The College recently received the results of the 2021 NAPLAN testing. Students in Year 7 and 9 sat three tests: Reading, Numeracy and Language Conventions, which assesses writing and spelling as well as grammar and punctuation.

Each individual student receives a report, which has been mailed home. The College is provided with data which compares the school to the State, other local schools and to schools that are similar to ours in terms of student achievement and student growth.

Overall our results were excellent, which is a tribute to the hard work of the students and teachers over the past 2 years, particularly given the difficulties we have faced in 2020 and 2021.

A summary of some of the highlights is provided below:

Year 7

In Reading, 28% of students achieved in the top 2 bands, which is the same as the State.

In Numeracy, 36% of students achieved in the top 2 bands, compared with 30% in the State.


Year 9

In Writing, 13% of students achieved in the top 2 bands, compared to 9% in the State.

In Numeracy 23% of students achieved in the top 2 bands, compared to 19% in the State.

26% of students made high growth in Writing, compared to 23% in the State.

25% of students made high growth in Reading, compared to 24% in the State.

In all areas measured, the College was above or equal to our local schools and similar schools.

This year, for the first time, the Department of Education and Training provided certificates to Year 9 students who showed excellent achievement or excellent growth. 76 of our students received one of these certificates, which is an excellent result.

These results should be celebrated as an indication of the hard work of all of our students and teachers. English and Maths teachers especially will analyse the results in detail to look at areas of strengths, and to plan for interventions to support students who are identified as needing it.

Please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator initially if you have any questions.

The table below shows the percentage of our students who made high growth in each area of NAPLAN over the two years from Year 7 to 9, compared to similar schools, local secondary schools and the state.

Category School Similar Schools Network Schools State
Reading 25% 23% 25% 25%
Writing 13% 7% 10% 9%
Numeracy 23% 23% 21% 24%