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From the Principal Class Team

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Welcome Back!

Welcome to our  first newsletter for 2024.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Year 7 class of 2024. They have settled in really well, and have made a smooth transition into secondary school.

We would also like to welcome the 50 or so new students in other year levels and their families to the College. We hope you are making friends and enjoying your classes.

There are  also a number of new staff joining us this year. Welcome to all of them!  You will read their introductions later in this newsletter.

NAPLAN 13 – 25 March

The National Assessment Program (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. The tests assess the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards.

NAPLAN is just one aspect of our school’s assessment and reporting process. It does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it does provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress.

NAPLAN tests are delivered in an online format which includes a ‘tailored test’ design that adapts to correct and incorrect student responses providing a more precise understanding of student achievement.

All eligible students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN tests. Catch up tests will be available for individual students who are absent on test days up to and including Monday 25 March 2024.

Support will be arranged for students with additional needs if the student regularly uses similar support for classroom assessment tasks.

Students are not expected to study for NAPLAN. You can support your child by reassuring them that NAPLAN is a part of their school program and reminding them to simply do their best. Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the types of questions in the tests and will provide appropriate support and guidance. 

For more information about the tests, please visit the VCAA website at: or the NAP website at:

We are Better Together

Every Semester our school has a wellbeing theme to help all our students feel more Connected Protected and Respected (CPR). This Semester our CPR theme is “We are better together”.  This theme focuses on the idea that by working together to support each other we can ensure everyone achieves strong learning and wellbeing outcomes. “We are better together” is also about taking pride in our school and community and living by our school values of Leadership, Respect, Integrity and Excellence every day.


Year 12 Study Camp

Congratulations to the Senior Sub School for running and very successful Year 12 Study Camp. The Year 12 students spent two days in the city staying at a University of Melbourne residential College. They had the opportunity to tour different universities and learnt important study skills and participate in lectures to set them up for success this year. They also spend time getting to know each other better and building strong bonds with each other and teachers to help them throughout this year. We wish our Year 12s every success as they embark on their final year of education.

Attendance and Punctuality

At St Albans Secondary College we value attendance and being on time. Students are expected to attend school every day and arrive by 8.45am. We would ask the support of parents and families to ensure their children attend school on time every day.

Being on time matters because:

  1. When you are late it disrupts your learning, your teacher’s teaching and the learning of others. Being on time shows you have respect for other people and that you care as much about their time as your own
  2. It demonstrates that you are diligent and dependable and care about your learning
  3. It indicates that you honour your commitments and you can be trusted
  4. It sets a good example to others
  5. Its an important life skill

Being late just 10 minutes a day adds up to over 17 days of learning across 17 years of school. We understand that, at times, there will be things beyond your control that result in students being late. On these occasions, please talk with the relevant Coordinator.


Whole School Assembly

We held our first whole school assembly to welcome our 2024 Year 7 cohort on Friday 9 February.  The morning celebration took place in the covered outdoor teaching space with an audience of approximately 1800 students and staff. At this assembly, we not only welcomed our Year 7 cohort, but also all other new staff and students and their families into the St Albans School Community.  These assemblies are an important part of our school calendar and school traditions.  The assembly provided an opportunity for us all be together to make connections, especially with our new Year 7s.  The assembly began with Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Elder Aunty Julieanne Axford, who welcomed us to country and gave an overview of the history of traditional culture for our area and surrounds.  Also in attendance was our local Member of Parliament, Natalie Suleyman.

During proceedings, we celebrated together and acknowledged examples of student leadership and excellence in a range of areas.  We were treated to student musical performances and an overview of the excellent 2023 VCE and VCE VM achievements. Our school Captains Sally Li and Kevin (Long) Nguyen welcomed our newest students and Elisha Chua and Jayden Truong of Year 7 responded on behalf of the Year 7 Cohort.  Students were provided an over view of the scholarships, awards and prizes available.  The 2024 Year 7 scholarship recipients were introduced and presented with a certificate by the College Principal Mr Craig Jennings and our School Council Vice President, Ms Natalija Nesvadba.



Students were reminded of the Student Recognition Prize, an iPad, awarded at the end of each year to a student from each sub school who exemplifies the school values of Respect, Integrity, Leadership and Excellence; this includes having over 90% attendance, always behaving in accordance with expectations and respectfully to both other students and staff, and wearing school uniform correctly.

This was the first of our whole school events for 2024 and we look forward to our next opportunity to come together.  These traditions are what helps to create a school community and certainly support our whole school commitment to Connect, Protect and Respect (CPR).

2024 Swimming Carnival

We will have our Swimming Carnival on Tuesday 5 March.  All Year 7 and 8 students and House Captains from other year levels will attend Oak Park Aquatic Centre for this whole day event. Activities will run throughout the day to complement the swimming program and students attending need to be in either school or sports uniform.  This is another of our school events that promotes CPR and, if the practice chanting is an indication of the enthusiasm, it should be a lively and competitive day of swimming and activities.  Notices will go out to parents to provide further information regarding the carnival closer to the date.

Teacher Writes Her Way into the Curriculum

Amra Pajalic, award winning author, editor and teacher at St Albans Secondary College, has had her article “I live in St Albans and we’re not all criminals” that was published in The Age in May 2023, being used as a new sample exam for VCE Sociology by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Amra says “As a writer and a teacher this is everything. It means so much that an article that I wrote has resonated with so many readers and is now being used as an educational resource. This article was very personal and led to me being a tiny celebrity in my local suburb of St Albans and it makes me so proud that it’s getting to be read by many more.”  Congratulation to Amra on this wonderful achievement.

The Age article can be read here.

Privacy Reminder for our School Community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.

We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education], please contact the school.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudanese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese





From the General Office

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General Office Hours 

8:15am to 4:15pm   

Compass Communication

Any important information will be sent to parents and families via the Compass News Feed.  Parents are asked to ensure that they have access to Compass.



General Office Payments

Preferred method of payment for School Events and Curriculum Contributions is via the Compass school management system.  Parents will log in to this system using their allocated unique User ID and a temporary password.  Payments can be made through the Action Centre from the home screen.  Please contact the General Office on 9366 2555 should you need further information. 





ID Cards

Students are reminded that they require their ID cards with them when they present to the front office.

Lost or Damaged Id Cards

All students at the school will be provided with a student id card following school photo day,  However, if your child has lost or damaged their student id card, you are able to order and pay for a replacement card by logging into your Compass portal. 

To order a replacement CompassIdentity card (for students during the school year), log on to your Compass Account and:

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’.
  • in the ‘Orders’ section, click ‘Individual Orders’.
  • complete the details to order the card

A payment will be required when placing your order.

When the card arrives, it will need to be activated.  Follow the steps below to activiate the card.

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’
  • click on ‘Individual Activation’
  • complete the information on the screen to activate the card.

The office will no longer be taking payment for replacement cards.  Please contact the office on 9366 2555 if you have any queries.

Student Lunches at the General Office

Families are advised that the General Office is unable to accept lunches for student collection.  Please discuss and prepare for a different course of action with your child, should they forget to bring their lunch to school.

If your child has forgotten their lunch at home, parents can leave money in an envelope for their student to collect at the office.  The canteen has an array of choices for your child to purchase their lunch.

College Expectations 

Attendance, Uniform, Punctuality  

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents to make sure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, is in full uniform, and is well prepared for all classes with books and equipment.


Students must have a minimum of 90% attendance in all classes at each year level.


Full uniform must be worn to and from school, at school and on all school excursions, including interschool sports.


Students are expected to be punctual at the start of each day and for all classes. Any student who is late more than 4 times will have a Friday detention from 3:20pm to 5:20pm. 

Sustainable School Shop

The Sustainable School Shop website is available to purchase and/or sell second-hand uniforms and used textbooks.

 Parents can log in or register at any time at

When selling items, click the Sell Uniforms button and follow the prompts. Assistance is given to construct your “For Sale” ads including a pricing guide.

To see the ads for items currently on sale or to obtain the seller details, you will need to log-in to the Sustainable School Shop website, click the blue Stocktake button and then click the item you need. Buyers contact the seller directly.

 Sellers are asked to delist For Sale Ads as items sell.

Student Absence 

Parents and guardians are now able to leave student absence messages directly with the relevant Sub School.

Follow the telephone prompts to be connected to the Sub School needed.

  • Wait for the beep before leaving a message
  • State who you are, eg:  I am the parent of ……..  and clearly state your child’s name and home group
  • Clearly state the reason for your child’s absence and how long they will be absent for

Please ensure that your message is audible (not on speaker phone) and there is no background noise.  

Camps, Sports, Events Fund (CSEF)

Parents with a valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the CSEF.  The CSEF is a yearly payment for each child in the family attending our College.  This payment is to assist with the cost of Camps, Sports and Excursions for your child to attend.  Applications for 2024 are now open.  Click here to access the 2024 CSEF application from.  The form will need to be printed, completed, and returned to the school.

State School Relief (SSR)

Should you have a valid Health Care Card and require assistance to purchase school uniform and/or school shoes; you may be eligible for SSR. Health Care Card holders with students enrolled in the VCAL program may also be eligible for assistance with the purchase of personal protective gear. Please enquire at the General Office.


Important Dates & Calendar

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Monday, 19 February 2024

08:30AM – 03:15PM 8D, 8F & 8C Altona Beach Geography Fieldtrip

09:00AM – 10:00AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 1

12:40PM – 01:30PM Senior School New Student Luncheon

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

09:00AM – 10:00AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 1

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 9 Presentation Pat Cronin Foundation

10:50AM – 12:45PM 7A St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

11:00AM – 12:40PM 7B St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

01:15PM – 03:10PM 7H St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

09:00AM – 10:00AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 1

08:45AM – 03:15PM 8B & 8J Altona Beach Geography Fieldtrip

03:15PM – 04:30PM Yr 12 Release of Information and SEA Event

06:00PM – 07:30PM Yr 12 VCE & Yr 12 VCE VM Parent Information Night

Thursday, 22 February 2024

09:00AM – 10:00AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 1

08:55AM – 10:35AM 7K St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

Friday, 23 February 2024

09:00AM – 10:00AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 1

08:35AM – 03:10PM 8A, 8E, 8G & 8H Altona Beach Geography Fieldtrip

01:00PM – 03:10PM 7D St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

Monday, 26 February 2024

08:15AM – 09:15AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 2

08:55AM – 09:45AM Yr 9 Assembly

08:55AM – 10:35AM 7F & 7E St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

09:45AM – 10:35AM Yr 10 Assembly

11:00AM – 11:50AM Yr 7 Assembly

11:50AM – 12:40PM Yr 8 Assembly

01:00PM – 01:15PM Yr 10 Banqer High Subscription

01:30PM – 02:20PM Yr 11 Assembly

02:20PM – 03:10PM Yr 12 Assembly

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

08:15AM – 09:15AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 2

08:30AM – 03:15PM 8I & 8K Altona Beach Geography Fieldtrip

08:55AM – 12:40PM PODCAST

08:55AM – 10:35AM 7C St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

11:00AM – 12:40PM 7G St Albans Geography Fieldtrip

02:20PM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

All Day Curriculumm Day – Students Not Required at School

Thursday, 29 February 2024

08:15AM – 09:15AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 2

08:35AM – 04:30PM Yr 9 Smith Family RMIT Event

10:00AM – 01:45PM Leaders of the Pack

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

Friday, 1 March 2024

08:15AM – 09:15AM Yr 9 Morrisby Stage 2 – Test Session 2

08:55AM – 12:40PM Yr 9 & 10 Drama – “Peter Pan” Screening

Monday, 4 March 2024

08:00AM – 05:00PM Senior & Intermediate Boys Baseball

08:30AM – 03:10PM Senior Boys & Girls Tennis 

11:00AM – 12:40PM Clean Up Australia Participation

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

All Day Yr 7, 8, Yr 10 PE Students  & Yrs 10 – 12 House Captains 2024 Swimming Carnival 

02:20PM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

08:35AM  04:30PM Yr 9 Smith Family RMIT Event

08:45AM – 03:10PM 7D Strathbogie Camp

06:PM – 07:30PM Yr 11 VCE & Yr 11 VCE VM Parent Information Night

Thursday, 7 March 2024

08:45AM – 03:10PM 7D Strathbogie Camp

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

Friday, 8 March 2024

08:45AM – 03:10PM 7D Strathbogie Camp

08:45AM – 03:10PM Future Thinkers Program

Monday, 11 March 2024

All Day Labour Day Public Holiday – Students Not Required at School

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

08:55AM – 12:40PM PODCAST

02:20PM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art

05:30PM – 07:45PM Yr 8 Student Volunteers (Grade 6 Parent & Student Information Evening)

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

08:35AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Smith Family RMIT Event

08:35AM – 03:10PM 7I Strathbogie Camp

Thursday, 14 March 2024

08:35AM – 03:10PM 7I Strathbogie Camp

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

Friday, 15 March 2024

08:35AM – 03:10PM 7I Strathbogie Camp

09:00AM – 03:30PM Yr 11 Lady Northcote Team Building Day

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

08:55AM – 12:40PM PODCAST

02:20PM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art

03:15PM – 09:15PM Yr 9 – 12 Debating

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

08:35AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 Smith Family RMIT Event

09:00AM – 03:30PM Yr 11 Lady Northcote Team Building Day

Thursday, 21 March 2024

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

Monday, 25 March 2024

01:00PM – 03:10PM Yr 11 & 12 Soccer Challenge

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

08:55AM – 12:40PM PODCAST

02:20PM – 03:10PM Group Based Tibetan Art

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

All Day Students Not Required at School (Parent Teacher Interviews)

01:00PM – 07:00PM Parent Teacher Interviews

Thursday, 28 March 2024

End of Term 1 – Students Dismissed at 2:30pm

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College
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Tereza Cuca

My name is Tereza Cuca and I am very fortunate to have become a part of the St Albans Secondary College Community. I have been in the education system for a number of years, teaching both classroom and instrumental music.

Apart from playing music, I enjoy reading and travelling. I will forever be a student, as I love to challenge myself and continually learn about a range of topics which interest me.

I am looking forward to the year ahead and working with you all!



Natalya Hawrylak

Dear St Albans Community, 

My name is Natalya Hawrylak.  I have recently moved to Victoria from Perth, Western Australia. I am your new Teacher Librarian and also teach Year Nine English. I have been teaching for over a decade and love what I do!

I am a literary Mary Poppins. I go where I am needed to teach literature and literacy. I am book obsessed with an ever growing To Be Read pile. 

I have taught students from PP-12 all across Western Australia. I have also worked with many Australian authors and illustrators. 

In my spare time you’ll find me in bookstores, antique shops, restaurants, theatre and bike riding through Melbourne. It’s a dream of mine to travel to Portugal to watch the big wave surfing contest at Nazare. I love visiting any Mecca and Green Cup store. Come and say hello and let me know what books I need to read. These are always my favourite conversations. It’s lovely to meet you.


                               Lukas Matovinovic

Dear St Albans School Community,

My name is Lukas, I’m a new teacher at St Albans Secondary College and am extremely excited to join the SASC community this year as a Humanities teacher. I am deeply passionate about teaching the Humanities having studied Politics, Philosophy, and History at Monash University.

While this is my first year at SASC, my family were born and raised in St Albans with my Mother and her siblings all being alumni of our school back when it was St Albans High School.

Outside of school I like to read, cook and listen to records at home.

I look forward to working with you all over the coming year!



Elizabeth Psalia

My name is Elizabeth Psaila and I’m teaching English, Humanities, and History at St Albans Secondary this year. I’ve come from teaching and leading at a school in the Northern suburbs and I’ve taught a range of subjects at all year levels before. My favourite subject to learn about is History, especially the Ancient Romans and Tudor England.

In my spare time I like to read, bake, sew, sing, make things with clay, walk my dogs, and play video games. 

I’m really looking forward to working at St Albans Secondary; I did my pre-service teacher placement here, and ever since then, I’ve wanted to come back. 



Josh Hall

Dear St Albans Secondary College community,

I’m Joshua Hall, and I’m thrilled to become part of the St Albans Secondary College community as the Disability Inclusion Leader for 2024. My background in education has primarily involved spearheading initiatives to enhance student engagement and wellbeing, notably through roles as a year level coordinator and Subschool Leader. Prior to this, I honed my management abilities across various retail brands within the Just Group, Accent Group, and Cotton On Group.

Outside of work, I dedicate time to several hobbies. I enjoy composing and playing music on the guitar, maintaining my fitness through strength training, and occasionally enjoying video games. Thanks to the warm welcome and support from both staff and students, my transition into the college has been seamless.

I eagerly anticipate getting acquainted with everyone across the college.


Mathew Wenham

Dear St Albans Secondary College community,

Hello! My name is Mathew Wenham and I joined St Albans at the beginning of the 2024 school year. I have taught English and Humanities in the western suburbs of Melbourne for the past twelve years, and I’m excited to continue my commitment to the mighty west at this fantastic school.

I’ve had a varied working life, which began in hospitality management at venues in both Melbourne and Sydney. I later moved to teaching, researching and lecturing in philosophy at Adelaide and Flinders universities, before qualifying myself to teach in secondary schools.

Outside of work, I like to spend with my family and friends. I play (too much!) golf, and I enjoy learning new languages. Right now, I’m learning Danish.

I’m really looking forward to working with everyone at St Albans.


Daisy Ge

My name is Daisy Ge, and this is my bio for Alba:

My name is Daisy and I am very excited to be joining St Albans Secondary College in 2024. I have a background in Visual Arts, I am also new to teaching and I look forward to gaining new experiences here at this school.

In my spare time, I enjoy watching films and television shows. I look forward to meeting everyone and working with the community here at St Albans Secondary College.





Jun Hayashi

Hi everyone. My name is Jun Hayashi. It’s a pleasure to be part of the St Albans Secondary College community, and I will be teaching Japanese and Maths for Years 7 and 8 this year. I have completed my undergraduate degree (Education) in Japan and a postgraduate (Second Language Acquisition) in the US, and I have taught English from children to adults in Japan for a few years. I came to Australia in 2002 and I have been teaching in Victorian high schools since. I enjoy working with young people and their families, and I’m hoping that I can make a positive impact on everyone I come across at the college community.

I have a family of four (me, wife, son and daughter). I love playing sports such as volleyball, basketball and pickleball, and I also enjoy fishing, gardening and fixing things.

I look forward to getting to know you and working with you all.



Wei Cai

Hello everyone, I’m joining the maths team this year and am very privileged to be working at St Albans Secondary College. The friendly and supportive environment within the school made me feel very welcome. I enjoy teaching and find satisfaction in students’ growth. I love listening to music and reading books.

Thank you!






Ben Chen

Hi everyone, my name is Ben Chen. I am excited to begin my role as a physical education teacher here at St. Albans Secondary College.

A fun fact about me is that I am from Canada (Eh), which is about 15,000 km away from Melbourne! I just moved to Melbourne in the new year, and I have loved every moment of it. I graduated from the University of Manitoba with my Bachelor of Education degree in 2022. I taught secondary physical education back home in Winnipeg (another fun fact: Winnie the Pooh was named after the city), and I will be able to use the skills and knowledge that I have acquired in Canada to adapt it to the Australian curriculum.

In my spare time, you can find me on the tennis courts trying to improve my game, on the badminton court losing every game, and getting lost while jogging around the city. I also enjoy travelling and making short videos of my travels. I look forward to being a part of and giving back to the community that we serve.



Justine Johnston

Hello, my name is Justine Johnston and I am teaching mathematics at St Albans SC to a variety of levels.

I have taught at a few different schools and am looking forward to some new experiences. 

I enjoy reading, gardening and travelling.  I have adult children and a cute dog (that I love to take for walks on the beach).




Jeremy Italia

Hello, my name is Jeremy.

I live nearby and have just graduated with a double degree in Bachelor of Teaching/Arts, having graduated from my local government school a few years prior.

I have two brothers and a cat named Sylvester. I enjoy reading, travelling when time and finances permit, and spending time with friends and family.

I am very much looking forward to meeting all of the students, staff and families at St Albans Secondary College, and getting involved in all of the extra-curricular activities on offer.

If you happen to see me on campus and we have not yet met, please come over and say hi so I can learn your name!




Frank Fan

Konnichiwa St Albans Secondary College community!

I am thrilled to introduce myself as your new Japanese teacher, Frank Fan. Previously hailing from a charming regional area in South Australia, I bring with me a passion for language education and a deep appreciation for cultural diversity.

Having taught Japanese in a close-knit community, I am excited to embark on this new journey at St Albans Secondary College. My goal is to create an engaging and enriching learning environment that sparks curiosity and fosters a love for the Japanese language and culture.

Outside the classroom, you might find me at the local gym, where I indulge in my love for workouts and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I believe that a strong body and mind go hand in hand, and I look forward to sharing this philosophy with my new colleagues and students.

I am eager to contribute to the vibrant community at St Albans Secondary College and create memorable learning experiences together. Here’s to a fantastic academic year filled with language exploration, cultural appreciation, and, of course, some fitness inspiration!

Looking forward to meeting and collaborating with all of you.


Nathan McGillivray

Hi! My name is Nathan McGillivray and I’m excited to work at St Albans Secondary College. I was previously working at Manor Lakes College in Werribee as a Humanities and senior History teacher. I realised I wanted to become a teacher when I worked at KFC during high school. I found that I really enjoyed training the new recruits, and I wanted to work in a career that allowed me to help people grow and learn new things. 

Outside of work I play basketball for a team called ‘Nevalost’. We do in fact lose quite frequently. I also do karate 3 times a week and hope to grade for my next belt this year. On Saturdays I do ballroom dancing with another teacher friend, however most of this time is spent trying to not step on each other’s feet rather than actually doing the correct steps. 

I look forward to meeting all of my classes so we can learn and grow together! 


Huey Tran

Hi all! My name is Huey. I joined all of you here at St Albans Secondary earlier last week, in the science role. I’m a recent grad, so this is my first year teaching. I look forward to getting to know you all over the course of the year.

I’ve recently come back to Victoria after spending the last 10 years in Queensland. I’m originally from Sunshine, so I had been around St Albans quite often in the past (especially for food). A lot has changed, but the weather is exactly how I remembered it to be.

In my spare time, I’m watching TV shows and movies with friends, or reading stuff while waiting for new shows to drop. I’m also fond of board games, escape rooms, and team trivia.

I’m excited to see what the rest of the year brings.



Jeanette Coloca

Hi, my name is Jeanette Coloca and I am very excited to be joining the SASC team as the Literacy Learning Specialist.

My experience has spanned almost 20 years in Education, and I have held several roles during that time both in schools and in the regional office as a Leadership Partner.

I have two young children aged 9 and 7. When my life is not dictated by their social agendas, I love hikes, running, music, and love to laugh so am always seeking new comedy show recommendations.

I look forward to meeting each of you and working with you all.




Isabella Pentland

Hi St Albans Community

My name is Bella and I am the new Junior Sub School Administration Assistant.  

While I have a background in admin, this is my first time working in a school.  I am really excited to get to know everyone in the St Albans community.

I have recently moved back home to Melbourne after 5 years in Canberra and in my spare time you will find me at the beach with my dog Ruby, cooking or reading.

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone, please come day hi!



Megan Wang

Hi, my name is Megan Wang. I am very excited to be part of the teaching and learning community of St Albans Secondary College. I graduated from Monash University. I have taught year 10 – 12 psychology in my previous teaching time. This year I will be teaching VCE psychology and junior science at SASC. I can’t wait to explore the wonders of the mind and the natural world with you.

When I am not in school, you will most likely to find me in different places around the world exploring different countries, nature sceneries and of course, restaurants. I enjoy sharing my experience with my students and integrate it with course content where relevant.

Other than that, I am a foody with no doubt. I love spending time in my kitchen cooking meals for friends and families. If you are interested, come and see me, I might share  my secret recipes with you. 




Kaanchana Pothapragada

Kaanchana joins St Albans Secondary College as an intern in our Biology / Science faculty.

We wish her every success at the College.





Dimitri Han

Dimitri joins St Albans Secondary College in the Physical Education faculty.

We wish him every sucess at the College.







Junior School Report

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The new year 7s have made an excellent start to St Albans Secondary School. The first day was jam packed with activities to show case the school. The students were very quiet and respectful when they met for their first year level assembly.  At that time they gained some knowledge of the behaviour expectations of the school, as well as details of how the school was managed. The students enjoyed a House assembly and also a welcome BBQ on their first day, to assist them in making new friends.  In addition there was an afternoon of sports and team building activities so that the new students could meet all their new classmates.  It was great to see so many students catching up with old friends from primary school as well as making new friends.

All the Year 7 classes will be undertaking a walking tour of St Albans as part of their Humanities studies.  This is an opportunity to get to know the local neighbourhood and understand what facilities are available to residents and visitors alike. 

All Junior School students have the privilege of attending a class camp at our Strathbogie campus.  This 3 day excursion involves travelling by bus to Strathbogie, approximately 2 hours from here.  Whilst on camp they will take part in activities such as canoeing and archery.  The students will assist with food preparation and other chores around the campsite.  Most classes climb nearby Mt Wombat, as well as visit a local farm to meet with some animals.  More than anything it is a terrific opportunity to get to know one another, as well as developing a rapport with teaching staff whilst outside the classroom. 

Our Junior School students Elisha Chua and Jayden Truong spoke beautifully in front of almost 2,000 people at the recent Whole School Assembly.  The students expressed thanks for the welcome that they have received at SASC as well as a note on their aspirations for their time at school.  They also wished our Year 12 cohort all the best for their big year of study in 2024. 


The upcoming Year 7 Expo is a very important event on the school calendar.  This is a chance for family and carers of our students to come onto the campus and view some of the school work that is being done.  You will have a chance to meet with core teaching staff and get to know the school a bit better.  Additionally, family members will work with their students to actually do a bit of the school work, for each core subject.  Please note that this is scheduled for 6pm on 27 February.  We look forward to welcoming you all on this day.


Mr Craig Moore – Junior Sub School Leader

Middle School Report

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On behalf of the Middle School Team, I’d like to welcome back all year 9 and 10 students and extend our welcome to all new members of the St Albans Secondary College community. Year 9 students have made an excellent start to the year as they transition from the Junior School.

Our theme in the Middle School this term is ‘Better Together’, which was introduced at the year level assemblies. Better Together means we can all have a role in creating a safe and positive learning environment, inside the classroom and in our school yard.

Our Middle School students have an exciting month ahead, beginning with the Morrisby Career testing and counselling commencing for year 9 students in week 4. Also in week 4, our year 9 cohort will be visited by the Pat Cronin Foundation who will present a session aimed at supporting students with decision making and conflict management. The session will empower students to manage and prevent conflict and senseless violence.



Mr Andrei Alexandrescu – Assistant Middle Sub School Leader

Senior School Report

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We would like to warmly welcome all Year 11 and 12 students and their parents/
guardians to the Senior Sub School.

We would like to especially welcome the following students who have recently enrolled in Year 11:

  • Evelyn Bui
  • Awour Chan
  • Nicolas Nguyen
  • Vi Dang
  • Elena Huynh
  • Harry Nguyen
  • Casper Ramus

We wish them a smooth transition and every success at our College.

Our senior students have had an excellent start to the new school year. They have attended on time and in full school uniform.

Our teachers report that students have engaged well in all their classes, participating with enthusiasm, and setting a positive tone for the year ahead.

Our Year 12 Parent Information Evening was held on Wednesday 21 February 2024. Thank you to all parents and students who attended a very informative evening, which focused on providing information about VCAA requirements and strategies to support their child in their final year of secondary school. The Year 11 Parent Information evening will run in a fortnight, on Wednesday 6 March, starting at 6:00pm.

The Year 12 Study Camp was held earlier this year, on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 February at University College on the grounds of the University of Melbourne, Parkville. The students did not let a little rain prevent them from enjoying the outdoor engagement activities, which were unfortunately shortened when the rain became heavier. The VCE and VCE VM students experienced a variety of presentations from some prominent guest speakers, including Jamal Baba, a former graduate of St Albans Secondary College who, along with Donald La, presented an engaging session on study skills.  Some of our own staff also presented a variety of sessions, including English/EAL/Literacy workshops. Mr Jennings made his first appearance at the camp as College Principal and continued the St Albans Secondary College tradition of reading the Dr. Seuss classic, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” to the Year 12 students. On the second day, students attended a Melbourne University tour or RMIT University visit. Overall, they had a great time working together and connecting outside of school.



We have a very active and committed group of students working with our SRC this year. The School Captains for this year are Kevin Nguyen and Sally Li, and they are supported by the Vice Captains, Kelly Lam, Wren Truong, Sarah Mai and Jessica Thompson. We are in the process of selecting Year 11 SRC representatives. We would like to congratulate our student leaders for representing our student body and look forward to working with them.

We have a team-building day planned for the Year 11 students this term. We are taking the cohort to Lady Northcote on Friday 15 March 2024, where they will be involved in a variety of activities lead by experienced staff. We will also be hosting our traditional ‘Soccer Challenge’ on Monday 25 March 2024. Students are already making predictions about which team will win!

The Year 12 Enrichment programs will also run again this year, as will the compulsory mid-year and September holiday practice exams for all Year 12 VCE students intending to complete their external exams.

Throughout the year, we will conduct our Case Management to ensure that the attendance, achievement and individual needs of all our students are monitored closely.

Progress Reports for all Year 11 and Year 12 students will be available to families through the Parent Portal on Compass on Friday 22 March 2024.  

Parents/guardians will also have the opportunity to speak to teachers on Wednesday the 27 March 2024 during the Parent Teacher Interviews.

The Coordinators look forward to a fast-paced year in the Senior Sub-School and hope to meet many parents of our senior students as the year progresses.

Below are the Year Level Coordinators and homegroups they will be overseeing:

  • Marlene Cassar – 11B (D-J),12B (D-J) &11Y
  • Laura Gough – 11A (A-C),12A (A-C),11W &12W
  • Robert Krysinski – 11F (S-Z) &12F (S-Z)
  • Matthew Olthof – 11D (N), 12D (N) & 12V
  • Kiran Pannu – 11C (K-M), 12C (K-M) &11X
  • Anna Woods – 11E (O-R),12E (O-R),11V & 12X

We invite parents to contact us on 9366 2555 if they have any queries or concerns about the progress of their child or sub school events.

We would like to remind families to check Compass regularly for Senior Sub School notices and events. We look forward to working in partnership with families and keeping the community updated on Senior Sub School events during the year.


VCE VM Report

This is the first year the College will be implementing the Year 12 VCE VM Study Design.

The year has begun well with students eager to start their new VET courses and finalising work placements. We have many industries being explored this year with students involved in a range of VET placements from Hospitality, Building and Construction, Fashion, Community services, Hair and Beauty and Music to name a few.

Year 12 VCE VM students delighted the school community with Valentine’s Day lunchtime activities on Wednesday the 14 February. Students worked extremely hard over a short time frame to entertain students with a barbeque, cupcakes, drinks, Valentines Day merchandise and more. The purpose of the event was to celebrate all kinds of love in our community.

Fresh and chocolate roses were also available for sale. Students participated in a raffle to win a Valentine’s Day hamper, listened to music and enjoyed the activities.

The proceeds from the Valentines’ Day event will go towards the VCE VM program to fund project resources.

Lots of community events are planned for our VCE VM students this year and we will keep you informed as activities take place.


Ms Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader


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Late last year, My Hang Lam, a passionate student of commerce, was selected to participate in the well-regarded academic enrichment program ‘sheCommerce’. Run by the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Business and Economics, the program is targeted at female students who are passionate about leadership and pursuing a meaningful career in business where they can impact change. My Hang had the pleasure of attending an exciting and immersive camp at one of Uni Melb’s residential colleges where she engaged in mentoring with current Bachelor of Commerce students, met like-minded peers and participated in various workshops and seminars delivered by world-class academics and business leaders. Here’s her first-hand account of her incredible experience;

“Upon arrival at the University College, a personalised Melbourne Uni sheCommerce hoodie and many other goodies were given. As soon as I stepped into the open space, it was buzzing with excitement and laughter. This was my first impression of the camp, and I knew immediately that this was going to be a unique experience. In fact, it was a blast!

Everyone was placed in a designated group of 5 where we all worked together throughout the camp to complete our project: creating a promotional video about sheCommerce with our chosen target audience in mind.

Each day at Melbourne Uni was super fun, filled with workshops and interesting presentations which allowed me to catch a glimpse into what the Bachelor of Commerce was about as well as what a day in the life of a university student felt like. The first day was learning about the field of Economics, the second was about Business and Innovation and the last day was about Trading and Finance. The coolest part was that all the workshops were led by different professors such as Associate Professor Andrea Lu and alumni’s such as Dr Shane Johnson from the Treasury.

The highlight of the camp would be spending time with other female camp participants (especially those in my group) who would somehow become my greatest friends during the duration of the camp. We got to walk around the campus, ask the student mentors and ambassadors about Uni life, participate in group trivia (and even received a prize for winning 2nd place), attend a movie night together, play games in the games room, eat dinner together, and much more. Despite not knowing anyone there, it was a fun and insightful experience. I highly recommend this program to any future year 9 or year 11 female who is interested in the profession of commerce!” My Hang Lam (12C)



Mr Dane Stammers – Psychology and Commerce Teacher | Commerce Learning Area Leader

Science Faculty

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Even before the school year began, St Albans students were preparing for their studies at the SEAMs camp at either the University of Melbourne or Monash University.

The three days we spent at University College was amazing! We got to meet new people and made friends with people all across Victoria. On top of that, the chemistry and methods classes taught us something new and was good revision before school starts again. – Ricardo Vom Year 11

The SEAMS camp is a great experience for students as it allows us to learn subjects such as Mathematical Methods, Physics and Chemistry, ahead of time to prepare us for the following year. It is good to connect with others who have similar goals from across Victoria and even Tasmania and is an excellent way to build connections and friendships with new people. It can help students explore the universities and their campuses ahead of time so that they get to know the universities better. The experience overall this year for me was not as good as last year but still amazing with the lessons and the preparation for year 12 and really helped me get ahead in both subjects. The SEAMS staff was very welcoming and understanding of everyone’s situations and were helpful with guiding us through the 3 days. Overall great experience and recommended for any students selected. – Goran Kebakovski Year 12

Year 8s have started the year exploring matter and the differences between atoms, molecules and compounds. Here are some students with their molecular models.



Angela Hanley – Science Coordinator



Digital Technology

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Student Device Advice

Tips for using and caring for your device

  • Charging your device – Make it a habit to regularly charge your device, perhaps before you go to sleep to you will be able to use it during the school day.
  • Carrying & storing your device safely – make sure you are not carrying or holding your device by the screen. It should be closed and in a protective screen or positioned in the middle of your school bag when moving around the school.
  • Passwords – When you have been given an initial password by the techies, you need to change it and select your own unique password. You can keep this password, and you only ever need to change it if you believe someone has found out what it is.
  • Notifications – if you receive a message from Google notifying you that your account has been compromised, or any other message you are not sure about, please contact
  • Device set up – The techies initially set up your device with all the systems that you will need. Please do not: Change or remove the users, or uninstall any programs that are there for your use eg : Office applications like Word.
  • School emails – a reminder that each student has their own school email. You can use this school email to communicate with co-ordinators and teachers at any time



Ms Piera Bentley – Learning Specialist Digital Technology

Performing and Visual Arts

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Partnering with the Smith Family Arts Initiative

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Smith Family Arts initiative. Year 9 Multimedia students will have an opportunity to participate in an immersion experience at RMIT University. Our students will be exploring diverse career paths within the multimedia industry and, over four days, engage in collaborative multimedia projects facilitated by RMIT staff and digital artists.



Mr Nick D’Aglas – Arts Coordinator

Student Leadership Program

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School for Student Leadership

On Sunday 4 February a group of seven Year 9 students from St Albans SC made their way to the Gnurad-Gundidj School for Student Leadership. The school is based 20 minutes out of Camperdown in Glenormiston South, Western Victoria and is situated amongst volcanic plains, calderas, rivers and lakes of the western district.

The students participating in the program will spend the rest of Term 1 at Gnurad Gundidj where they will be working with students from other schools based in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. During their time away from St Albans they will participate in a range of outdoor activities including hikes and bike rides. They will also be challenged to make new friendships, become increasingly independent and take on a range of camp responsibilities.

Throughout their time at Gnurad Gundidj students will be working on their selected Community Project. Once they arrive back at school in Term 2 students will work with staff and leaders of St Albans SC to bring their project to life.

St Albans SC students who will be attending during Term 1 in 2024 include

  • Daniel Bobadilla 9A
  • John Nguyen 9E
  • Alvin Ye 9E
  • Delphi-Zeng Lagas 9I
  • Sally Wang 9I
  • Steven Lam 9L
  • Jack Hempstead 9M



Angus Adams – School for Student Leadership Coordinator

Wellbeing Team

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Valentine’s Day – Lunchtime Activities

For many, Valentine’s Day traditionally involves indulging in chocolates, roses, and affectionate gestures. However, the Well-being team recognised this day as an opportunity to channel some of that love towards our planet. They encouraged students to join them in the school’s veggie garden, where they could trade red hearts for eco-friendly actions and opt for sustainable treats instead. Over 30 students participated during lunchtime, contributing handprints to our “Growing Together, Better Together” mural. Their involvement displayed diverse ways to express love and appreciation, including for our planet, offering an inspiring and alternative approach to celebrating the day.


The mural represents just the initial phase of the garden’s revitalization; our aim is to cultivate a tranquil and productive environment where both staff and students can unwind and connect with nature for years to come. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting project!


Nicole Gurd – Alumni Coordinator (On Behalf of the Wellbeing Team)

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