discuss your child’s educational needs
  • Participate in a guided tour of the College
  • Explore exhibitions of the students’ work
  • Appreciate our students’ musical and artistic talents


From the Principal Class Team

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Dear Parents and Families



We offer a warm welcome to Wendy Ly who joins us this term in the General Office team, and to Brissa Abad who joins the Individual Needs team to provide learning and administrative support.  We wish Wendy and Brissa an enjoyable time at St Albans.


As this is my final Principal’s message to you, I would like to thank you for the honour and privilege of working at and leading our school. I have loved my time here, as a teacher and as a leader. It has been exciting, and so rewarding, to see St Albans Secondary College develop into the respected school it is today. It is held in high regard by its community, and by the education community across the state. This is due to the commitment, expertise and hard work of its teaching and education support staff; to the wonderful students with whom we work each day; and to the support we receive from parents, families and our partner organisations. It is impossible to thank everyone adequately for their part in what we have created together. But, for this, and for what you have given me, thank you.

The school have just developed its next 4 year Strategic Plan, and I am confident that it will continue to grow and strengthen, and to add value to the St Albans community.

I wish Craig Jennings well in his role as Acting Principal for the remainder of 2023. His dedication to the school and experience as a leader stand it in very good stead.

Very best wishes to you.


During June, Australia celebrated NAIDOC week. As it was during school holidays we held our celebrations during Week 1 of this term. NAIDOC week is a time to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. It is an important time in our College calendar. The theme of this year’s NAIDOC Week was: For Our Elders


This year, our NAIDOC activities included: Presentations in assemblies, A Yidaki performance, basket weaving classes and a colouring in competition. In Humanities classes, students learnt about the significance of and meaning behind smoking ceremonies to Aboriginal Peoples.  The bell music was also change for the week to celebrate the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. 

Course Counselling and subject selection

We recently ran the course selection days for Year 11 moving into Year 12, and Year 10 moving into Year 11 for 2024. These are an important part of our calendar of events as they allow every student to receive individual attention regarding their pathway options and assist them in finalising decisions. The Year 10 pre course selection information sessions ran during week two this term and these were run by the Careers/Pathways Team with the support of the Year 10 teaching staff. During the information sessions and interviews, students received information to assist them make informed decisions about subjects they should study aligned with their interests, course and career aspirations. 

Year 10 Parent Information session

The Year 10 Parent Information session for Year 11 2023 ran on Tuesday 18 July at the school in the Gymnasium.  This was a combined session to cover both the VCE and VCE Vocational Major pathways. The session provided an overview of the subject selection process and requirements for each of these pathways.  There was opportunity for parents and students to ask questions on the night.  We were pleased to have such a large turnout for this event with the majority of students and parents in attendance. The information from this session, including the PowerPoint presentation are available on Compass to all Year 10 students and parents.  Year level  course handbooks were also sent out and are available on the school website.

At this stage we have successfully completed the Year 10 and 11 interviews with individual students.  Any student who was unable to attend their interview can reschedule by contacting the Careers Office or speaking with their Year Level Coordinator.

Year 9 Course Counselling

The Course Counselling interview sessions for Year 9 moving into Year 10 are to be held on Tuesday 1 August.  Year 9 students are required to attend on this day only for their interview time.  There are no scheduled Year 9 classes on this day.  Students will be provided with the time for their interviews and parents are welcome to attend the interview with their child.  Please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator should you require further details

The care and thorough approach given to this process is a credit to the Careers/Pathways and Sub School Teams.  The intensive work this involves is done with passion and integrity by all staff who support and assist students to make these decisions, in the knowledge they will have the support of all those at the school to achieve success.

We wish all our students well with course selection, and thank all the staff and parents involved for their support in this process.

Year 8 Parent Information Session

There will be an online session for students in Year 8 and their parents to work through the process of selecting electives as students progress into Year 9.  The session will run on Wednesday 2 August from 6.00pm, via WebEx. It will finish at approximately 6.30pm. If you would like further information please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator. The details for the WebEx meeting will be sent to all families via Compass and a letter for parents will be sent home with the Year 8 students this week.



Farewell Ms Dowsley

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As you would be aware, after many years of service, Ms Kerrie Dowsley is retiring from the Department of Education, leaving St Albans Secondary College specifically.

Kerrie started teaching at Prahran High School in 1978, and transferred to the then St Albans High School in 1981.  Over her time at the College she undertook many leadership roles, becoming Assistant Principal in 2001 and Principal of the College in 2007.

Under Kerrie’s leadership the College has gone from strength to strength. Student outcomes have improved, and the College has become the school of choice for many in the area.

Kerrie’s commitment to the local community has been unwavering, and she has built lifelong friendships with some of her students. The influence she has had on hundreds of staff and thousands of students has been profound.

She will be greatly missed by all of the St Albans College community, and we wish her well in her retirement and all that the future brings.





Craig Jennings – Assistant Principal






From the General Office

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General Office Hours 

8:15am to 4:15pm   

Compass Communication

Any important information will be sent to parents and families via the Compass News Feed.  Parents are asked to ensure that they have access to Compass.



General Office Payments

Preferred method of payment for School Events and Curriculum Contributions is via the Compass school management system.  Parents will log in to this system using their allocated unique User ID and a temporary password.  Payments can be made through the Action Centre from the home screen.  Please contact the General Office on 9366 2555 should you need further information. 





ID Cards

Students are reminded that they require their ID cards with them when they present to the front office.

Lost or Damaged Id Cards

All students at the school will be provided with a student id card following school photo day,  However, if your child has lost or damaged their student id card, you are able to order and pay for a replacement card by logging into your Compass portal. 

To order a replacement CompassIdentity card (for students during the school year), log on to your Compass Account and:

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’.
  • in the ‘Orders’ section, click ‘Individual Orders’.
  • complete the details to order the card

A payment will be required when placing your order.

When the card arrives, it will need to be activated.  Follow the steps below to activiate the card.

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’
  • click on ‘Individual Activation’
  • complete the information on the screen to activate the card.

The office will no longer be taking payment for replacement cards.  Please contact the office on 9366 2555 if you have any queries.

Student Lunches at the General Office

Families are advised that the General Office is unable to accept lunches for student collection.  Please discuss and prepare for a different course of action with your child, should they forget to bring their lunch to school.

If your child has forgotten their lunch at home, parents can leave money in an envelope for their student to collect at the office.  The canteen has an array of choices for your child to purchase their lunch.

College Expectations 

Attendance, Uniform, Punctuality  

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents to make sure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, is in full uniform, and is well prepared for all classes with books and equipment.


Students must have a minimum of 90% attendance in all classes at each year level.


Full uniform must be worn to and from school, at school and on all school excursions, including interschool sports.


Students are expected to be punctual at the start of each day and for all classes. Any student who is late more than 4 times will have a Friday detention from 3:20pm to 5:20pm. 

Sustainable School Shop

The Sustainable School Shop website is available to purchase and/or sell second-hand uniforms and used textbooks.

 Parents can log in or register at any time at

When selling items, click the Sell Uniforms button and follow the prompts. Assistance is given to construct your “For Sale” ads including a pricing guide.

To see the ads for items currently on sale or to obtain the seller details, you will need to log-in to the Sustainable School Shop website, click the blue Stocktake button and then click the item you need. Buyers contact the seller directly.

 Sellers are asked to delist For Sale Ads as items sell.

Student Absence 

Parents and guardians are now able to leave student absence messages directly with the relevant Sub School.

Follow the telephone prompts to be connected to the Sub School needed.

  • Wait for the beep before leaving a message
  • State who you are, eg:  I am the parent of ……..  and clearly state your child’s name and home group
  • Clearly state the reason for your child’s absence and how long they will be absent for

Please ensure that your message is audible (not on speaker phone) and there is no background noise.  

Camps, Sports, Events Fund (CSEF)

Parents with a valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the CSEF.  The CSEF is a yearly payment for each child in the family attending our College.  This payment is to assist with the cost of Camps, Sports and Excursions for your child to attend.  Applications for 2023 are now closed.

State School Relief (SSR)

Should you have a valid Health Care Card and require assistance to purchase school uniform and/or school shoes; you may be eligible for SSR. Health Care Card holders with students enrolled in the VCAL program may also be eligible for assistance with the purchase of personal protective gear. Please enquire at the General Office.


Important Dates & Calendar

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Friday, 28 July 2023

11:00AM – 12:40PM Yr 9 ABCN Goals (Session 2)

11:50AM – 03:10PM MAC Rehearsals (Cast)

01:00PM – 06:00PM  MAC Full Dress Rehearsals (Cast, Backstage & Band)

01:30PM – 03:10PM MAC Rehearsals (Backstage & Band)

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 VCE VM – 2024 VET Selection (R Wing)

Saturday, 29 July 2023

12:00PM – 05:00PM  MAC Full Dress Rehearsals (Cast, Backstage & Band)

Monday, 31 July 2023

All Day Yr 12 VCE VM Work Ready Boot Camp

08:45AM – 09:45AM Yr 12 VCE VM Tertiary Information Session

11:00AM – 03:10PM MAC Rehearsal (Cast)

01:30PM – 03:30PM MAC Matinee Performance (7A, 7G, 7J, 7H, 7I & 11 VCE VM)

01:30PM – 03:10PM MAC Rehearsal (Backstage & Band)

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Performance

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

08:30AM – 03:10PM Yr 7 & 8 Boys Volleyball

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 into Yr 10 Course Selection Day (No Yr 9 Classes)

11:00AM – 03:10PM MAC Rehearsal (Cast)

01:30PM – 03:30PM MAC Matinee Performance (7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, 8C, 10 Lit)

02:20PPM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art (Yr 7-9 Selected Students)

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Performance

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

All Day Yr 12 VCE VM Work Ready Boot Camp

08:45AM – 03:10PM Yr 8 Girls Volleyball

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

06:00PM – 06:40PM Yr 8 Parent Informtion Evening Online Event

Thursday, 3 August 2023

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

08:55AM – 09:45AM STRENGTH – 1000 Generations (Yrs 7 – 10 Selected Students)

11:00AM – 01:00PM MAC Performance (Primary Schools)

11:00AM – 11:50AM SHINE – 1000 Generations (Yrs 7 – 10 Selected Students)

11:00AM – 12:40PM Yr 11 ABCN Focus

11:00AM – 12:40PM Australian Maths Competition

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP (Yrs 7 – 9 Selected Students)

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Performance

Friday, 4 August 2023

All Day Yr 12 VCE VM Work ready Boot Camp

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

09:45AM – 10:35AM Resourceful Adolescent Program

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 VCE VM CHASE Education Phase – Work Shop 6

02:20PM – 03:10PM Pat-R Testing Catch Up Session

Monday, 7 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 12 VCE VM TIS Workshp (Nindethana)

10:35AM – 01:30PM Yr 12 VCE VM Western Health Partnership – Activities and Resource Kit Groups

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:35AM – 03:10PM Yr 10 NGV Excursion

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

02:20PM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art (Yrs 7 – 9 Selected Students)

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

09:45AM – 10:35AM Resourceful Adolescent Program (Yr 7 & 8 Selected Students)

11:50AM – 01:30PM Yr 12 Motivational Lunch (PAC)

Thursday, 10 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

08:55AM – 09:45AM STRENGTH 1000 Generations (Yrs 7 – 10 Selected Students)

11:00AM – 11:50AM SHINE 1000 Generations (Yrs 7 – 10 Selected Students)

11:50AM – 01:30PM Yr 12 Lunch

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP (Yrs 7 – 9 Selected Students)

Friday, 11 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

11:00AM – 12:40PM Yr 9 ABCN Goals Session 3 

Saturday, 12 August 2023

09:00AM – 12:30PM Grade 6 to Year 7 SEAL Edutest

Monday, 14 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

10:35AM – 01:30PM Yr 12 VCE VM Western Health Partnership Activities and Resource Kit Groups

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 10 Speed Careering Day

02:20PM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art (Yrs 7 – 9 Selected Students)

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:30AM – 03:10PM Yr 11 ABCN Focus

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

Thursday, 17 August 2023

All Day P1 – P4 Reduced Timetabled Classes (each period will be 5 minutes shorter)

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

08:55AM – 09:45AM STRENGTH 1000 Generations (Yrs 7 – 10 Selected Students)

11:00AM – 11:50AM Resourceful Adolescent Program (Yrs 7 – 8 Selected Students)

11:00AM – 11:50AM SHINE 1000 Generations (Yrs 7 – 10 Selected Students)

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP (Yrs 7 – 9 Selected Students)

01:50PM – 03:10PM Curriculum Afternoon (Student Free P5 & 6)

Friday, 18 August 2023

08:00AM – 09:00AM Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course Selection

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 12 VTAC SEAS & Scholarship Interviews

12:40PM – 01:30PM National Day of Action against Bullying & Violence  – VCE VM Lunchtime Activities

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College
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Phuong  Le

Hello everyone, my name is Phuong. Many, many, many years ago St Albans Secondary College provided me with the stepping stone to a higher education that resulted in an amazing career in scientific research. This enabled me to travel and work at The University of Sheffield, UK and Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan. During my travels, I realised that my passion is in teaching. Fast forward to now, I have been teaching science and VCE biology for eight years and absolutely loving it. 😊 

I am honoured for the opportunity to come back to this wonderful school and become part of the teaching community to guide, teach and inspire current and future students.   





Anita Dimitrijevic

Dear St Albans, Secondary College Community,

My name is Anita Dimitrijevic, and I am grateful for the opportunity to start my teaching career here at St Albans Secondary College for term 3 as a Psychology teacher. I have had many teaching experiences around the West of Melbourne, learning new approaches and strategies, and hopefully with my experience here, I will gain a lot more. 

As one of my siblings attended this school in the past, I feel as though I am looking back at their memories here, and I can now understand why they had an amazing high school experience. I hope that from here on, I am able to make my own wonderful memories as being a part of this community.

While not at school, I like to spend my time reading, watching movies, and trying to keep active by going to the gym and playing tennis. I am happy to be here, and I look forward to working alongside you all.




Tom Nguyen


My name is Tom, I am so excited to join the school and its community and be part of the Mathematics teaching team in semester 2. Coming from an electronics engineering background, I have extensive experience & knowledge in algebra and calculus that I would like to transfer to the next generation.

I enjoy spending time with family and friends and listening to classical music.

I look forward to working with you all.

Junior School Report

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Welcome back to Term 3.  We hope our students are well rested and prepared for another busy term. All students should have received their reports by now. Students can access reports via COMPASS and parents can use their Portals to see the reports.  If you are having difficulty with this please contact the school. If you have any concerns about your child’s report, please contact the relevant coordinator to discuss.

Our first week back hit the ground running with Year 7 Students attending an excursion to the city in Week 2 to the Bunjulika Aboriginal Cultural Centre at the Melbourne Museum. Students were able to interact with ancient artifacts, and explore the exhibits while comparing and contrasting historical sources and analysing different perspectives of people in the ancient past.  The excursion included access to the Milarri Garden and enabled students to be immersed in the rich and diverse cultures of Australia’s First nation’s people. It was an amazing experience and a great day for the students.

Students from the Sub School are performing in the MAC School Production “Cinderella” – Year 7 students will have had the opportunity of a taster of the Performance in August. We are pleased to see so many keen junior performers with various talents participating in this big production.

Our Anti -Bullying program “Wired” was held in Week 3 for Year 7 and 8 students. This performance highlights the various types of Bullying and engages the students in how to respond to issues and how to seek support.  This is a valuable program to support our students in dealing with ongoing issues they face with Cyber Bullying in particular. Students will complete follow up materials to support the Program in their Integrated Studies classes.


We will be holding an online Parent Information evening for Year 8 students on Tuesday 2 August and this will be to inform parents and students on Subject Selection processes for year 9 Courses. Information will be sent out via Compass.

Please ensure your child has warm uniform for these cold winter days. Ensure you have labelled your child’s clothing. The uniform shop is open Monday and Thursday 12.15- 1.30 pm.

If your child is absent, please submit a medical certificate upon return or contact the Sub School on 9366 2555 to inform us of the absence.

If you require any type of assistance or support, please contact your child’s coordinator via email or phone.


Ms Lauren Honeycombe – Junior Sub School Leader

Middle School Report

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We welcome the middle school student back from the school holidays and are pleased to report they have started really well. The end of last term was a busy one for the Year 10 cohort as they finished their Work Experience and started their new semester 2 subjects. We had some fantastic feedback regarding our year 10’s while on work experience. There were many positive stories and some students were able to secure part-time work after impressing at their workplace.

On day one of this term we held year level assemblies so the students could show their appreciation towards Kerrie Dowsley, the college principal before she retires this term. The assemblies were organised and run by our student representative council. These students have had the opportunity to continue to grow their leadership and public speaking skills. We encourage any students who would like to help organise or run these assemblies to speak to their year level coordinator.

The start of this term has focussed on preparing for the future. The Year 9’s have been completing careers assignments that have begun to narrow down a list of future careers. The Year 10’s have also done some work in classes on identifying options for future study or work. In weeks three and four of this term students will be selecting their subjects for next year. The careers team along with the middle sub-school coordinators will be supporting them in this process. We had a brilliant turn out for our Year 10 Information Evening and we thank the parents for their attendance and their support of the college.

There are two major events upcoming this term. The school production is running in week 4 and we have a large number of middle school students who are either performing or assisting in the running of the show. The staff and students have been preparing for months so please show your support and attend what will be a brilliant show. The other major event for the middle sub-school is the Year 9 City Experience Week. Held in week 8 this term, students will spend the week in the city undertaking research projects, visiting major landmarks and participating in a variety of sporting days. Teachers and year level coordinators will supervise the students and we are hoping for some great weather.

After such a positive start to the term we encourage students to continue the good work and try to make the most out of the upcoming careers work and to celebrate their fellow students successes in the school production. As always we thank parents and guardians for your ongoing support and look forward to continuing to work with the students in the middle sub-school.

Mr Owen McIntyre  – Middle Sub School Leader

Senior School Report

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It has already been a very busy Term 3 for our Senior Sub School students, with classes picking up right where they left off prior to the holidays. The start of a new term is also the perfect time for our students to reflect on their achievements and challenges, and set new personal and learning goals for a successful Term 3. We encourage students to speak to their Year Level Coordinator if they would like support with goal setting. 

June Practice Exams

The Year 12 VCE students were hard at work during the June school holidays, as they attended their practice exams. The practice exams are an important opportunity for students to test their understanding of subject-specific content and apply their knowledge and skills in timed exam conditions. Practice exam results will be available in the progress reports, which will can be viewed in the coming week on Compass. The next round of Year 12 practice exams will be held in the September holidays.

These exams are in preparation for the end-of-year VCAA exams which will be held from Tuesday 24 October – Wednesday 15 November. 2023.

Year 11 & 12 Assemblies

The Year 11 and 12 students had their assemblies on Monday 10 July 2023. The main focus of the assembly was to bid farewell and give our best wishes to the College Principal, Ms Dowsley, on her retirement.

Karli Keskin wrote an original rendition of “The Places You’ll Go” by Dr Suess, which was beautifully illustrated by Andrew Le, Madison Pacheco-Sio, Tassa Tran and Tina Tran. Anh Tran, who spoke on behalf of the International Students, and the Year 12 School Captains and Vice Captains thanked Ms Dowsley on behalf of the student body for her 40 years of service to the school community.

The Year 11 student assembly followed the Year 12 assembly. The students also thanked Ms Dowsley in a heart-warming speech. They then lighted the mood by presenting her with some novelty items during a humorous “things to do on your retirement” segment. The Year 11 SRC organised a video presentation, which included farewell speeches from past School Captains. Finally, Andrew Le presented Ms Dowsley with a gift of his artwork, which was inspired by the school’s grounds and flora.

On behalf of the entire Senior Sub School, I would also like to thank Ms Dowsley for her immense contribution to the school community. We would like to congratulate her on her well-earned retirement, and sincerely wish her all the best for this next exciting chapter and all her future endeavours.

Tertiary Information Sessions (TIS)

Year 12 students attended their after-school Tertiary Information Session (TIS) on Monday 24 July or Wednesday 26 July 2023. Students received information on how to apply for tertiary courses through VTAC and the Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS). VCE VM students will have their TIS session on Monday 7 August 2023 during periods 1 and 2.

Year 11 – 100 Days of Success

The Year 11 students enjoyed the 100 Days of Success celebration organised by the Senior Sub School, as recognition of the effort, resilience, care and enthusiasm shown in their first 100 days of their VCE and VCE VM studies. The students were treated to a light afternoon tea, while they enjoyed Year 11 musical performances and a mesmerising magical act from world-renowned master illusionist, Duck Cameron.


Careers Counselling

As part of the College’s commitment to supporting students with making informed pathways choices, the Careers Team in conjunction with the Senior Sub School ran one-to-one course counselling sessions for Year 11 students on Tuesday 25 July 2023, to select their 2023 subjects. Students were referred to the school’s Promotion Policy, and made selections based on their school reports, tertiary pre-requisites and teacher recommendations.

The College’s Promotion Policy is available for viewing on Compass. Year Level Coordinators will be contacting families if their child is at risk of not meeting the Promotion Policy.

Youth Forum – Crime Stoppers

On Friday 21 July, Ms Gough and Year 11 and 12 student volunteers attended an excursion to the Victoria Police Centre.

Our students took part in discussions around developing ‘a creative content strategy’ suitable for a four-week-long crime prevention campaign. Victoria Police’s goal for the forum, was to better understand the students’ thinking, ideas and concerns, and to come away with an approach and creative ideas led by the students. 

The Crime Stoppers Community Engagement Team will be creating an educational program which provides students and teachers with supported and informed material to have conversations around violent crime, with a view of deterring young adults from engaging in the behaviours, but also to know what to do about reporting related incidents.

ABCN Focus Program

The ABCN Focus program is an initiative, facilitated by Mr Olthof, that addresses the underrepresentation of women in senior roles in Australia. It is designed to support young women to develop their leadership skills, aspire to senior roles in business and the community, and foster a sense of self-belief that will encourage them to aim high.

Focus involves female Year 11 students working in small groups with female executives who act as role models and mentors. Mentors sharing their own career journeys and challenges can make an enormous impact as students consider their options for the future.

The three fully facilitated sessions include an introduction to leadership styles, realising strengths and creating a leadership picture:

  • Focus Session 1 – Monday, 24 July 2023 (city event)
  • Focus Session 2 – Thursday, 3 August 2023 (on-site at school sessions 3&4)
  • Focus Session 3 – Wednesday, 16 August 2023 (city event)

A timely reminder that school uniform jackets and school scarves ONLY are to be worn to, from and at school. Students are not to enter school grounds out of uniform, except in exceptional circumstances and with a note from a parent/guardian.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are to be kept switched-off and in lockers during the school day. Regular checks will be conducted and mobile phones will be confiscated if they are not kept in lockers.

Wellbeing Support

We would like to thank parents for their ongoing support during what can be a challenging term for VCE students, as they start preparing for their final exams or VM portfolio interviews. 

Research shows that the most successful students are those that have regular routines, plan their study/work time and schedule regular short breaks. Students who work excessive hours in their part-time job and students who are not prepared for learning, are more likely to feel stressed and overwhelmed.

Wellbeing resources to support parents to have discussions with their children regarding their wellbeing, can be found on the Department of Education website:

We encourage parents to contact the Senior Sub School or Wellbeing team with any concerns regarding their child’s study habits or wellbeing.

Parents are reminded that they are always welcome to contact the Senior Sub School for any questions or concerns on 9366 2555.


Ms Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader

MAC Production 2023

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Cinderella: Time After Time

When this Alba News goes to publication, we will be three days out from opening night. The last few weeks have been very exciting with the stage, lights and sound all being bumped into Performing Arts and the MAC team has been working incredibly hard to bring you another entertaining production. We are very proud of our young cast and crew. Many performers are on stage for the first time, and they have shown great commitment and determination to learn their roles for this show. Our backstage crew have been equally impressive and under the leadership of Mr Nick D’Aglas again you will be seeing stunning sets and stagecraft. Lavina Tran and Jenny Nguyen of year 11 have been outstanding leaders in the development of the backstage crew this year and a great support to the teachers involved. The band, under the direction of Ms Melrose Tran and Mr James Orchard, are sounding fabulous and the audience is bound to enjoy some familiar tunes. If you haven’t already purchased your ticket do so before you miss out. Tickets available through trybooking.




Performance Dates:     Monday, 31 July – 7pm

                      Tuesday, 1 August – 7pm

                      Thursday, 3 August – 7pm


Tickets are on sale now via this trybooking link


Ms Janet McKenzie – Director


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Modern History

On Thursday 20 July the Yr 11 Modern History class attended an excursion to The Shrine, in St Kilda Rd, Melbourne. Students learned about the Vietnam War and met a returned Australian serviceman who discussed his experience in the war. We were able to view some of the uniform and artefacts used by Australian soldiers at the time.  Thank you to Ms Lau for also attending.

A great learning experience was had by all.



Jill Donaldson  –  Humanities Teacher


Ancient History

As part of their Unit on Ancient History, Year 7 students attended an excursion to the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at the Melbourne Museum. Students were able to interact with ancient artefacts and explore the exhibits while comparing and contrasting historical sources and analysing different perspectives of people in the ancient past. The excursion also included access to the Milarri Garden and enabled students to be immersed in the rich and diverse cultures of Australia’s First Nations People. Students gained a greater understanding of the curriculum and developed the skills required to complete their AT.

A big thank you to all the Integrated Studies teachers for their support and assistance, especially Mr Ben Copper who organised this event.


Mr Mark Micallef – Humanities Teacher

Digital Technology

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Ethical use of Generative AI at St Albans Secondary College

Many of us will have heard of Generative AI. Artificial Intelligence program systems use big sets of data to produce various types of content, including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data. It offers innovation not just in industries and businesses but also in education.

At St Albans Secondary College, we have developed a guiding principle for the ethical use of Generative AI for all students. It states that artificial intelligence must not be used in a way that compromises the integrity of student work.

In week One of this term, presentations on AI were made at all year level assemblies, and teachers will continue discussing how best to use Generative AI in classes.

Below is the flyer that outlines the ethical and unethical uses of AI.  More information will be sent out to parents regarding the Digital Learning Policy from the Department of Education and the updated St Albans Digital Learning Policy.

If you have any concerns, please speak to your child’s Sub- school co-ordinator or Ms Bentley – Digital Learning Specialist.


Ms Piera Bentley – Learning Specialist Digital Technology

Year 8 Italian Pasta Shape Competition 2023

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As part of their unit on ‘Food in Italy’, Year 8 Italian students from, Ms Morrison, Ms Honeycombe and Ms Bentley’s classes had the opportunity this term to learn how to make authentic pasta dough at home and learn about the 350 different shapes of pasta and their accompanying sauces.

Congratulations to Amy Shi of 8M for her turle design and to Sally Wang of 8I for her amazing snake design.



Congratulations also to all the other runners up from each class.

8B -Moto, Tina M, Quynh Anh, Henry, Alice and Anh T.

8I – Bianca, Delphi, Amina, Ken, Kevin N, and Paige

8J – Puneet, Ishmeet, Amanda, Delta, Nazrawit, Bao

8L – Kaitlin, Tina, Emily, Angela, Jessica Le, Hayden

8M – Kian, Yuki, Chantell, Darlene, Thanapat, Farishtay


Ms Piera Bentley – Italian Teacher                      


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Book Week

Attention all book lovers and literary enthusiasts! Get ready to embark on an extraordinary literary journey because Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Book Week is here, and it’s time to celebrate the magic of reading like never before!

CBCA Book Week (19 – 25 August) is an enchanting week dedicated to showcasing the wonders of books, the joy of storytelling, and the power of imagination. So whether you’re an avid reader or just curious about discovering new worlds between the pages, CBCA Book Week has something special in store for each one of you.

During Book Week, SASC Library will be transformed into a realm of literary delights, brimming with an array of CBCA nominated books waiting to be explored. This is your chance to immerse yourself in stories that transport you to distant lands, introduce you to fascinating characters, and spark your imagination in ways you never thought possible. From science fiction to fantasy, mystery to manga, romance to horror, there’s a book for everyone to fall in love with!

There will be competitions! Events! Prizes! Activities! Watch this space…





Library Staff







House Students Vs Staff Volleyball Game

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At lunch time on Friday 23 June, the year 7 to 12 students battled to take the victory for the Volleyball competition against a number of staff members.  Our teachers have become undefeatable as they secured the winning match.

We hold these events at the end of each term. It would not be possible without all the help from our student leaders in the House team, the staff volunteers, and all the staff and students who participate in each game. The House team would like to thank all those involved and they have been awarded house points for their sportsmanship.

A special thank you to Simon Lynch for umpiring, and to Dane Stammers, Hebah Shone, Own McIntryre, Taylor Decker, Myers Nguyen, David Dang, Ben Beagly and Ethan Man for playing. We would also like to thank the PE department, who without their continued support, these events would not be able to run!

Our next competition will be in the final week of term 3 for a friendly game of skittles. Students, please keep a close eye on your Compass newsfeed for updates.


Emily Obeid – English & Humanitiies Teacher | Rosewall House Leader



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Farewell Ms Kerrie Dowsley from the Alumni Program

There were many genuine and heartfelt messages sent in from our alumni community to bid farewell to their former teacher and principal, Ms Kerrie Dowsley.  Kerrie had an enormous impact on the lives of the former students, with many of them expressing gratitude for the life changing role that she played in their lives. There were simply too many adjectives among the messages to fully encapsulate the feelings here, but some recurrent words were motivational, inspirational, supportive, kind, dedicated, and caring.

Universally, the sentiment was that her guidance and leadership have provided meaningful impact during her tenure and that she will be deeply missed…and celebrated and wished well…but missed all the same! More than a few of the messages brought a tear to my eye, I can’t even begin to imagine the effect they had on Ms Dowsley!



Alumni Winter Review

For a recap of all the happenings from semester one, click on the link to read our Alumni Winter Review.



Ms Nicole Gurd – Alumni Coordinator


Community News

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Brimbank Council – Casual Relief School Crossing Supervisor Recruitment


Brimbank Council  currently have an on-going recruitment Casual Relief School Crossing Supervisors.

They are looking for mature aged people that would be interested in becoming a school crossing supervisor, supplement their income and be part of a great community providing a valued service.

Anyone interested,  can apply on-line by submitting an application via the Brimbank City Councils website, (Current Vacancies) , or via the link  below


Public Speaking and Drama Program




Swimland Swim Club