Welcome back to all Middle School students, family and teachers. We hope that you enjoyed your Easter holidays and the chance to spend quality time together as a family.

Over the next few weeks, students in Year 9 and 10 will be summarising their learning over the course of the semester in preparation for semester tests and exams. Teachers have spent time with students reviewing their learning and supporting them to identify areas for targeted revision. In assemblies, students were reminded of the importance of a good diet and sleeping well in preparation for exams and tests

On Wednesday 4th May, the Year 10 Peer Mentors organised a breakfast to begin the schedule of events with the College’s Business and Community Partners. A huge thank you to Mr Adrian McCall, Ms Lynda Vo, Ms Marlene Cassar and the Year 12 VCAL students for their support in organising and facilitating the event.


Key Dates

From Tuesday 10th May – Thursday 19th May, Year 9 students will be completing their NAPLAN tests for Language Conventions, Reading, Writing and Numeracy. The timetable for NAPLAN tests will be available on Compass for parents and students to refer to.

Work experience starts for Year 10 students on Thursday 9th June for one six days.  Any student who has not yet confirmed a work placement and completed the necessary OHS modules must see a member of the careers team for support. 

Semester Two for Year 10 will start on Monday 20th June, with changes to students’ electives, and in some cases, their English and Maths teachers. 

Year 9 Semester Tests – Monday 30th May to Wednesday 1st June

Year 10 Semester Exams – Thursday 26th May to Friday 3rd June


State Rugby League Team Selection

Congratulations to both Nathanial Sialaoa & Divine Vili, who have both been selected for the 2022 U15 Victoria Schoolboys Train-on Squad. Both have worked hard on and off the field and have been rewarded with being recognised as 2 of the top 28 league players in the State for their age group.

Well done to you both, you should be very proud of yourselves, and we are cheering you on all the way.  – Mr Sam Brown


We wish the students all the best for their tests and exams.


Becky Annetts – Middle Sub School Leader