Over the last few weeks, students in both Year 9 and Year 10 have completed semester tests and exams. Students should be congratulated on how well they conducted themselves during the exam period, especially the Yr 10s who had to navigate changes to their usual school day and timetables.


Proactive Programs Days

From Monday 6th June to Wednesday 8th June, Year 10 students were engaged in a number of activities linked to our College values and focus on building connections for students in a respectful and protective manner.

Students spent the first day of the week reviewing their recent exam performance, reviewing aspects of the exams and setting personalised targets for future learning. Thank you to all the teachers who spent time creating examiner’s reports and summaries for students to refer to.

Over the following two days, students worked with their peers to design a presentation about the importance of resilience, engaged in a trivia quiz to win points for their home group and houses, and were visited by guest speakers. On Tuesday, students were spoken to about the dangers of carrying knives in society and the impact this decision can have. School Nurse, Nadia Diaco, ran informed consent and sexual health talks to one half of the year group whilst the remaining students worked in groups to develop a presentation about resilience. In the afternoon returning guest speaker Sonya from ‘Whole New World’ spoke to the cohort about safe and responsible decision making.

During the third day of proactive programs, students spent time in their home groups and cycled through several different activities. Wellbeing and mindfulness sessions were organised by Rahme Hasan and the wellbeing team, Brendan McFarland ran a series of tableau sports out on the COLA, and the African Drumming group Melbourne Djembe engaged the students in drumming and percussion sessions.

Thank you to the students for their enthusiasm and participation over the course of the days, and to all staff members for their organisation of activities – particularly the Middle Sub School Team.

Key Dates

Monday 20th June – Semester 2 begins for Year 10 students


Becky Annetts – Middle Sub School Leader

The Sharemarket Game


During Semester 1, the Year 10 Personal Financial Management classes participated in the ‘Sharemarket Game’, organised by the Australian Securities Exchange.  The game involves each student being allocated a notional $50,000, which they can invest in shares on the ASX.  They are able to buy, sell and hold shares using real world prices and trading conditions, over a period of several weeks.  Students and teachers are able to monitor their portfolio value and adjust their holdings according to their own trading strategies.  The game has been played for many years, but this is the first time that SASC has participated in an organised manner.

There were over 19,000 players in the game, and Jennifer Ngo of 10A came sixth in Australia and first in Victoria.  This is an outstanding result.  Whilst the sharemarket performed poorly over the duration of the game, Jennifer finished with a portfolio value of over $57,000, capital gain of $7,000.  Not bad for a few weeks of trading.  Jennifer’s strategy involved considering the impact of global events on listed companies and then closely monitoring the shares and increasing her cash holding as the market deteriorated.  Jennifer won a certificate, a copy of the book ‘Getting Started Investing’ and a cash prize.

Personal Financial Management students will be playing the game again in second semester.  


Craig Moore – Commerce Teacher