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Alba Newsletter – December 2021

1st January 1970

Our latest Alba Newsletter is here!

Each newsletter contains information about upcoming events, celebration of student success and what has been going on at the college.


Upcoming Events

Year 9 Advance – Victoria Uni
Jun 26 @ 4:00 am – 5:30 am
Year 9 – Speaker on Harmful Effects of Smoking
Jun 27 @ 4:00 am – 5:30 am

Laryngectomee Association.

Glee Club Presents – Concert
Jun 27 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Term 3 Start
Jul 14 @ 11:00 pm

Starting date for Term three.

Curriculum Day – Student Free Day
Jul 15 – Jul 16 all-day

From the Principal Class Team

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Dear Parents and Guardians

On behalf of the School Council and staff, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you for the support you have given us this year in many different ways, most especially in helping us to keep learning alive and strong for your children during online classes. We can be immensely proud of what we achieved together, and in knowing that we are richer and more resilient as a school community because of what we have experienced over the last two years. Thank you from all of us.

On your behalf, we also congratulate our staff for their dedication, adaptability and expertise throughout 2021. They have done all they could to maintain each child’s wellbeing and learning growth. They were creative, resourceful and always focused on their students.


Farewell ……

Several staff will be leaving St Albans Secondary College this year. Sophie Bark, who has taught Maths and co-led the Maths Learning Area, is moving interstate; Sam Cowan, one of our Food Technology and Textiles teachers, will pursue a new venture in hospitality; and Tiyana Jones, head of our Individual Needs department, is moving to St Albans East Primary School as a speech pathologist.  We wish each of them well, and thank them for all they have given to our students, staff and school community.

Greg Sheen has announced his intention to retire at the end of this year. Greg joined the staff of the College in 1986 after commencing his career at Sunshine West high School in 1985. He has taught Commerce and Humanities to many hundreds of students over 36 years here. These years represent such a significant contribution to the lives of so many young people. Greg’s work as a teacher has always been defined by his knowledge of and commitment to his subject area; and by his genuine care and compassion for all the students he teaches, and the staff with whom he works. His commitment to the school and to the community of St Albans is evident in his service.

As well as through his teaching, Greg has shaped the school with the work he initiated on improving the physical landscape of the grounds many years ago. He was one of a group of staff who worked on creating new raised garden beds outside the Art rooms and on the selection of trees for these.  It made such a difference to the look of the school in those days, and to how we imagined what it could look like. It is such a significant and longlasting contribution to the school.

We congratulate Greg on his contribution to St Albans Secondary College, and to government school education, and wish him every happiness and fulfillment in this next phase of his life.

Best wishes, too, to Liz Hedger, Lizzy Fitzgerald, Lynette French, Seijiro Nishioka and Kristina Sungmongkol who will be on leave from our school for 2022.



Arrangements for the start of the 2022 School Year

Students will commence school next year on the following dates:

  • Monday 31 January – Year 7, Year 10 and Years 11 and 12 VCE
  • Tuesday 1 February – Year 8 and Year 9
  • Wednesday 2 February – Year 11 and 12 VCAL

Please see the Compass post for further details about where students should go at the start of their first day.


A big congratulations to Amila on the arrival of her daughter, Amara.

Best wishes to the new family!










Year 10 Formal

To mark the end of the school year for Year 10, many students took part in the Year 10 Formal at Ultima reception centre on Friday 3 December. The night was a fantastic way to celebrate the end of the year and to connect with one another in a setting outside of school.

There was a great deal of dancing, awards were presented and a treasure hunt took place throughout the evening.  Everyone who was in attendance had a great time, including the staff who all could be found on the dancefloor at least once during the evening.  Thank you to all the students who came along and made this such a joyful occasion. We would like to acknowledge the work of the Middle Sub School team of Becky Annetts, Brendan McFarland, Ashwini Mana Mohan, Sean Ryan, Dane Stammers, Emily Dickinson and Lynda Vo for their organisation of the evening, judging the awards and treasure hunt and ensuring everyone had a great time and got home safely. Well done to all involved.

 Year 12 Formal

The graduating class of 2021 was able to celebrate their end of year formal at Luxor Receptions in Sydenham on Thursday 18th November. 150 students and staff joined together to dance and enjoy each other company to celebrate the end of a challenging year. We would like to wish all Year VCE students the best of luck with their results which are released this week.












Year 7 to 11 Reports

All Year 7 to 11 reports are now available on Compass. Please take some time to go through these with your child, and have them start to think about what they might be able to do to improve next year. As always, if you have any questions please contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator.


Fashion Awards

We had eight students enter the Stitch don’t Ditch competition with Vi Pham winning the Year 11/12 Upcycle section. The winners were feathered on ABC NEWS on Thursday 9 December and can be watched on ABC Iview or on the @fahionawardsaustralia on Instagram. All the winning garments can be seen at the Manor Lakes shopping centre for the next two weeks.  A photo of Vi’s winning dress is below.

Congratulations to Vi and the rest of the entrants who was supported by teachers Nick D’Aglas and Michael Bowden.








Survey results from the Staff Opinion Survey

We have recently received the results of the School Staff Survey.  This survey was completed during remote learning:

  • This year we had a lower participation rate than previous years
  • Two of the areas covered are School Climate and Teaching & Learning


For the School Climate module we achieved above the State mean in 6 of the 10 included areas.

Our results were more than 10% above the State mean in the following areas:

  • Academic Emphasis
  • Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
  • Trust in students and parents


There were Four Teaching and Learning modules included: Practice Improvement, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. We are currently analysing the results in these areas and identifying areas for focus or further investigation. The Leadership Team have already begun the process of reflecting on the data and exploring it in terms of what it means for individuals and teams of staff and how we might go about improving in targeted areas.


We are still awaiting the release of results for the parent survey but would like to take this opportunity to thank those parents who took the time to complete our 2021 survey.  We will publish the results in a later newsletter, once they become available.  We encourage all parents to take part in 2022 when we send out the invitations for all parents to participate in the Parents/Carers/Guardians Survey.


 Year 7 and 8 Activities week – A Celebratory end to 2021

We have again run an activities week program during this last week of term and there was a wonderful sense of fun and celebration as students took part in a range of activities.  Year 7 took part in a Zoo excursion linked to the Science curriculum and Year 8 had a team building day at Oak Park Pool.  Students took part in careers planning, trivia competitions, games, research, and Year level awards ceremonies. There are some photos of the activities undertaken across the week in the montage below.  Well done to all our Year 7 and 8 students who so enthusiastically took part in the activities and congratulations to the staff for the creative program they prepared and ran.  Special thanks goes to the Junior Sub School for their efforts throughout this action packed week for all our Year 7 and 8 students.
















As the school year draws to an end, students in Year 10 and accelerated Year 9 students have been involved in VCE orientation programs to prepare them for their studies next year.  In the final assemblies of the year, students’ achievements and successes were recognised and celebrated, and there were a number of exceptional music performances too. 

























Senior School Report

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Although VCE and VCAL classes have concluded, there has still been plenty of activity in Senior School.


We had the Year 12 formal taking place this year. It was held at the Luxor Reception Centre. It was such a joy to be able to celebrate with the Year 12 students after the unprecedented two years they have had as senior students.


Teachers have finished their reports for Semester 2 and Orientation for next year’s Year 11 and Year 12 VCE and VCAL classes has been conducted.

The Year 12 VCE students had their orientation program where they were given their first formative assessment task to complete in each of their Year 12 subjects.

The Year 11 VCE and the VCAL classes had a ‘One week’ Orientation Program.


If you have a student going into Year 11 or 12 next year, please ask them about the Holiday Homework which they will have received during the Orientation program. It has been set for all VCE and VCAL subjects, and students will have some work that is due in on the first day of timetabled classes in 2022


It is expected that this homework is completed on time so that the classes can begin smoothly.


The Year 12 VCE Results are released on Thursday 16 December. The Careers team will be at school supporting students with their change of preferences.


Year 11 students had their final assembly on Thursday 18 November. Students received awards for their achievements in their subjects.


Accounting Malie TRUONG  
Biology Andy LAM  
Business Management Martin CHAN  
Business Management Natalie  WIECKOWSKI  
Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology Joshua KWOK  
Certificate III in Music Eric LUU  
Chemistry Jasmine LU  
EAL (Bridging) Davis NGUYEN  
English Ha PHAM  
English Kirsty SMART
English William DAVCEVSKI
English as an Additional Language Gloria RULINDA
Food Studies Ashley HUYNH
Food Studies  Units 3 & 4 Julia LE
Further Mathematics (Units 3&4) Khang NGUYEN
General Mathematics Huong LUONG
General Mathematics Peter TRAN
General Mathematics Phu PHAM
Legal Studies Phuong (Thao) BUI
Literacy Natalie TRAN
Mathematical Methods(CAS) Zaid MOHIDEEN
Numeracy Anthony MOLLICA
Numeracy Tommy LE
Personal Development Skills Aydin VIKIC
Personal Development Skills Cathleen AU
Personal Development Skills Nicholas ROBERTS
Physical Education Patsy QUAN
Psychology Trung NGUYEN
Specialist Maths Justin NGO
Studio Arts Tahli McGUIRK
Work Related Skills Jovana DOKMANOVIC
Work Related Skills Mariam JAN NEMAT


Angel TUMUSA:  Numeracy

                                 Work Related Skills


Anna BENNY: Psychology

                         Health & Human Development 


Anthony LE:  Literacy

                        Work Related Skills


Cynthia PHAM:  General Mathematics
                              Psychology Unit 3&4

Eric TRAN:  Mathematical Methods (CAS)

Lance LUI LAM: Accounting


Lilian HA:  Specialist Mathematics

Linh (Ngoc) NGUYEN: Chemistry
                                        Vietnamese 1st Language

Ropati AUMUA: Personal Development Skills


Vishal GILL : Numeracy

Kha Nam TRAN : Economics
                               Twentieth Century History

Phu NGUYEN : Mathematical Methods (CAS)
                           Further Mathematics (Unit 3 & 4)



Deedee COLUSSI:  Legal Studies




Eric VO: Applied Computing


                Further Mathematics (Units 3 & 4)


Sarah VO: Biology

                   Japanese 2nd Language

                   Psychology Units 3&4


Sarah LIU: General Mathematics


                    Mathematical Methods (CAS)


Anthony TRAN: Chemistry
                             Mathematical Methods (CAS)
                              Further Mathematics (Units 3&4)


Charmaine ACURAM: General Mathematics
                                        Visual Communication & Design
                                        History Revolutions Units 3&4


The Senior Sub School also met with each student transitioning from Year 10 into Year 11. Students met with their Year 11 coordinator for 2022 during Wednesday 8 December and Thursday 9 December for about 10 minutes. The Promotion Policy was discussed with them and some of the VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) guidelines. Their diaries for 2022 and the school Year book were also distributed along with some important dates for 2022.


The Year 12 Study camp for all students doing Year 12 in 2022 is on Thursday 10 February and Friday 11 February 2022. All students will be given the information through Compass. Payments can be made on Compass during the holidays. Just reminding parents, that this is a compulsory school event for all Year 12 students.


The Year 12, 2022 Parent Information evening is on Wednesday, 2 February starting at 6.30pm 


Many thanks to the parents who have contacted us when their child is absent for any reason. This is of great assistance to the Year Level Coordinators, as we call home regularly if there are any unexplained absences for your child. The Case Management process continues to monitor closely the attendance, achievement and individual needs of all our students. Please contact us on 9366 2555 if you have any queries or concerns about the progress of your child, especially at the beginning of the new school year.




Middle School Report

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Year 9 Events

The final Year 9 assembly of the year also took place on Thursday 9th December.  It was great to see so many students recognised for their positive contributions to the school, their academic achievements and efforts, and their attendance and punctuality.  At lunch time there was a BBQ for the students to celebrate the end of the year.

Congratulations to Maybel Verma who was awarded the ‘Student of the Year’ award having achieved 14 A+ grades and 2 A grades in her subjects over the course of the year, and achievement awards in three of her subjects.  A fantastic accomplishment, and very well deserved.

Thank you to all those who performed musical and dance items as well. It was a wonderful way to end the year.

Year 10 Events

Year 10 students have also been very busy over the last few weeks, with the orientation to VCE and VCAL and courses taking place following the end of semester exams.

The VCAL orientation program ran in school from Thursday 25th to Friday 26th November with students being introduced to the Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Related Learning subject areas. The classes were very well attended and students were enthusiastic and engaged throughout. Any students that have not yet registered their USI number for their VET course in 2022, must do this as soon as possible.

From Thursday 25th November, Year 10 students who will study VCE in 2022 took part in a week’s worth of VCE orientation classes. Students were provided with an outline of the curriculum and VCAA assessments as well as introductory learning activities and tasks for independent study over the summer holidays. 

The final day for Year 10 students was filled with celebrations and excitement.  Music performances, speeches and a high number of awards were the focus of the final assembly, and a BBQ lunch was provided afterwards.  Students received awards for their academic achievements and efforts, as well as for their leadership roles, attendance and punctuality.

Congratulations to Meera Mansukhani who was awarded a Kwong Le Dow scholarship from Melbourne University.  This scholarship will support her to continue his studies at Melbourne University when she completes Year 12.  Meera also received the Long Tan Award for Leadership in recognition of her contribution to the school community as a Peer Mentor, member of the Interact club and former member of the school’s debate team. Her leadership and dedication to working with the Middle Sub School team over the last two years was outstanding and we thank her for her compassion and support of her peers.

Tania Santhos received the ADF Young Innovators Award in recognition of her excellence in the STEM subjects. Brendan Vuong was awarded the Roger Martin Science Award in recognition of his achievements in both his Year 10 and accelerated VCE Science subjects. Congratulations to them both.

The Year 10 ‘Student of the Year’ award went to Jennifer To.  Jennifer achieved 10 A+ grades and 2 A grades in her subjects over the course of the year including her accelerated VCE Business Management. Her reports throughout the year were impressive, reflecting her commitment and enthusiasm for her studies.

To the Year 10 students of 2021, we wish you all the best for Year 11 next year. In spite of the challenges brought by additional periods of online learning, you continued to adapt to the changes in how you learnt this year. We will miss working with you all and thank you for two wonderful years working with you in the Middle Sub School. 

On behalf of the Middle School team: Ms Emily Dickinson, Mr Brendan McFarland, Ms Ashwini Mana Mohan, Mr Sean Ryan, Mr Dane Stammers and Ms Lynda Vo, I would like to wish all students and their families a happy, safe and relaxing summer holiday.  For those students leaving St Albans Secondary College at the end of the year, we wish you all the very best for the future.


Merry Christmas!

Becky Annetts

Middle Sub School Leader

Junior School Report

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It has been a busy time of the year in Junior School and students have been working hard to get their best results and to complete assessments for reports.  Junior School students are involved in lots of activities around the school and students have had a wonderful year in the Junior School. The last week of the term was a nice way to spend with friends. Many activities were organised by the KLA’s. The Year 7 students spent a day at the Zoo and the Year 8 students went to the Pool on a very warm day of the year.  All students and staff had a wonderful day.


End of year awards and concert

The End of Year Awards and Concert were on Thursday 16th December. The concert was an exciting way to end the busy year with students and staff performing for everyone. Congratulations to all students who received awards on the day.




The Junior Sub School would like to thank our wonderful students and their families for working with us this year. We have a new team starting in 2022 that are all looking forward to working with Year 7 and 8 students and their parents.  Ms Simoes and Mr Beagley join our team for 2022. Thanks to staff for their support and hard work with the Junior Team over the year.


We would also like to thank Ms Cassar for her lovely and tireless work with our Junior’s. Ms Cassar will move to the Senior Sub School next year to support VCE and VCAL students.


Thank you also to the other members of the Junior school team Mr Moore, Mr. Winduss, Mr Brown, Mr Lac, Mr Beagley and Ms Zoe Lee for all the great work and enthusiasm this year.


Year 7 and 8 English

Thank you to our students for sharing their poems,








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We would like to wish a Happy Holidays from the Wellbeing Team to our students, families and Colleagues. It is a time to rest, recharge and enjoy this much deserved break.

Although the holiday period is a fun and enjoyable time, for some it can be difficult. If you find yourself in need of support over the school holiday period please see a list of resources that you might find helpful.


   Kids Helpline:

Ph: 1800 551 800


  Parent line Victoria:

13 22 89


  Foodbank emergency relief:

Holy Eucharist Parsi, St Albans


  Lifeline Australia:

13 11 14


  Respect hotline:

1800 737 732



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It is safe to say that despite another year of challenges our program managed to bloom, and now with the program’s foundations firmly rooted within the school’s curriculum, we are set to flourish in 2022.

There are a few things to catch you up on as it has been a busy couple of months up here in B-block.  Firstly, I’d like to shout out to all the alumni who contributed in various ways throughout the semester: Ana Boado ’09, Cassandra Danskin ’13, Linda Telai, Linda Nguyen ’17, Luan Nguyen ’09, Mariah Magri ’13, Danny Lysaght ’03, Rachel Pinto ’18, Hebah Shone ’01, Jenny Diep ’18, Stella Pulo ’73, Thomas Lam ’18 and Steve Obeid ’14 – this one goes out to you! This inspiring group gave us an informative Allied health talk, an incredible graduation speech, a heart-warming student shout-out, a meaningful World Teacher’s Day shout-out, and insight views on Respectful Relationships.  Without their contributions this program does not exist, so THANK YOU!

For the month of November, Ourschool ran a social media campaign to raise awareness of the incredible work that they do in public schools across Victoria.  SASC was fortunate enough to feature widely throughout the campaign.  Our community was represented by these wonderful humans:  Eangano Singehebhuye ’15, Anita C. Smith ’86, and Sharron Meissner ’73.