From the Principal Class Team

Dear Families and Students
Welcome to our last newsletter for 2024.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you all on a successful year. It has been a busy one, with lots of highlights.
As we finish the year we would like to farewell two long standing members of staff. After a year of leave, both Mr Mark Micallef and Mr Andrew McCarter have indicated they will be retiring at the end of the year.
We would like to thank them both for their long years of service, and their support of many students from the St Albans community. We trust they will have a happy and fulfilling retirement!
On Tuesday 10 December we welcomed the Year 7 Class of 2025 to the College for their transition day. It was a very successful day, with the students reporting they had an enjoyable time getting to know the school. Congratulations to Ms Lauren Honeycombe and Mr Ron Brown for their organisation of the day, and to all the staff who supported it. We look forward to welcoming the Year 7 class of 2025 at the beginning of next year.
2024 VCE Results
The VCE results were received today, and we are pleased to say they are again very impressive.
We had 3 students achieve an ATAR of above 99, with 30 above 90. Another 31 students were above 80. The median study score is 31 again, with 8.6% of Study Scores above 40.
In addition to these top results, there are many excellent results for individual students who have faced challenges throughout their schooling, particularly this year.
Thanks to the Year 12 teachers for their hard work and dedication this year, and to the Senior Sub School for their work in supporting the students. Thanks also to the Wellbeing and Careers teams for their work with this cohort.
Of course, these results are not only due to what happened this year, so thank you to everyone who has supported, taught and nurtured the Class of ’24 across their time at the College.
Congratulations to the Class of ’24 on not only your VCE results, but all of the wonderful outcomes achieved through your VCE and VCE VM studies generally.
We wish you all the best for the future. Please make sure you use all the supports available through the Careers, Sub School and Wellbeing teams as you move into the next phase of your lives.
Reports and Preparation for 2025
Semester 2 reports are now available on Compass. We encourage you to take some time to carefully review your child’s report, particularly focusing on the “Prepared for Learning” goals and work habits. This section offers valuable insight into the learning habits of your child, areas where they have excelled, as well as areas for continued growth.
As we look ahead to 2025, we ask for your support in helping your child prepare for the upcoming year. This includes purchasing any required books, stationery, and other class materials to ensure they are fully equipped for their studies. If they are in senior years, they will have some work to do to prepare for the new year. This could include reading class texts for English and EAL, reading course content, completing practice questions, writing summaries and learning vocabulary. Any specific homework given should be completed over the break It would be a good idea to set up a holiday homework plan to ensure all the tasks are completed. This would include time for rest and relaxation.
Year 10 Formal
The year 10 formal was a huge success with 200 students attending. It was a great way to celebrate the end of the year, and the year 10 formal committee did a wonderful job to ensure that everyone was included in the event. Thank you to the middle school team for all your efforts in supporting the student committee and organising the evening.
2024 Parent/Guardian/Carer Opinion Survey
Recently we received the data from the 2024 Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Opinion Survey and we wanted to provide a summary for the community. This year we increased our responses to 264. This very large increase (up from 24 families in 2023) was achieved by going back to paper copies provided to the randomly selected families. We thank those families that responded and encourage all families to take part when they are included in the random sample.
- Increase in the number of families who take part in the survey providing more useful data
- Greater positive endorsement than the State in all domains and all factors with overall very positive results
- Improvement in positive endorsement for all the factors within all but one of the 6 domains. In particular, the safety domain showed some great increases in positive endorsement, the greatest being 18% increase for not experiencing bullying. Promoting positive behaviour had gone up by 11 % and managing bullying up by 10%.
- Significant improvement in the student motivation and support factor, increasing by 17% positive endorsement.
Areas for focus:
- Investigate those factors within the School Ethos and Environment domain where we noted a decline, particularly in the Physical Environment factor (decline of 20% positive endorsement) and also in the General School Improvement factor (4% decline).
Despite the falls around the physical school environment there was an increase of 11% in general school satisfaction for which parents rated their overall satisfaction with their child’s education at our school.
We would like all our families to have input into our survey to provide us with this data to assist us to identify areas of focus and to plan for interventions to promote improvements where needed.
Congratulations to our staff who have worked to improve the school for the best student outcomes. It is a total community commitment to maintain our high standards and we thank everyone for their contributions and commitment.
We would like to wish everyone in our College community a wonderful holiday season and holiday.
We are looking forward to an even more successful 2025!