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From the Principal Class Team

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Welcome to our first newsletter for Term 3.


New Staff

We would like to welcome some new staff to the College

  • Hassan Hotic – Facilities Team
  • Sam McCall – Wellbeing Team
  • Elle Murphy – Music Team
  • Angelica Dowler – Wellbeing Team
  • Alexandra Bushby – Disability Inclusion Team

We hope you have a happy and productive time at the College.

Premier’s  VCE Award

Congratulations to Kelly Lam who was presented with a Premier’s VCE Award for Biology. Kelly was given the award due to her high score in Unit 3 and 4 Biology in 2023. She was presented the award by the Premier, the Hon. Jacinta Allan, at the Melbourne Convention Centre.


Recognition of Service

At a recent morning tea we presented certificates to staff who had reached milestones of service at either St Albans Secondary College, the Department of Education or both.

Congratulations to all the staff who received certificates, and thank you for your service to public education.

Length of Service at St Albans Secondary College     Length of Service with the Department of Education  
Staff Name      Staff Name  
Ms Pierra Bentley 10 Years   Mr Rod Bear 35 Years
Ms Lynne Borle 20 Years   Mr Serkan Bertan 10 Years
Mr Sam Brown 15 Years   Ms Judy Blum 20 Years
Ms Jill Donaldson 10 Years   Mr Ron Brown 15 Years
Ms Alessandrina Dorigo 15 Years   Mr Sam Brown 15 Years
Mr Geoff Hutchison 10 Years   Ms Marie Brytcz 20 Years
Ms Athina Kratsis 35 Years   Ms Alex Chan 15 Years
Mr Simon Lynch 15 Years   Ms Emily Dickinson 10 Years
Ms Mirella Mamic 15 Years   Ms Jill Donaldson 10 Years
Mr Andrew McCarter 30 Years   Ms Alessandrina Dorigo 15 Years
Mr Mario Orsini 40 Years   Ms Andrea Holliday 10 Years
Ms Amra Pajalic 10 Years   Ms Nicola Le’Toille 10 Years
Ms Loan Pham 25 Years   Ms Mirella Mamic 15 Years
Ms Tania Segura 15 Years   Mr Andrew McCarter 40 Years
Mr Emmanuel Selvarajah 10 Years   Ms Antoinette Napoli 10 Years
Ms Kornkriz Sungmongkol 15 Years   Ms Amra Pajalic 10 Years
Mr Gerard Uhl 25 Years   Ms Loan Pham 25 Years
Ms Daniela Viscio 20 Years   Mr Sean Ryan 15 Years
Ms Anna Woods 35 Years   Ms Tania Segura 25 Years
      Mr Emmanuel Selvarajah 25 Years
      Ms Kornkriz Sungmongkol 15 Years
      Ms Louise Talevska 30 Years
      Mr Gerard Uhl 25 Years
      Ms Daniela Viscio 20 Years
      Ms Anna Woods 35 Years



Earthwatch Australia Scholarship

Congratulations to Sophia Le (Yr 11) on being awarded a George Alexander Foundation (GAF) Scholarship and a place on the Earthwatch Student Challenge Team for the Ecosystems of the Murray River and Mallee expedition at Calperum Station, South Australia, 27 September – 3 October.

This will be a great opportunity for Sophia, and we wish her all the best. Thank you to Mr Myers Nguyen for his support of Sophie’s application.

Course Counselling and Subject Selection for Years 11-12, 2025

We recently ran the course selection days for Year 11 moving into Year 12, Year 10 moving into Year 11 and Year 9 moving into Year 10 for 2025.  These are an important part of our calendar of events as they allow every student to receive individual counselling regarding their pathway options and assist them in finalising decisions. Students each had individual interviews with a year level coordinator or member of the pathways team.  During the information sessions and interviews, students received information to assist them make informed decisions about subjects they should study aligned with their interests, course and career aspirations. 

The care and thorough approach given to this process is a credit to the Careers/Pathways and Sub School Teams.  The intensive work this involves is done with passion and integrity by all staff who support and assist students to make these decisions, in the knowledge they will have the support of all those at the school to achieve success.

We wish all our students well with course selection, and thank all the staff and parents involved for their support in this process, in particular the pathways team lead by Ms Cathy Armstrong, for their organisation and the support provided to students and staff during this process.

Year 8 Parent Information Session for subject selection and responsible use of social media

There was a Year 8 information evening on 30 July for Year 8 students and their parents to work through the process of selecting electives for Year 9 and also to provide parents support regarding student use of social media and other online platforms.  In addition to valuable information about the subject selection process, a guest speaker, Mr Dom Phelan, provided insights into how we can work with our young people to help them manage their use of social media and navigate the world that exists online. Dom is part of a school liaison program, Digital Thumbprint, run and supported by Optus.  Online safety is a shared responsibility and challenge for both schools and parents and this was a timely reminder of how we can work together to protect our students from some of the dangers that can occur when online.


The event was well attended and we thank the parents who joined us with their Year 8 children. A special thanks to the Junior Sub School Leaders Mr Craig Moore and Mr Ben Beagley for organising and running the evening.

Business and Community Partner Breakfast

We ran our annual breakfast with some of our business and community partners on Wednesday 7 August where we enjoyed a lovely breakfast, prepared by some of our senior VET students, supported by our dedicated Food Studies staff, in particular Ms Daniel Karner.  This is one of our opportunities to build connections and partnerships within the community and strengthen our relationships in a broader sense.  It aligns with the Connect, Protect, Respect Framework that we have adopted at the school and is a highly valued part of our school calendar. 

We are immensely grateful for the support and commitment of our business and community partners, whose support helps provide our students with opportunities that extend beyond the classroom, fostering their growth and preparing them for a bright future.

We were privileged to have the Honourable Natalie Suleyman MP and members of her office in attendance as well as our School Council President, Dr Tracy Nero. The guest speaker was alumni Salim Hijazeen (class of 2007) who is a PhD Candidate – Victorian Hydrogen Hub at Swinburne School of Engineering (Aviation). Student speakers were Wren Truong and Marko Majstorovic from the VCE Vocational Major course.

Guests included representatives from the Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) who provide support to individual and groups of students and who assist them with establishing networks that can be drawn upon beyond school. Also in attendance were Local Council members, representatives from; the Brimbank Community Civic Centre Foodbank, Keilor East Rotary, The Smith Family, CHASE and Western Chances. Alumni were present, including Eangano Singehebhuye, the Chairman and Founder of Random Acts of Kindness. Some local businesses represented were the Commonwealth Bank and St Albans Complete Car Care, both of which support initiatives such as our Year 10 speed careering program and the provision of work experience placements.


Several leaders from our primary feeder schools were also in attendance.  This gathering is just a small sample of all those who make up our community and business connections there were many present whose connections go beyond being a member of the local business community, with a number of our business partners also being school alumni who are keen to support the school that they attended.  We thank all our business partners and look forward to continuing these strong relationships.  Thank you to our breakfast organisers, Mr Dane Stammers supported by Ms Lynda VO, a great deal of behind-the-scenes organisation went into the smooth running of this event.

We would also like to thank our guest speakers Salim, Wren and Marko.  The breakfast provided a lovely way to celebrate these important connections within our community.

Course Counselling and Subject Selection for Years 9 & 10, 2025

All year 9 and 10 students have now participated in course counselling days. We are very proud of the support given to students in careers counselling at the college and pleased to see that our middle school students have engaged positively in the program this year. It was wonderful to see so many families attend our year 10 Parent Night on Tuesday 23 July. We believe that a strong partnership between the school and families is crucial in helping our students achieve their full potential. Sometimes subject/pathway choices can be difficult to make, and your involvement definitely helps with this process.

Yr 9 Parent Information Night

Coming up we have a Year 9 Parent Information night to be held on Tuesday 3 September at 5.30-6.30pm in the gym. We would like to see all students and families attend as we will be fully explaining the city experience program which will be held in Week 9. We are looking forward to seeing all families there.

Progress Reports 

Progress Reports will be published on COMPASS soon. Year 12 reports will be published on 6 August, Year 11 on the16 August and Years 7-10 on the 30 August.

Prepared for Learning Goals

Students in all year levels have been working on their Prepared for Learning Goals. Student goals can be found on COMPASS under the Insights tab. Please consider how you might support your young person to work towards their goals. Updated information on the PFL goals can be found on COMPASS.




From the General Office

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General Office Hours 

8:15am to 4:15pm   

Compass Communication

Any important information will be sent to parents and families via the Compass News Feed.  Parents are asked to ensure that they have access to Compass.



General Office Payments

Preferred method of payment for School Events and Curriculum Contributions is via the Compass school management system.  Parents will log in to this system using their allocated unique User ID and a temporary password.  Payments can be made through the Action Centre from the home screen.  Please contact the General Office on 9366 2555 should you need further information. 





ID Cards

Students are reminded that they require their ID cards with them when they present to the front office.

Lost or Damaged Id Cards

All students at the school will be provided with a student id card following school photo day,  However, if your child has lost or damaged their student id card, you are able to order and pay for a replacement card by logging into your Compass portal. 

To order a replacement CompassIdentity card (for students during the school year), log on to your Compass Account and:

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’.
  • in the ‘Orders’ section, click ‘Individual Orders’.
  • complete the details to order the card

A payment will be required when placing your order.

When the card arrives, it will need to be activated.  Follow the steps below to activiate the card.

  • go the ‘Organisation’ menu (grid icon)
  • select ‘Identity Cards’
  • click on ‘Individual Activation’
  • complete the information on the screen to activate the card.

The office will no longer be taking payment for replacement cards.  Please contact the office on 9366 2555 if you have any queries.

Student Lunches at the General Office

Families are advised that the General Office is unable to accept lunches for student collection.  Please discuss and prepare for a different course of action with your child, should they forget to bring their lunch to school.

If your child has forgotten their lunch at home, parents can leave money in an envelope for their student to collect at the office.  The canteen has an array of choices for your child to purchase their lunch.

College Expectations 

Attendance, Uniform, Punctuality  

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents to make sure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, is in full uniform, and is well prepared for all classes with books and equipment.


Students must have a minimum of 90% attendance in all classes at each year level.


Full uniform must be worn to and from school, at school and on all school excursions, including interschool sports.


Students are expected to be punctual at the start of each day and for all classes. Any student who is late more than 4 times will have a Friday detention from 3:20pm to 5:20pm. 

Sustainable School Shop

The Sustainable School Shop website is available to purchase and/or sell second-hand uniforms and used textbooks.

 Parents can log in or register at any time at

When selling items, click the Sell Uniforms button and follow the prompts. Assistance is given to construct your “For Sale” ads including a pricing guide.

To see the ads for items currently on sale or to obtain the seller details, you will need to log-in to the Sustainable School Shop website, click the blue Stocktake button and then click the item you need. Buyers contact the seller directly.

 Sellers are asked to delist For Sale Ads as items sell.

Student Absence 

Parents and guardians are now able to leave student absence messages directly with the relevant Sub School.

Follow the telephone prompts to be connected to the Sub School needed.

  • Wait for the beep before leaving a message
  • State who you are, eg:  I am the parent of ……..  and clearly state your child’s name and home group
  • Clearly state the reason for your child’s absence and how long they will be absent for

Please ensure that your message is audible (not on speaker phone) and there is no background noise.  

Camps, Sports, Events Fund (CSEF)

Parents with a valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the CSEF.  The CSEF is a yearly payment for each child in the family attending our College.  This payment is to assist with the cost of Camps, Sports and Excursions for your child to attend. 

Applications for the 2024 CSEF has now closed.

State School Relief (SSR)

Should you have a valid Health Care Card and require assistance to purchase school uniform and/or school shoes; you may be eligible for SSR. Health Care Card holders with students enrolled in the VCE VM program may also be eligible for assistance with the purchase of personal protective gear. Please enquire at the General Office.


Important Dates & Calendar

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Thursday, 1 August 2024

All Day Yr 10 into 11 Course Selection Day

08:45AM – 03:10PM Yr 8D Strathbogie Camp

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8A & 8K Indigenous STEM School Program

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

01:00PM – 03:15PM 2024 Tobin Brothers Arts Scholarship Presentation

01:30PM – 03:45PM MAC Costume Fitting

Friday, 2 August 2024

All Day Curriculum Day (Student Free Day)

08:45AM – 03:10PM Yr 8D Strathbogie Camp

Monday, 5 August 2024

08:35AM – 03:30PM Yr 7 & 8 Boys Volleyball

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

All Day Yr 9 into 10 Course Selection Day

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8B & 8J Indigenous STEM Schools Program

11:00AM – 12:40PM Australian Maths Competition

01:30PM – 03:10PM Yr 7 & 8 Skin for Schools

02:20PM – 03:10PM SHINE

03:15PM – 09:15PM Yr 9 to 12 Debating (St Bernards College)

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

05:30AM – 08:00AM Business Partners Breakfast

08:35AM – 03:30PM Yr 7 & 8 Girls Volleyball

08:45AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 ADVANCE Riddells Creek Camp

08:55AM – 03:10PM ABCN Focus

Thursday, 8 August 2024

08:45AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 ADVANCE Riddells Creek Camp

09:00AM – 03:00PM Yr 9 Maths Games Day

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

03:15PM – 03:55PM Homework Club (Library)

03:30PM – 04:30PM Yr 12 Psychology SAC 4

Friday, 9 August 2024

08:45AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 ADVANCE Riddells Creek Camp

08:55AM – 12:40PM Yr 9 Drama Incursion

Monday, 12 August 2024

All Day – MAC 

08:55AM – 09:45AM Yr 8D Digital Thumbprint

09:45AM – 10:35AM Yr 8G Digital Thumbprint

11:00AM – 11:50AM Yr 8K Digital Thumbprint

11:50AM – 12:40PM Yr 8E Digital Thumbprint

01:30PM – 02:20PM Yr 8B Digital Thumbprint

02:20PM – 03:10PM Yr 8C Digital Thumbprint

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

All Day – MAC 

02:20PM – 03:10PM SHINE

03:30PM – 05:10PM Yr 12 English SAC – Analysing Argument (Audio)

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

All Day – MAC 

11:50AM – 01:30PM Yr 12 Motivational Lunch

Thursday, 15 August 2024

All Day – MAC

08:00AM – 03:55PM Melb Uni GTAC Biomedical Day

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

03:15PM – 03:55PM Homework Club (Library)

Friday, 16 August 2024

All Day MAC

12:40PM – 01:30PM VCE VM Lunchtime Activities (National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence)

Monday, 19 August 2024

09:00AM – 10:00PM MAC

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Performance

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

09:00AM – 10:PM MAC

08:45AM – 03:45PM Yr 10 “Road to Zero” Physics Challenge

11:00AM – 11:50AM Tibetan Art

02:20PM – 03:10PM SHINE

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Performance

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

All Day MAC

08:30AM – 03:00PM Intermediate Boys Table Tennis

08:30AM – 03:00PM Intermediate Boys Basketball

08:30AM – 03:00PM Yr 7 & 8 Boys Table Tennis

08:30PM – 03:00PM Intermediate Boys Basketball

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8 Maths Games Day

11:50AM – 12:40PM Africause Leadership Program

12:40PM – 01:30PM VCE VM Lunchtime Activities – Youth Day

03:10PM – 04:30PM Pasifika Cultural Group Practice

Thursday, 22 August 2024

09:00AM – 10:00PM MAC

08:00AM – 03:00PM Yr 8 Boys Futsal

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

01:00PM – 03:00PM Grade 6 Pat R & Pat M Testing (Gym)

03:15PM – 03:55PM Homework Club (Library)

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Performance

Friday, 21 August 2024

All Day MAC

Monday, 26 August 2024

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 10 & 11 CPR Ambassador Program

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 7 Maths Games Day 

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8E Strathbogie Camp

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8E Strathbogie Camp

08:30AM – 03:00PM Intermediate Girls Table Tennis

08:30AM – 03:00PM Yr 7 & 8 Girls Table Tennis

08:30AM – 03:00PM Yr 7 & 8 Girls Basketball

08:30AM – 03:00PM Intermediate Girls Basketball

08:55AM – 10:35AM Yr 7, 8 & 9 CPR Ambassador Program

09:00AM – 1230PM Yr 7 Immunisations

11:00AM – 11:50AM Tibetan Art

01:00PM – 05:00PM Grade 6 Pat R Testing (Follow Ups)

02:20PM – 03:10PM SHINE

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8E Strathbogie Camp

08:55AM – 03:10PM ABCN Focus

11:50AM – 12:40PM Africause Leadership Program

03:10PM – 04:30PM Paifika Cultural Group Practice

Thursday, 29 August 2024

08:30AM – 03:00PM Unit 3 Biology GTAC (Responding to Pathogens and Generating Immunity)

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

03:15PM – 03:55PM Homework Club (Library)

Friday, 30 August 2024

08:30AM – 03:00PM Yr 8 Girls Futsal 

12:40PM – 01:30PM VCE VM Lunchtime Activities – Wear it Purple Day

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

08:45AM – 03:00PM Yr 11 Ancient History Pharaoh Exhibition

11:00AM – 11:50AM Tibetan Art

02:20PM – 03:10PM SHINE

03:30PM – 05:10PM Yr 12 English SAC – Analysing Argument (Written)

05:30PM – 06:30PM Yr 9 Parent Information Evening (City Experience)

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

All Day VCE VM Real Talk

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8A Strathbogie Camp

11:00AM – 12:00PM Analysing DNA Barcodes to Identify and Discover Species

11:50AM – 12:40PM Africause Leadership Program

11:50AM – 12:40PM Various Yr Levels Employment Workshop

03:10PM – 04:30PM Pasifika Cultural Group Practice

Thursday, 5 September 2024

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8A Strathbogie Camp

09:30AM – 10:30AM Author Visit – Mark Greenwood

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

03:15PM – 03:55PM Homework Club (Library)

03:30PM – 04:30PM Yr 12 Psychology SAC 5

Friday, 6 September 2024

08:55AM – 03:10PM Yr 8A Strathbogie Camp

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

08:30AM – 03:10PM Year 9 City Experience

11:00AM – 11:50AM Tibetan Art

02:20PM – 03:10PM SHINE

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

08:30AM – 03:15PM Yr 9 City Exerience

08:30AM – 03:10PM Keilor Division Athletics

03:10PM – 04:30PM Pasifika Cultural Group Practice

Thursday, 12 September 2024

08:30AM – 03:15 Yr 9 City Experience

11:50AM – 12:40PM STOMP

03:15PM – 03:55PM Homework Club (Library)

Friday, 13 September 2024

08:30AM – 03:10PM Yr 9 City Experience

11:50AM – 12:40PM Yr 12 Assembly

12:40PM – 01:30PM VCE VM Lunchtime Activities – R U OK?



New Staff at St Albans Secondary College

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College
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 Sam McCall

My name is Samuel McCall and I am excited about joining the SASC team again, after spending 6 years in the Individual Needs Department. During this time I studied at Victoria University to complete my Bachelor of Youth work. After completing my degree I worked at The Orange Door, which is a family violence service, building up my skills, knowledge and understanding of how to help people. Once I saw the opportunity to work at St Albans Secondary College again I jumped at the chance to be a part of the school wellbeing team. 

In my spare time I play soccer, video games and like to go hiking. 

I am super excited to work at St Albans (again) and to further develop my skills and knowledge in a school environment.







Hasan Hotic

Hi, my name is Hasan, I am thrilled to embark on this exciting journey as a new member of the vibrant at St Albans Secondary College Community. My educational foundation includes completing year 12 at Victoria University Secondary College and earning certificates III & IV in Community Services, along with valuable maintenance experience at Brookside College. Embracing a diverse range of career opportunities, I bring a deep passion for learning and a steadfast commitment to excellence to the school.

Outside the professional domain, I find comfort in engrossing myself in the world of music, exploring its diverse genres, and maintaining an active lifestyle through exercise. This holistic approach to life fuels my enthusiasm and drive to contribute positively to our school community. I am genuinely thrilled to be part of the lively atmosphere at St Albans Secondary College.

Excited to collaborate with the team and get to know everyone better !!




                              Elle Murphy

Elle Murphy is a dynamic and passionate vocal coach with over eight years of experience guiding aspiring singers and songwriters to reach their full potential. Her holistic approach integrates performance techniques, songwriting skills, and improvisational methods, fostering an environment where students can explore their unique voices and develop their musical identities.

Having immersed herself in the vibrant music scenes of London and Los Angeles, Elle brings a wealth of industry experience to her teaching. Career highlights include reaching the Top 14 on The Voice Australia, securing several licensing deals with a Melbourne record labels, and performing live shows to audiences of up to 5000 people.

As a vocal coach, Elle has worked with students of all ages and skill levels, developing personalised lesson plans that cater to individual learning styles. She has a proven track record of helping students achieve breakthroughs in their vocal abilities, stage presence, and musical creativity. Her dedication to creating a safe and nurturing learning environment empowers students to explore their voices and develop their unique musical identities.

Elle’s diverse experiences as a performer, recording artist, and music therapist uniquely position her to inspire and guide her students. She is committed to helping them achieve technical proficiency, artistic expression, and the joy of performance, ensuring they become well-rounded musicians.


Angelica Dowler

Dear St Albans Secondary College Community,

Hey! I’m Angelica and I’m currently on placement at St Albans SC as a Social Work Masters student (from Charles Sturt University). I am very excited to work within the amazing school wellbeing team – my supervisor and colleagues are super inspiring and supportive. It is also an honour to learn and grow alongside the students of St Albans. 

I have professional and educational knowledge in social work, Chinese medicine, acting and performance-making and emotion-based/somatic therapies.

In my spare time I enjoy running through the forest, swimming in the river (in the warmer months at least!), creating electronic music, singing and dancing. 

I look forward to continuing to get to know staff and students over the coming months!



Alexandra Bushby

Hi, my name is Alex and I’m very excited to back from maternity leave and re-engaging with the Individual Needs team. My role as the Speech Pathologist is to provide assessment to support school funding applications and give recommendations to support students in the classroom with their learning. In my spare time I enjoy reading, going camping and spending time with my 1-year-old daughter.

I’m looking forward to seeing and working with the staff and students again.






Junior School Report

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The Junior School has had a busy start to the term.  The Year 8 students have been taking part in the Digital Thumbprint program.  This has involved an external presenter coming into the school to provide some useful information regarding cyberbullying and staying safe online.  Most online behaviour is very positive and can be fun and engaging for young people.  However there are some risks involved and programs such as Digital Thumbprint can assist students to make better choices.  The program will be extended to Year 7 students later in the year.

To learn more about cyber safety and the Digital Thumbprint workshops, click here.

The Year 8 students have been attending the Science Gallery in Carlton for an excursion focussed on the indigenous perspective on science and technology.  Students were provided with information regarding the way indigenous people have used the sky and the stars to assist in their understanding of the environment.  This includes when certain foods should be harvested and when significant journeys should be undertaken.  There is also information on the manner in which indigenous people managed their resources to provide food and shelter. 


The Year 7 students have recently been travelling to the Melbourne Museum for an excursion focussed on Ancient Australia.  The students first visited the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre.  Using the voices of the Koorie community, the exhibition told the story of Aboriginal Victoria, from Creation to modern times.  The exhibition celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Koorie people.  The students were able to enter a representation of the nest of Bunjil, the wedge tailed eagle and ancestral spirit and hear how he sang the Kulin nation into being.

The Year 8 camps program is in full swing.  Please pay particular attention to Compass for information about upcoming camps and ensure that you consent and pay for camps as soon as it becomes available.

We are looking forward to a successful Term 3 with the Junior School students.


Mr Craig Moore – Junior Sub School Leader

Middle School Report

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Term 3 has been a very busy and productive time for Middle School students. Across weeks 3 and 4 of this term, both Year 9 and 10 students engaged in course counselling where students were given the opportunity to think about their futures. Students were supported by Middle School staff as they chose from a wide range of subjects from all key learning areas. All students took part in a pre-course selection activity, which helped them make decisions about their subjects and career pathways. Students were able to select subjects that not only interest them, but also subjects that will challenge them. The Middle School would like to thank the support and organisation that the Careers team provided throughout. We hope that all students are excited for their subjects in 2025!

On August 3, 33 Middle School students participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition. This competition aims to develop students problem-solving skills and to promote student engagement in maths. While we will have to wait until later in the year for the results of the competition, we would like to congratulate all of the students who participated and encourage more students to partake in next year’s competition. 



Year 9 and 10 students celebrated their successes in semester 1 at our year level assemblies this term. Students were nominated by their teachers for academic and progress awards, with some receiving multiple awards. On behalf of the Middle School teachers and coordinators, we want to congratulate all students who received an award and encourage all others to work hard this semester to be considered for one.


From 9 September, the Year 9 cohort will engage in City Experience, a week dedicated to developing skills outside of the classroom. Students will explore the city, including the Shrine of Remembrance, the Melbourne Museum and Docklands, to not only learn more about Melbourne, but also gain confidence in navigating the city. We hope all Year 9 students have a good time during City Experience.  The Middle School will hold a parent information evening in week 8 this term to outline further expectations and details about the program.



As we enter the second half of term 3, all Middle School Coordinators are proud of the progress students have made and look forward to discussing their progress reports. It is a time to celebrate successes and look to set goals for the remainder of semester 2 and beyond.


Mr Andrei Alexandrescu – Assistant Middle Sub School Leader

Senior School Report

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It has been a great start to Term 3, with lots of celebrations and events that showcase the work of the senior students. It has also been a busy term, with students completing their SACs/ATs and starting intense preparation for their end-of-year exams and portfolio presentations.

On Wednesday 17 July, Mr. Jennings and I attended the Premier’s VCE Awards at the Melbourne Convention Centre to support Kelly Lam, who was honoured with a prestigious award for her outstanding results in Unit 3 and 4 Biology. Receiving such an accolade from Premier Jacinta Allan is a testament to Kelly’s dedication and exceptional skills in the subject. Congratulations, Kelly—we are incredibly proud of your achievement!

We would also like to congratulate VCE VM students, Vuk VUJATOVIC and Charli CANTRILL-RYALL, who were selected from their VET class to compete in the statewide VET World Skills Competition in Automotive at Copperfield College. Both students represented the school exceptionally well and received 3rd and 4th place, respectively. Congratulations, Vuk and Charli!

Our senior students continued to showcase their hospitality skills at the Community Partners Breakfast on Wednesday 7 August. The Community Partners Breakfast is important event in the College calendar, where we recognise and celebrate the organisations and business who contribute in various ways to our College community. Our Year 11 VET Certificate II in Cookery students put on a delicious banquet and the Year 12 VCE VM students ran the barista and drinks service. Angela (Wren) Truong and Marko Majstorovic spoke eloquently about their experiences in the VCE VM program and the positive impact organisations have on their experience in VCE VM. Well done to all the students involved and thank you to Mr Stammers and Ms Karner for working with our students and running such a successful event. 


The CPR theme, “Believe and Succeed,” is especially fitting at this time of the year for our senior students. We will be holding our traditional ‘Motivational lunch’ with our Year 12 students on Wednesday the 14 August. The Year 12 students will reflect on their goals as Year 7 students. We will welcome back a previous St Albans Secondary College student, who will speak to the students about their experiences. Students will be given a pizza lunch, while they enjoy musical performances from our talented music students. Students will also receive “motivation awards” for their effort, enthusiasm, support of their peers and consistent hard work.

The Wellbeing team, in collaboration with the Sub School, has been actively organising workshops to help Year 11 and 12 students build their confidence, manage stress and anxiety during exam preparation, and to aid Year 12 students in their transition to increased independence. A schedule of events and sign-up information will be available on Compass next week. We encourage all students to participate to enhance their toolbox of wellbeing strategies.

Year 12 VCE VM students have been busy preparing for the National Day of Action Against Bullying on 16 August, Youth Day on 21 August, Wear it Purple Day on 30 August, and R U Ok Day? on 13 September. We encourage students to join in the plethora of fun activities they have organised for the school community. They will also be preparing their portfolios for their final interviews in the coming weeks.

Year 12 Term 3 progress reports are now available for viewing on the student and parent portals. Year level coordinators will be meeting with parents or contacting home if there are any concerns. Year 11 progress reports will be available on 16 August.

All Unit 4 coursework will be completed in Week 8. As the VCE exams are just around the corner, we encourage our students to use the skills they have learned in note-making and other study techniques to start preparing for their final exams. As a guide, students should be studying for 3 to 4 hours each night, with short breaks in between study sessions. We request parents/guardians to support their child by providing a quiet space to work, with minimal disruptions where possible.

If students would like support with exam or portfolio preparation, please do not hesitate to speak to your teachers, or see us in the Senior Sub School.

We welcome parents/guardians to contact us on 9366 2555 if they have any queries or concerns about their child. 



Ms Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader

Science Faculty

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Yr 11 Biology GTAC Genetic Testing

In week two of term three, the Year 11 Biology students attended Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) as part of their unit of study on genetics. They worked with practicing scientists to apply their genetic knowledge on a case study to diagnose phenylketonuria (PKU), a genetic disease, through prenatal and predictive testing. As part of this genetic analysis, they used a range of techniques, including fluorescence microscopy, PCR and gel electrophoresis. Throughout the day, they also had the opportunity to ask the scientist mentors career-related questions.


Below are student reflections of the program.

‘During the GTAC excursion, I was able to learn how genetic testing can be implemented in a real world scenario, specifically utilising a gel electrophoresis to identify an individual’s genotype. Being able to experience the practical in a scientific environment was very interesting as it felt like I was in a real case’. – Dennis Tran (11F)

 ‘I learnt how to use a pipette properly, as well as use gel electrophoresis to analyse for PKU and to understand how PKU occurs’. – Thu Nguyen (11D).

Our students then engaged in three different immunological workshops. In the first workshop, student used bioinformatics to investigate the risk of different animal species in contracting coronavirus. After that, the students explored different infectious and non-communicable diseases in mouse models using microscopy. Finally, students performed a lab technique called an ‘ELISA’ to determine the mystery tuberculosis carrier at a hospital. Throughout these sessions, students were able to talk to the facilitating scientists and PhD students and learn about their journeys and careers.

Below a student’s reflection of the excursion:

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the guest speaker’s presentation, particularly the video which he produced on the innate and adaptive immune system – very helpful for students who were being exposed to the Unit 4 Biology content for the first time. I also enjoyed the bioinformatics session and being able to ask immunologists about what they enjoy about their profession, what they do and the challenges they face. Overall, this excursion was really eye-opening for me and I would recommend it to any Biology students who are interested in immunology.’   – Jessica Luong (12C)


Mr Myers Nguyen – Science Teacher

Science Activities

Over the past couple of weeks many students have experienced Science outside of the classroom. A handful of dedicated Year 12 students were successful in applying for the SEAMs program and spent 3 days at the University of Melbourne improving their knowedge of Mathematics and Science. Year 8 classes attended Indigenous STEM workshops at the Melbourne Science Gallery where they learnt about the historical use of fire by First Nations people and how different Indigenous groups’ use knowledge of the stars to identify when seasons change and what animals are ready for hunting.


Year 8 Embarks on a “Mission to Mars”

Towards the end of Term 2, several Year 8 classes embarked on simulated “Missions to Mars” at the Victoria Space Science Education Centre in Strathmore. Students donned spacesuits and performed a variety of tasks and tests, communicating between the mission control and the simulated surface of Mars. Their collective goal was to understand how rocks can be used to tell the history of the environment of Mars. However, this experience enabled them to achieve much more, including developing their collaborative skills and understanding its importance in scientific inquiry, as they took on specialist roles as different scientists. Our students demonstrated great engagement, maturity, and leadership as they supported one another throughout this immersive experience.

A Student’s Perpective of SEAMs

..we found it very enjoyable and definitely had its ups and downs. Personally I found the social aspect of SEAMS, being able to interact with people from different sides of Australia, very enjoyable and insightful of the future. The accommodation was really amazing (I personally had my own couch) and it was a good way to experience the uni life and see how everything is done. I did find the buffet aspect, infinite coffee machines, common rooms with a pool and table tennis table to be very entertaining. They even had a movie theatre and it was a great experience with a packed schedule that can build good habits and help you socialise more. We can also see how people from different schools do things and adapt and inherit certain strategies to better our schooling life and our own life. All and all SEAMS is great and I am sure it will continue to be great.



Ms Angela Hanley – Science Coordinator

Legal Studies

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The Wheels of Justice Turning at the Sunshine Magistrates Court

The two Year 11 Legal Studies classes witnessed the wheels of justice turning at the Sunshine Magistrates’ Court on May 7 & 8, 2024. This visit offered students a firsthand look at courtroom proceedings, rules, procedures, and the roles of key legal personnel.

Divided into three groups, we observed four different courtrooms over two hours, sparking lively discussions among students and staff about the cases.

The visit deepened students’ appreciation for Legal Studies and provided a more real connection to their classroom learning. Students reported finding the visit informative and engaging, with comments like, “It was good to see how the Magistrates Court was run,” and “It opened my eyes to how the law really works.”

It was an absorbing experience and fun to see the students out of class, as well as being left with different legal cases for us all to ponder.


Ms Alex Chan – Legal Studies Teacher


LOTE – Italian

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Year 8 Italian Pasta Shape Competition 2024

As part of their unit on ‘Food in Italy’, Year 8 Italian students from, signora Bentley, signora Honeycombe and signora Dorigo’s classes had the opportunity this term to learn how to make authentic pasta dough at home and learn about the 350 different shapes of pasta and their accompanying sauces.

The winner this year was An Nguyen from 8B.

Congratulations to An Nguyen of 8B for her creative design.




Mrs Piera Bentley – Italian Teacher

Performing and Visual Arts

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VCE Students Shine in an Art Exhibition

The artworks of St Albans Secondary College VCE Students shine in an exhibition at Fortyfive Downstairs gallery.

St Albans Secondary College is a multicultural school with over fifty three cultures represented. Students bring their own unique cultural perspective and aesthetic to the creation of works. Collaboration between the students makes the artworks unique. When students at St Albans Secondary College engage in the creative process there are a range of intercultural experiences that influence the resulting works. This then enables students to appreciate different cultural values and perspectives.

“We have had a longstanding relationship with Fortyfive Downstairs and we were absolutely delighted to be invited, as the first state school, to exhibit in their gallery” said the head of the Visual and Performing Arts Department, Nick D’Aglas. He went on to say how proud he was of his staff who had stepped up to curate the show. “The art staff at this school include the current writer of the VCE Art Making and Exhibiting textbook, Mr Michael Bowden and Miss Della Butler who came to teaching after establishing a career in cultural organisations”.

The exhibition is a rare glimpse into the potential that is unlocked when we are able to embrace cultural diversity.

The works of St Albans Secondary College’s talented VCE art, design and technology students will be on exhibition in Melbourne’s CBD from August 13.

Exhibition Details:

Exhibition Title: Showcase: Stronger Together

Opening Night: August 13th, 2024 from 5:00PM – 7:00PM

Exhibition Dates: August 13th – August 24th, 2024

Location: Fortyfive Downstairs Gallery, 45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne


Showcase: St Albans Secondary College VCE Art and Technology Students



Ms Della Butler – Visual Art & Visual Communication Design Teacher

Year 10 Art & Design Student Receives Scholarship from Tobin Brothers

On Thursday 1  August, Phuong Nguyen received a scholarship for her excellence in Art and Design subjects at St Albans Secondary College. This scholarship was generously donated by Tobin Brothers Funerals in St Albans. Tobin Brothers Funerals gave the scholarshop as part of their 90th year of business celebration, where they are distributing $90,000 to local organisations who benefit the community.

Well done Phuong Nguyen!





Ms Della Butler – Visual Art & Visual Communication Design Teacher

Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP) Masterclass

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Selected students in Years 7 and 8 take part in the Victorian High-Ability Program, an online learning experience run by the Student Excellence Program. They participate in a term-long program that focuses on extending them in either English or Mathematics.

The VHAP Masterclass is a celebration of learning held each semester at one of our local area network schools. The High-Ability Practice Leaders (HAPLs) of these schools work together to run workshops on Maths and English that delve into the concepts that students learn about during their time in the VHAP Program.

On Monday 24 June, the Semester 1 2024 VHAP Masterclass was held at Taylors Lakes Secondary College (TLSC). Students from SASC, TLSC, Victoria University Secondary College (VUSC), and Keilor Downs College (KDC) all attended to share their learning and ideas. Ms Amy Lee (the SASC HAPL), and Mr Thach Ly (SASC’s SEAL Program Coordinator) both accompanied the VHAP students.

It was a wonderful day out! Students had a lot of fun discussing and debating ideas about a perfect world, exploring mathematical concepts, and creating their own utopias. They had the opportunity to develop their presentation skills, and improve their ability to share and respond to different viewpoints.

Highlights of the day included making new friends, learning new things, and of course, the amazing spread that TLSC put on – the lunch pizzas were a big hit! Many thanks to the wonderful HAPL at TLSC for her hard work in organising the day, and to Mr Ly for driving the school bus there!




Ms Amy Le – Learning Specialist | High Ability Practice Leader | English and Humanities Teacher

Sports Faculty

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Athletics Day 2024

On Friday May 10 at Keilor Park Athletics Track, the annual St Albans Secondary College Athletics Day was held for the Year 7 – 10 students. It was a cloudy day but that didn’t stop the students from bringing their best on the track and field!

The VCE VM students put on an amazing BBQ for the students to keep their energy levels up and compete in the range of events that were taking place. Students from all year levels filled the participation sheets for events such as the 100m sprint, long jump, discus, high jump and shotput.

The House Team put on a range of additional events for the students who were able to gain a huge amount of house points with each activity they participated in. The limbo was a crowd favourite, with everyone keen to get involved and show their skills. The annual tug-of-war competition was extremely competitive, with the Rosewall students competing against the teachers for the crown, however it was the teachers who showed their prowess and came away with the win.

After the events, the House team tally was as follows:

Overall the day was a huge success and, even with the muddy conditions on and around the track, the students were still able to enjoy the festivities and show off their athletic abilities. Well done to all that were involved in the preparation and running of the day.



Ms Taylor Decker  –  Year Level Coordinator | VCE Teacher | House Leader

Western Metropolitan Region – Secondary Badminton Interschools Tournaments

Congratulations to our school badminton teams across Year 7 – 12 who successfully completed their tournaments in Term 2 in the Keilor Division badminton tournaments.

The Western Metropolitan Region Badminton Tournaments were on Wednesday 26 June for our Year 8 Boys Badminton team, Thursday 27 June, 2024 for the Year 7 Girls Badminton team, Tuesday 30 July for the Year 11/12 Girls Badminton team and Wednesday 31 July for Years 9/10 Boys and Girls Badminton teams.

Our students competed with other schools in the western metropolitan region. Although we did not manage to win the tournaments, both our Year 8 Boys, Year 7 Girls, Year 9/10 Boys, Year 11/12 Girls came third. A great achievement for our students. The third best in the whole region.  

Our Year 9/10 Girls exhibited their excellent performance on the day and defeated the team from Maribyrnong sports academy to get to the final. They managed to win two single games and one double game with competitive scores. However, our girls lost by a few points to the opponent and came home with the second prize. A huge achievement for our girls. That is the SECOND BEST in the Western metropolitan area.


The Year 7 Girls Badminton Team:

        • Thai Ha (Sarah) Hoang 7E
        • Mya Pham 7I
        • Cailyn Leong 7I
        • Blessing Talosaga 7A

The Year 8 Boys Badminton Team:

        • James Pham 8C
        • Duy Pham 8C
        • Prabhpreet Rangi 8C
        • Lucas Nguyen 8G
        • Minh Hy Truong 8G
        • Srish Naidu 8C

The Year 9/10 Boys Badminton Team:

        • Lachlan Tan 10F
        • Huy Vo 10B
        • Andrew Nguyen 10A
        • Ben Tran 9B
        • Dat Le 9I
        • Loc Nguyen 10C
        • Kevin Hang 9A

The Year 9/10 Girls Badminton Team:

        • Lyna Nguyen 9A
        • Ngoc Thanh Ha Phan 10E
        • Anna Hoang 9K
        • Jessica Ngo 9A
        • Jennie Hoang 9K
        • Minh Vy Nguyen 9D
        • Kathy Ngoc Ho 10E

The Year 11/12 Girls Badminton Team:

        • Phuong Nguyen 11D
        • Stella Nhi Nguyen 11D
        • Caelan Nguyen 12D
        • Rahima Muradi 11C
        • Minh Pham 11E
        • Haily Le 11C



Mr Pat Lac – EAL & WELS Transition Coordinator | Lunchtime Activities Coordinator


Extra Curricular Activities

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Term 3 Extra Curricular Activities

What an amazing start of the term for our staff and students with the extracurricular activities that have been and will be organised throughout the term.

Understanding the importance of the extracurricular activities, a great number of our staff at St Albans Secondary College have volunteered many of their precious hours to provide the students with the opportunities to be involved in many different activities all in term 3. These will help students build their sense of connectedness at our college and to learn many other skills outside of the normal classrooms which will help support their education and their development.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank our staff on behalf the students and the school for the great work they have done and will do for our students.

The table below will outline some of the programs that teachers and staff at St Albans have devoted their time to organise for our students for Term 3.

Mr Pat Lac – EAL & WELS Transition Coordinator | Lunchtime Activities Coordinator

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