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Alba Newsletter – August 2022

1st January 1970

Our latest Alba Newsletter is here!

Each newsletter contains information about upcoming events, celebration of student success and what has been going on at the college.

Upcoming Events

Year 11 “100 Days of Success” P5 & 6
Jun 23 – Jun 24 all-day
Year 7F Strathbogie Camp
Jun 23 @ 11:30 pm – Jun 28 @ 6:15 am

Corner of Watkins Road North and School Camp Road
Creek Junction (Strathbogie).

Click Here to read more.

Year 8 Boys & Girls Badminton Western Zone Finals
Jun 24 – Jun 25 all-day
End of Term 3 – Early Dismissal 2.20pm
Jun 24 @ 10:45 pm – Jun 25 @ 4:20 am

From the Principal Class Team

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Dear Parents and Families

After a wait of three years, including a near miss last year, MAC is back in 2022.  The cast, crew and staff team are really excited to present their production of The Lion King Jr, a stage show favourite this is sure to delight everyone – a perfect way to celebrate the return of what is an emblematic aspect of our College.

As always, tickets for the show on Monday 12, Tuesday 13 and Thursday 15 of September are selling fast, so book your seats as soon as you can at


On behalf of the school community, a warm welcome to several new members of staff, Alisha D’Souza has joined the Maths department; Jacob Marinelli is teaching PE; Ly Tran joins the Individual Needs team as a teacher assistant; and Jeffrey Ji will commence as a Humanities teacher on 5 September.

We wish each of then all the best for their time at St Albans Secondary College.

Scholarship Opportunities

We are pleased to announce three new scholarship awards for presentation in Term 4 this year:

  • the Helen Papadimitriou English Award for a Year 10 student who shows outstanding growth and achievement in English ($250).
  • the Dr Jozica Kutin Psychology Award for a Year 11 student who shows commitment and potential in Psychology ($250) and
  • the Clare and Greg Sheen Award for Community Service awarded for voluntary and active tasks benefitting the community ($425 to a Year 7 – 9 student; and $425 to a Year 10 – 12 student)

Helen Papadimitriou (1985) and Jozica Kutin (1984) are former students and members of our Alumni program.  They have been friends since Year 7 and are keen to support current students to pursue their passion and talents in English and Psychology.

The Clare and Greg Sheen Award is sponsored by former staff member, Greg Sheen, in honour of his parents, and their family’s commitment to community service.

We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of Helen, JozIca, Greg and Clare.

Annual General Meeting – 7 September

Each year, schools are required to report to their school community on achievements and on progress towards the goals and targets in the 4 year Strategic Plan.

Our annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday 7 September at 5:45pm.

As well as learning about the school’s progress over the last 12 months, the meeting is also an opportunity for parents and community members to ask questions of the School Council and school leadership.

An invitation to attend this meeting is extended to the school community.  Information about how to register your attendance will be provided via the Compass newsfeed soon.

Mobile Phones – Important Reminder

The Victorian government and our school’s mobile phone policy makes it clear that students are not to use mobile phones whilst they are at school.  There are a number of reasons for this; including student safety; and encouraging a focus on face to face social time with friends during the day.

The Department of Education has asked all schools to ensure that the policy is being implemented, particularly as they have recently seen an increase in anti-social online behaviour across the state.

Phones must not be used on school grounds.  They must be switched off and left in lockers at all times.

Phones will be confiscated for return to the parent or guardian if they are not in lockers.


Progress reports for Year 11 students are now available on Compass.

Progress reports for Years 7 to 10 will be available by Friday 19 August .

Please read through these with your child, and contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator if you have any questions.

A reminder that Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday 14 September. These are an opportunity to discuss reports and progress directly with your child’s teachers, and to ask any questions you might have. Bookings for these will open soon, and be communicated to you via Compass.

Year 12 Motivational Lunch

Year 12 students attended our annual motivational lunch on Wednesday 10 August in the Performing Arts Centre. There were awards to recognise effort, as well as performances by the Year 12 VET Music students. Jamal Baba, School Captain 2021, spoke to the group about effective use of time including sleep and planning. It was a very informative talk that many students found useful.

The Long Walk Program

Our Wellbeing Team partnered with The Long Walk and the Essendon Football club this year to run a 9 week Art Program. The program started in February and recently concluded with Essendon Football club using elements of the student’s art on the LED screens at their home games.  

The program focused on providing a culturally safe place for Koorie students at St Albans Secondary College to come together and create an art piece, which will be proudly displayed around the school. Students worked alongside local artist, Aunty Karen, to complete their art work. They also received Long Walk jumpers and were invited to the Dream Time game and two Essendon Home games. 

Filming of the program occurred during on of the sessions with Karen which was shared on social media platforms and at a recent Essendon home game.


You can watch the video here –The Long Walk / Essendon FC Video


“The Long Walk program has meant a lot to me, it is a safe space where I can be surrounded by my people and feel comfortable in my own skin. A place where I can speak about my indigenous culture and feel understood and listened to. It has been nothing but sentimental to be given this opportunity to be gathered together once a week, escape reality and feel connected to my roots”. – Shawanna Sciberras. 

Year 8 into Year 9 Subject Selection

The College recently held an online webinar for Year 8 students and their families to learn more about Year 9 subjects and the process of subject selection.  Year 8 subject selection is due for completion by Friday 19 August. For support or questions regarding this process please reach out to your child’s Coordinator or the Careers Department.  

Interact Club

Interact Club is a Rotary sponsored service club for young people. Made up of students of secondary school age, Interact gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects and to work together and make connections in the community – both locally and more broadly.

The Interact Club has an executive team which for St Albans Secondary College, currently consisting of:

  • President – Isra Siddique Y11
  • Vice President – Tracey Nguyen Y11
  • Secretary – Kathleen Phan Y11
  • Project manager – Deedee Colussi Y12
  • Public Relations – Vianna Tran Y11
  • Treasurer – Salli Li Y10

We have approximatley 36 members across all year levels.


Our International Project is Project W for which our Club aims to raise funds to provide safe drinking water and sanitation to a disadvantaged school in Cambodia.  We will make a strong connection with our sponsored school and remain in contact with students at the school beyond the completion of this project for which we aim to raise $5000 this year.

To make a tax deductible donation please follow the steps below, please note that you will need to send an email letting our Interact Club know (via our school contact) the details of your donation to enable us to have it registered towards our part of the project and to be assigned to the school we are connected to.

Steps to donate:

  1. Go to the Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) Web Site:
  2. Select ‘Donate’
  3. Select ‘Donate to a specific project’
  4. Project No: 94      Year Registered: 2020-2021
  5. Click donate
  6. Select whether an individual or an organisation and fill in details, selecting whether a Rotarian/Rotaractor or not. Continue to fill in your name, address and payment method.
  7. Once you have donated please email Tracey D’Elton at the following email address: . In this email please indicate the amount you donated to Project W in support of the St Albans SC Interact Club and whether you did so on behalf of a business or as an individual.

Members of the SASC Interact Club executive met with John and Barbara Rafter from Keilor East Rotary Club, both key Rotaract supporters of our club.  They provided assistance to the executive to plan to raise funds for Project W.


Brimbank Bicycle Education Centre – Our Interact Club was very fortunate to form a partnership with the Brimbank Bicycle Education Centre.  This came about by our local Rotary Club suggesting we contact the Centre to organise a working bee as they were in need of some general maintenance and gardening assistance.

On Tuesday 26 July, 19 Interact Club members along with two staff and attended the Bicycle Education Centre to undertake a working bee to fulfil the commitment to support a Community venture.  To be eligible for citation, an Interact Club is required to complete at least one Community and one International project within the year.


The working bee enabled us to complete the Community requirement and provided the students who attended the opportunity to learn new skills and support one another and the bicycle centre staff, to complete tasks that needed doing. These included cleaning, removing cobwebs, gardening and the provision of maintenance and checks on the bikes as well as reorganising the bike shed which, as you can see in the images that follow, looked amazing after we finished.

Athletics Carnival

All Year 7 and 8 students and selected Years 10 to 12 students travelled to the Keilor Athletics Track for our annual Athletics Carnival which was held on Friday 5 August.  Many students participated in the range of events, both traditional and novelty in the House based competition.  Students displayed a range of sporting talents across track and field events and there was enthusiastic competition in the tug of war.  More details and photos will be available in the School Yearbook that every student receives at the end of the year.

The final result came down to the last event, sealing the 2 point victory for Buttrose.  What an ending to a wonderful day of Sport!

Well done to all participants, and to Buttrose House for being named the overall winner. Thanks to Mr Robert Winduss and his team for the organisation of this very successful event.  Thank you to all the staff who attended on the day.  The dedication and participation of staff in these large events make it possible to run them as part of our broad cocurricular program; and we know that the students appreciate the opportunity to take part in events that provide connection to our school community beyond the classroom and at a House level.

The final points for each house were:

Buttrose:  2679 Irwin:  2677 Rosewall:  2051 Freeman:  2042



From the General Office

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General Office Hours 

8:15am to 4:15pm   

Compass Communication

Any important information will be sent to parents and families via the Compass News Feed.  Parents are asked to ensure that they have access to Compass.



General Office Payments

Preferred method of payment for School Events and Curriculum Contributions is via the Compass school management system.  Parents will log in to this system using their allocated unique User ID and a temporary password.  Payments can be made through the Action Centre from the home screen.  Please contact the General Office on 9366 2555 should you need further information. 





ID Cards

Students are reminded that they require their ID cards with them when they present to the front office.

Student Lunches at the General Office

Families are advised that the General Office is unable to accept lunches for student collection.  Please discuss and prepare for a different course of action with your child, should they forget to bring their lunch to school.

College Expectations 

Attendance, Uniform, Punctuality  

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents to make sure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, is in full uniform, and is well prepared for all classes with books and equipment.


Students must have a minimum of 90% attendance in all classes at each year level.


Full uniform must be worn to and from school, at school and on all school excursions, including interschool sports.


Students are expected to be punctual at the start of each day and for all classes. Any student who is late more than 4 times will have a Friday detention from 3:20pm to 5:20pm. 

Sustainable School Shop

The Sustainable School Shop website is available to purchase and/or sell second-hand uniforms and used textbooks.

 Parents can log in or register at any time at

When selling items, click the Sell Uniforms button and follow the prompts. Assistance is given to construct your “For Sale” ads including a pricing guide.

To see the ads for items currently on sale or to obtain the seller details, you will need to log-in to the Sustainable School Shop website, click the blue Stocktake button and then click the item you need. Buyers contact the seller directly.

 Sellers are asked to delist For Sale Ads as items sell.

Student Absence 

Parents and guardians are now able to leave student absence messages directly with the relevant Sub School.

Follow the telephone prompts to be connected to the Sub School needed.

  • Wait for the beep before leaving a message
  • State who you are, eg:  I am the parent of ……..  and clearly state your child’s name and home group
  • Clearly state the reason for your child’s absence and how long they will be absent for

Please ensure that your message is audible (not on speaker phone) and there is no background noise.  

Camps, Sports, Events Fund (CSEF)

Parents with a valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the CSEF.  The CSEF is a yearly payment for each child in the family attending our College.  This payment is to assist with the cost of Camps, Sports and Excursions for your child to attend.  Applications for CSEF close on 22 June, 2022 and forms can be downloaded from our College website or obtained from reception.

State School Relief (SSR)

Should you have a valid Health Care Card and require assistance to purchase school uniform and/or school shoes; you may be eligible for SSR. Health Care Card holders with students enrolled in the VCAL program may also be eligible for assistance with the purchase of personal protective gear. Please enquire at the General Office.


Important Dates & Calendar

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Thursday, 18 August 2022

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8H Strathbogie Camp

08:55AM – 03:10PM Inter Boys Futsal

08:55AM – 03:10PM Indigenous STEM Program (8K & 8I)

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

01:30pm – 02:20PM Le Mana Program

03:20PM – 04:15PM Homework Club (Library)

Friday, 19 August 2022

All Day – Year 7 to 10 Progress Reports available on Compass

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8H Strathbogie Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

12:40PM – 01:30PM Year 12 VCAL Lunchtime Activities

Saturday, 20 August 2022

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

Sunday, 21 August 2022

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

Monday, 22 August 2022

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

03:30PM – 04:30PM iTrack Program

03:30PM – 05:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 7 & 8 Girls Table Tennis

08:55AM – 03:10PM Inter Girls Basketball

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

11:00AM – 03:10PM PISA Testing

12:40PM – 01:20PM Homework Club (Library)

01:30PM – 02:20PM Drum Beat

03:30PM – 05:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

08:15AM – 04:00PM Year 8 Maths Games Day

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8A Strathbogie Camp

09:00AM – 10:30AM ABCN Digital Focus Program

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

03:30PM – 05:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Thursday, 25 August 2022

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8A Strathbogie Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

09:45AM – 10:35AM Le Mana Program

12:45PM – 05:00PM The Australian Vault Exhibition

03:20PM – 04:15PM Homework Club (Library)

Friday, 26 August 2022

All Day  – VCAL Activities – Wear it Purple Day

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8A Strathbogie Camp

08:55AM – 02:00PM Employer Open House

08:55AM – 03:10PM Keilor Division Athletics Carnival

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

Saturday, 27 August 2022

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

11:00AM – 04:00PM MAC Rehearsals (If Needed)

Sunday, 28 August 2022

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

Monday, 29 August 2022

08:15AM – 04:00PM Year 7 Maths Day

08:45AM – 03:00PM Year 9 City Experience Field Work

09:00AM – 10:00AM VCE Legal Studies – Supreme Court Judge Zoom Session

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

01:30PM – 03:10PM Year 11 VCAL Project Workshop – Phase 3

03:30PM – 04:30PM iTrack Program

03:30PM – 05:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

08:45AM – 03:00PM Year 9 City Experience Field Work

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

09:45AM – 10:35AM Drum Beat

12:40PM – 01:20PM Homework Club (Library)

03:30PM – 05:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

08:45AM – 03:00PM Year 9 City Experience Field Work

08:55AM – 12:40PM Year 12 VCAL Real Talk

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8B Strathbogie Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

03:30PM – 05:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Thursday, 1 September 2022

08:45AM – 03:00PM Year 9 City Experience Field Work

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8B Strathbogie Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

11:00AM – 11:50AM Le Mana Program

03:20PM – 04:15PM Homework Club (Library)

Friday, 2 September 2022

All Day – Yr 12 SACs Completed

08:45AM – 03:00PM Year 9 City Experience Field Work

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8B Strathbogie Camp

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 12 VCAL – Work Ready Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

Saturday, 3 September 2022

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

10:30AM – 04:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Sunday, 4 September 2022

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

Monday, 5 September 2022

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 12 VCAL – Work Ready Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

03:30PM – 04:30PM iTrack Program

04:00PM – 07:00PM MAC Rehearsals

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

09:00AM 11:00AM ABCN Digital Focus Program

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

11:00AM – 03:00PM MAC Rehearsals

12:40PM – 01:20PM Homework Club (Library)

03:30PM – 06:30PM MAC Rehearsals

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8K Strathbogie Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

10:00AM – 01:30PM Senior Secondary GAT

03:30PM – 06:30PM MAC Rehearsals

Thursday, 8 September

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8K Strathbogie Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

01:00PM – 05:00PM MAC Rehearsals

02:20PM – 03:10PM Le Mana Program

03:20PM – 04:15PM Homework Club (Library)

Friday, 9 September

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 8K Strathbogie Camp

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 12 VCAL – Work Ready Boot Camp

09:00AM – 03:10PM MAC Rehearsals (If Needed)

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

12:40PM – 01:30PM VCAL Lunchtime Activities – R U OK Day

Saturday, 10 September

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

10:00AM – 03:10PM MAC Rehearsals (Full Dress)

Sunday, 11 September

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

Monday, 12 September

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 12 VCAL – Work Ready Boot Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

01:30PM – 03:10PM Year 11 VCAL Project Workshop – Phase 4

01:30PM – 03:30PM MAC Matinee Performance (7H, 7I, 7J, 7K, 7L & 7EAL2)

03:30PM – 04:30PM iTrack Program

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Evening Performance

Tuesday, 13 September

08:55AM – 03:10PM CIS Junior Poetry Competition

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

11:00AM – 01:00PM MAC Matinee Performance (Primary Schools)

03:30PM – 04:30PM Year 12 VCE -English Exam Revision Seminar

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Evening Performance

Wednesday, 14 September

All Day Student Free Day (Parent Teacher Interviews)

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

01:00PM – 07:00PM Parent Teacher Interviews

Thursday, 15 September

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments

01:30PM – 03:30PM MAC Matinee Performance (7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, Yr 8 Drama & Yr 8 Music)

11:50AM – 12:40PM Le Mana Program

07:00PM – 09:00PM MAC Evening Performance

Friday, 16 September

All Day – Last Day of Term 3

08:55AM – 03:10PM Year 12 VCAL – Work Ready Boot Camp

09:15AM – 03:30PM VTAC Open for Year 12 Tertiary Application Appointments






Junior School Report

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In week 4 of the term, all Junior School students participated in the Athletics Carnival.  This is a mammoth logistical exercise, and involved all students from the sub-school attending the Keilor Park Athletics Track for most of the day.  It was very pleasing to note that despite the rather inclement weather, student participation was substantially up from last year.  Our students may have been inspired by the concurrent Commonwealth Games in Birmingham!  The coordinators would like to congratulate the students on the way that they behaved on the day. It was wonderful to see the values of the school being reflected in the behaviour of the students.  Students agreed that it was a demonstration of teamwork and was an entertaining and exciting day.  Of particular note was the victory of the students over the teachers in the Tug-of-War.


Junior School students have continued to attend camp at Strathbogie.  We are now moving into the Year 8 classes going, which is particularly exciting for those students who missed out on camp in 2021.  With the cold weather now truly set in, please ensure that students are appropriately dressed when they go on camp.

Course selection for Year 8 students, into Year 9 is now open.  This year we are providing students with a direct link to their EdVal account, so that they may enter their own classes directly.  Please pay attention to the course selection rules.  These rules determine which classes can be selected for next year and are built into the selection process.  Course selection closes on Friday, 19 August.



Craig Moore – Junior Sub School Leader


Middle School Report

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With Term 3 now well under way, Year 9 and 10 students have completed their course counseling assignments for the year, and made their subject selections in line with their pathways for 2023.  Year 9s have selected a wide range of subjects to study in Year 10 next year, and many of them have established a clear route into their chosen field of study in the years to come.  Year 10 students also spent a great deal of time thinking about their options for next year; a number of students were successful in their applications to study an accelerated VCE subject in 2023.  Thank you to all parents who attended our VCE information evening earlier in the term, and to those who contacted Year Level Coordinators to discuss course selections, and asked questions about the VCE and VCE VM pathways available to students next year.

On Tuesday 16 August, the Year 10 Peer Mentors led the annual speed careering sessions for Year 10 students. Members of the College’s business and community network were in attendance and met with students to discuss their careers and the pathways they took from Year 10 into employment. The sessions were very well received by the students, and the Peer Mentors did an excellent job of organising the session under the guidance of Mr Adrian McCall.  

A number of Middle School students also took part in the MAV Maths Games and did very well in representing the school and solving a number of complex Maths problems. Congratulations to all the students who took part.

Year 9 students are now in the final stages of preparing for their City Experience excursion which begins on Monday 26 August. A reminder to parents to provide consent and payment for this excursion through Compass. Please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator if you require further support with this.


Becky Annetts – Middle Sub School Leader

Senior School Report

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The focus for Term 3 in the Senior Sub School was to celebrate student achievements and to build students’ confidence and self-efficacy. We have also been supporting our students with preparing for the GAT and the upcoming exams.

We held our traditional ‘Motivational Lunch’ with our Year 12 students on Wednesday 10 August. The Year 12 students reflected on their goals as Year 7 students, and contemplated “looking back, so the view looking forward is even clearer”. We welcomed back Jamal Baba, whose engaging presentation captivated the audience. He spoke eloquently about habit formation and the importance of discipline versus motivation. His key messages were to set small and consistent S.M.A.R.T goals, to take into consideration the ultradian performance rhythm when planning study, the importance of sleep for wellbeing and to make the most of the last few months at St Albans Secondary College. Students were given a pizza lunch, while they enjoyed musical performances from our talented senior music students. Many students also received “motivation awards” for their effort, enthusiasm, support of their peers and consistent hard work.

General Achievement Test (GAT)

All students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3 –4 sequence will be required to sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) sections A and B on Wednesday 7 September 2022. Senior VCAL students will sit Section A only. To familiarise students with the requirements and structure of the GAT, we held after-school GAT information sessions on Tuesday 16 August and Wednesday 17 August. Students were given detailed examples of questions and were guided on how to write responses that would attract maximum marks. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Michelle Veith, who volunteered to run the GAT information sessions for our students. Ms Veith is an experienced member of staff, who has been a VCAA assessor of the final English Examination for over 25 years, and has marked the GAT since its inception. We are thankful to Ms Veith for sharing her knowledge and expertise of the GAT with our students.

Health & Wellbeing

As part of a whole school approach to promoting health and wellbeing, Year 11 and Year 12 students will participate in a session run by our Health Promotion Nurse on vaping. This proactive approach aims to educate our senior students on the short and long term effects of vaping on health and wellbeing, and is based on scientific research.

Year 11 Progress Reports

Year 11 Term 3 progress reports are now available for viewing on the student and parent portals. Year level coordinators will be meeting with parents or contacting home if there are any concerns. We would like to remind families that students must meet the ‘Promotion Policy’ to move from Year 11 into Year 12. Please refer to the “Senior Sub School handbook” that was given to families during Term 1 or refer the College website.

Year 12 – Unit 4 Coursework 

All Unit 4 coursework will be completed in Week 8. As the VCE exams are just around the corner, we encourage our students to use the skills they have learned in note-making and other study techniques to start preparing for their final exams. As a guide, students should be studying for 3 to 4 hours each night, with short breaks in between study sessions. We request parents/guardians to support their child by providing a quiet space to work, with minimal disruptions where possible.

Year 12VCAL Youth Day

Year 12 VCAL students have been busy preparing for Youth Day on Friday 20 August. We encourage students to join in the plethora of fun activities they have organised for the school community. They will also be preparing their portfolios for their final interviews in the coming weeks.

Exam Preparation 

As the saying goes, preparation is the key to success. If students would like support with exam/portfolio preparation, please do not hesitate to speak to your teachers, or see us in the Senior Sub School.


We welcome parents/guardians to contact us on 9366 2555 if they have any queries or concerns about their child. 


Marlene Cassar – Senior Sub School Leader

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College

New Staff at St Albans Secondary College
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 Jacob Marinelli 

Hi, my name is Jacob, and I am a new addition to the St Albans Secondary College teaching staff. I am excited to be teaching Physical Education for the remainder of this year, and hope to undertake some coaching roles before the year ends.

I have a background in Soccer and Aussie Rules Football, I support the Western Bulldogs, and I recently made the transfer from Bacchus Marsh College.





Ly Tran

Hi, my name is Ly. I am new to the education system and feel very lucky to be working at St Albans Secondary College as an Integration Aide.  I come from a background in Accounting , Bookkeeping, administration and am looking forward to a new challenge. 

I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy cooking and baking with my kids. I also enjoy yoga and am a succulents lover. 

I am looking forward to meet and working with you all. 




MAC Production 2022

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Update – The Lion King Jr

The performances of The Lion King Jr are getting closer and the cast, crew and band are working hard to make this show special. We are excited that we have many new performers and that they have developed so much during the rehearsal process. Our student leaders are also making a wonderful contribution in supporting younger students and helping with rehearsals.


Over the next few weeks, we will be bringing the cast and band together for the first time and from week 7 the PAC will be transformed.

Tickets are selling quickly. Don’t miss out and book through the trybooking link below:



Dates:      Monday, 12 September – 7pm

                Tuesday, 13 September – 7pm

                Thursday, 15 September – 7pm

Tickets:  $12 
Family:  $45 (2 Adults and 2 Children)

The Performing Arts Centre will be open from 6:30pm.  Doors to the theatre will be open at 6:40pm and close at 6:55pm SHARP

Janet McKenzie (Director), Nick D’Aglas (Artistic Director), James Orchard (Musical Director), Melrose Tran (Assistant Musical Director)

Science Faculty

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A group of our Year 9 and 10 Science students had the opportunity to participate in a Challenge and Enrichment Program offered by GTAC (Gene Technology Access Centre) on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 August 2022.

GTAC was established at University High School, Parkville in late 2000. It was developed in collaboration with the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, spearheaded by their director, Professor Suzanne Cory; and the Department of Immunology at The University of Melbourne.

GTAC forms a unique partnership between students, teachers and research scientists.

Students firstly completed an online course, preparing them for their research project at GTAC.

They then participated in a full day excursion to GTAC laboratories, where they worked in groups of six with their Science Mentors who are currently working on Doctorate and PhD projects, with Medical and Veterinary focus. Their mentors guided them to generate DNA barcodes for Cloacina parasites which infest Wallabies, Quokkas and Kangaroo. They looked at Cloacina under state-of-the-art microscopes, then generated DNA using polymerase chain reactions and gel electrophoresis. Their DNA barcodes were then sent to AGRF (Australian Genome Research Facility) for sequencing.

Once their results are sequenced, students will participate in an online workshop where they will use Bioinformatics programs to analyse the DNA data sets and barcodes generated while at GTAC. These results will become part of the extensive research data being collected by AGRF to understand changes in DNA over time of Cloacina Species in Australian wildlife.

The teachers received excellent feedback from the GTAC Education Officers:

Thank you to you and your students for coming to GTAC last Friday, it was a lovely two days we had them in the centre!  Your students were really engaged, listened well, and the GTAC staff had a great time with them. They were excellent representatives for St Albans Secondary College.”

Thank you to Mr Goldbaum for organising and nominating our students for this program and to Ms Borle, Ms Miskovic and Ms Mortimer who also attended the excursions.

Sports Faculty

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Year 7 & 8 Boys Volleyball

The Year 7 & 8 boys travelled to Gilson College for the Keilor Division Volleyball competition on August 2. Both teams played excellent volleyball and were very well trained before the day.

The Year 7 boys won both of their pool games defeating Springside West Secondary College and Copperfield in closely contested three set games. They won their pool and played in the final against Victoria University Secondary College. It was a great contest with VU winning the first set comfortably and in intimidating fashion. St Albans bounced back in fine fashion in the second set and balanced the ledger. The final set was closely contested, but it was VU that prevailed as the Year 7 boys couldn’t quite hold their nerve. It was a great effort for them to reach the final.

The Year 8 boys beat Sunshine in their first pool game, but lost the other two to Springside West and Copperfield. They played some very dynamic and exciting volleyball. Richard To was noted by Mr Lakovski for his consistent and fast passed serving.


Mr Simon Lynch & Mr Robert Lakovski –  Volleyball Coaches

Western Metropolitan Sports Region –  Intermediate Girls, Senior Boys and Senior Girls Badminton Tournaments

The badminton teams from our St Albans College have had a successful season competing with the other schools in the region and in the Western metropolitan.

The Senior Boys and Girls badminton teams represented St Albans Secondary College in the Western Metropolitan Sports Region tournament on 26 July, 2022 and the Intermediate Girls on 27 July, 2022. The students attended the tournaments after their successful participations in the Keilor Division on 6 May and 26 May, 2022.


The students spent the day at the Badminton and Table Tennis Centre in Truganina competing against the representatives of other schools in the west. Our badminton teams played 4 singles and 2 doubles against other schools in the competition. Our students displayed great teamwork and collaboration with their best behaviour throughout the day.

Two of our teams, Senior Boys and Intermediate Girls, were competitive and effective in their matches. They managed to win convincingly and secure the second place in the Western Metropolitan Sports Region for Badminton and were rewarded the Runners Up.

Thanks to the badminton program at the school, which runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, our students have had the opportunities to practice their badminton skills and to connect with other students in the school.

The badminton program attracts many students and it has been proven to be a successful program that encourages our students to be more active and to learn new skills playing a friendly yet competitive and collaborative sport. It has been a positive and supportive venue for our students to feel connected and supported. It also creates the great opportunities for new students at our College to reach out and make new friends.


Mr Pat Lac – Badminton Coach


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On Monday August 8, Multiplex, in partnership with Ourschool, opened their new Footscray Hospital construction site to a select few students from SASC, Wyndham Central SC and Keilor Downs College. In a bid to encourage more females into construction, the event was open to female identifying students interested in design, trades, construction or building, and organised through the Alumni Programs at these schools.

43 students from across the 3 schools (20 from SASC) had the privilege of touring the worksite chaperoned by Multiplex employees who explained in detail the processes of building and the responsibilities for each contractor on site.

Given it was an RDO for workers the site was non-operational, but it still provided students with an overview of the site, the skills and attributes required to work there and the myriad of pathways into the industry.

Before the tour the students took part in a conversational Q&A with a panel of Multiplex employees; one from management, a cadet, a carpenter, and an electrician. These conversations really opened the students’ eyes to the opportunities that exist for anyone who is serious about a pathway into the industry. 












Digital Technology

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Introducing Our Student Technology Experts


In our role as Digital Learning Specialists at St Albans Secondary College, Ms Biondi and Ms Lee are proud to introduce our Student Tech Experts for 2022.

This program has been developed to encourage and support student leadership, agency and voice in the classroom. It will allow students from Year 7, 8 and 9 to take on a leadership position in the classroom and assist with the use of digital technologies to enhance learning.

The following students will work closely with their teachers to design Teaching and Learning activities that best utilize digital technology during term 3 and 4. They will also be of assistance to students in their class and help with knowledge, strategies and ideas to improve learning though various digital platforms and applications.

Please join us in congratulating the following students:

         Year 7 – Layla Le & Amy Vo

         Year 8 – Henry Le & Kathy Vo

         Year 9 – Ethan Shaw & Haily Le



Ms Piera Biondi – Learning Specialist Digital Technology

Library – Book Week

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CBCA Book Week 2022

It’s Book Week! Starting the 22nd August, the library will spend one glorious, event-filled week celebrating books and Australian children’s authors and illustrators. This year’s theme is Dreaming with Eyes Open.

Guests include:

  • Amra Pajalic – Young Adult Author
  • Van Rudd – Artist
  • Monica Athanasiou – Picture Book Author
  • Maxine Beneba Clarke – Author


  • Bookface:  Junior, middle, senior sub school students & staff winners get a $40 book voucher from Readings Bookshop.  Pictures to be taken at home (due to the no phones rule) and emailed to .


  • Design Your Own Book Cover: Junior, middle, senior sub school students & staff winners get a $30 book voucher from Readings Bookshop. Can be digital or print.


  • Book Summary Haiku:  Write a Haiku summarising your favourite book.  A traditional Haiku follows the pattern of 5/7/5 – five syllables in the first line, seven in the second line, and five in the third line.  See example below.  This competition is open to staff, junior, middle and senior sub school students.  Winners will receive a $30 book voucher from Readings Bookshop.

Dumbledore’s no more
The gang find Deathly Hallows
Neville saves the day

  • Guess the Costume: On National School Library Day (24 August). participating staff will be dressing up as their favourite book character.  To participate in the competition, students can interview 10 costumed staff and write down both the character and the book it’s from.  Students with 10 correct answers go into the draw to win a $30 Readings Bookshop voucher.  Entry forms are available from the Library.



Ms Vicki Bunce – Teacher Librarian


Community News

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Footscray Lacrosse Club – Recruiting





St Albans Football Club – Recruiting


The St Albans Football Club is a proud community football club located in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne and based at Errington Reserve St Albans and Kings Park Reserve, Gillespie Road St Albans. 

In addition to its core football roots, St Albans Football Club presents an open accessible face, welcoming members and guests into its sporting and social programs from the broad spectrum of cultures within its melting pot suburb.

Our “Vision” is to be the sporting club of choice for our community, encouraging all to participate with no barriers to entry and success.









Albion Football Club – Recruiting














Swimland Swim Club